[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Pissed off.
Reason: Where do I start? I have a twat of an ex who only talks to me when hes bored and work have got me in early tommorow. By earl I mean 90 mins before the shop opens!! And 2 7am starts next week, 2 hours before the shops opens?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK!! No other xmas temps are doing this shit, but me. Mega pissed off.
Mood: Fine

Reason: Had a nice Saturday evening, but I'm hoping tomorrow will be ok at work. It went WAY too slow today and had some angry customers to deal with as well. Hopefully, I'll get to play my iPod instead of hearing those annoying Christmas songs.
Mood: Good

Reason: Woke up at about 9:30 this morning and man it so hot!

Might go to the shops today and get a few things and I really want to tidy up a few of the rooms at the moment.

There is just so much shit in them it's not funny.

I want to go through all the paperwork we've both been hoarding and burn it!
Pretty Happy

I finished my English essay last night so that gets rid of a mass amount of my homework, I need to do some Psychology but that shouldn't be too difficult to finish off. Probably just as well since I have 5aside today as well. Overall I feel pretty awesome really. :D
Mood: Up and down

Reason: GOt Clare round for the weekend, we've mad soup, chciken fajits, ginger cake and chocolate cheesecake,. We are clearly awesome. Also, very very fat....weve got a fucking massive (well 2) multi bag of almost gone crisps in the kitchen, dominos pizza tonight MY DIET :gonk: I'm going to get so fat, but alas, it's been worth it xD THe parkin (aka ginger cake) was fucking IMMENSE. We actually sat QUIETLY and watched Twilight last night, well, inbetween the random 'phwoars' and 'ooooohs' and 'OMFG LETS RAPE HIM, YOU PIN HIM DOWN ....etc 8F' We're ANIMALS :inlove:

Disney day today, watched Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty now, Aladdin later. Good times :ryan:

She's also abandonned her poor kitten that had his nadfs chopped off the other day to spend the weekend with me, poor George 8F

THe down part was some bad news, but well ¬_¬
Mood: A bit sick and tired

Reason: Just finished drinking and I feel seedy. I'm beginning to think that I can't drink much anymore. XD It also makes me tired if I'm not doing anything whilst drinking.

I have a headache too so I should go to bed.

Stupid work tomorrow. Can't wait for my holiday in February! I get two weeks off. XD

I also get my Opens on the same week I first go on holidays! So that's good because at least I'll be able to go to the Transport Department during the week to get my drivers licence renewal.
Sick and Annoyed

Cold and cough rly got me there ): That means no go to swimming again /sighs

Annoyed because I got a hell of a lot of work to do/revise
Mood: Tired

Reason: I'm also annoyed because this weekend's turned out to be more annoying, but not quite as much as the week in general. Had a tiring day at work. But I had to get back to my dad's and head straight back out since I didn't know what time he was going to be back whatsoever, so that meant I had to make something to eat for myself when I got back at the flat. Had something to eat and am just going to watch some online TV for the rest of the night.
Mood: Not well.

Reason: I started becoming a little dizzy in town today. That sucks, I thought, considering this a rather terrible time to fall ill. I guess it's something to do with my house being so cold! At least my room is nice and cosy, and actually habitable enough to be online right now. The only problem is- I can't think right now. I have an essay for tomorrow next to me.
Bit tired

Finished my psychology homework off which was pretty boring. Watched the Xfactor results and the Southampton-Brighton highlights as well as what was left of Twilight on Sky Prem +1 so I haven't really done much for the last 6/7 hours 8F
Mood: Content...

:ryan: Today was a decent day. Work failed, but when does it not, really?

Got a few of my long lost favourite songs back, I had completely forgotten about them. I are happy to have them back. :ryan: They're on repeat... Ahh... Memories.

Bed soon. Work tomorrow.
Mood:pissed off. I am pissed riht now because i WAS SO CLOSE TO 10 RANKed matches in a row acheivement on Street fighter IV. Awwww gawd I have to start over now from 1 win. Ill just keep using Zangief but he to loses :sad2: Apart from that I have college tommorow :ness:
Mood: Good

Reason: Nothing much bothered me today.

I ate good food today too. I didn't drink any soft drink and I didn't eat any take away. XD

I had a yummy stir fry for lunch with some yoghurt and other things.

Tried to buy a filing cabinet today but the only one I found was $80 and I wasn't about to spend that much money.

There's nothing outstanding about the way I feel at present. Not too angry nor too happy. A perfect balance, maybe. Nevertheless, I did get a great share of play today, and tomorrow, I've challenged a friend to a so-called 'duel'- really, just a badminton match- to settle some 'scores'.

That said, my mood's rather fine now.... Damn. Am wondering what's coming for dinner now though.

Okay so I'm trying to my college application in and I need to print a few things and guess what? My printer has no damn ink. I wanna get this done so I can attend college in January. Mother will get so mad at me and I can see why, this is horrible....
Mood: Stressed

Reason: I failed my biology exam after studying for four days, taking extremely detailed notes, reviewing over key terms and structures, and visiting a private tutor three times a week.
Mood: Irritated

Reason: I had a long hockey practice today from 4-6pm.....in the vicious winds and torrential rain. Well to be exact, it didn't rain until 5.30pm, but it rained enough to nearly drown the astroturf. Why the practice was so long I have no clue. We're decent hockey players- a shorter session doesn't spell an instant loss. I'm fine now at the moment because the next practice should be on Wednesday. Hopefully it will be better weather then.

I've done all my Psychology homework...I think. On that topic though, I can't be bothered with it tomorrow, it becomes a real bore leading up to the exams, especially when you start getting hammered with work >.> All being said, I only have that lesson tomorrow anyway so I'm finished at 11 >.>
Mood: lonely and loveless

Reason: I want a relationship withsomeone. If you are interested, girls, guys, inanimate objects, whatever, hit me up. If not, just let me slowly die inside.........waaaaaaaaah!
Mood: fucking bored... Well I am fucking bored cause I had to study for shit the whole fucking day! On top of that my world ed teacher is a bitch and she gave us another assignment! Fuck I have one due the 25th and one due the 30th!