[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Happy

Reason: In a much better mood than yesterday because I'm home and have now come to the conclusion that my university is evil since it threw loads of crap into my life. The only good thing about it right now is the course, everything else sucks. Can chill at home with an empty house for the meantime and got a driving lesson at 5 tonight. So it's all good right now.
Mood: Full and cold.
Reason: Just had some chinese noodles and Im stuffed lol. But the house is freezing cold, so Im shivering in my room watching last episode of Supernatural series 3 :|
Pretty Awesome

I had all my college reviews done within 2 hours so apart from the odd bit of homework I don't have anything to do in the next 3 days. I had a bit of a stomach ache earlier on but that was just down to hunger really. So might just chill on FIFA a bit :ryan:
Mood: Alright

Reason: It's been a good day at college. For once the class has been given a chance to chatter continuously during English Literature class instead of talking about Carol Ann Duffy's poems. Four of us were together in a group, just drifting off into hundreds of topics. Perhaps there is some fun in college after all!

Not big about the GCSEs; got a 30/36 in my mock ): And there's the Geo test as well :gasp:

Had a quite hyper day with my best friends, since we sat together in lesson and all, but PE was the--
Mood: Happy

Reason: It's finally the weekend yet again. The weeks just keep going faster and faster it's so scary. I'll be thirty before you know it.

I was meant to go to my friends tonight but we're both buggered and she has an exam to study for and also has work at 8:30 tomorrow morning. So we just decided to leave it until next week.

Gah work is stressing me out so much at the moment. :gonk:
Mood: Tiiiiiiiired

Reason: Ughhh Im not getting over this tiredness anytime soon hahaha, Im getting too old for this 8F I blew off my IT course today and just came back home to bed, not that I could sleep mind, bt it was better than sitting htere and having to think and be productive, I'l go next week and grovel, this week I just can not be arsed doing shit all. Got Clare round for the weekend as well, so more alcohol :gonk: Im going to be such a disgrace come monday and I have shit to do next week -__-
Mood - Urgh.

I hate being ill. After seeing my Dad, Granddad and Brother have it, I've now got the flu. I spent all last night vomiting, pretty much, which was awful. I didn't realise how much vomit a bowl of soup could create. Not fun.

Luckily, I have today off college anyway so I don't miss much, and I should have a fairly decent weekend, since I only have a History essay to do, but that's not due in till Thursday. Great.
Mood: Pissed

A person i don't ever want to see again is coming down for thanksgiving, i really don't want her here. She knows i don't and yet she's still coming, i don't know what the fuck i'm going to do. I'm starting to finally feel happy for once in my miserable fucking life and she just chooses to comes down to get me back to how i was before i joined FFF and met the people i know here.

I'll figure out something i guess, i usually do. But then again there are times i don't in time. Man some month this is turning out to be.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I spent most of the day handing out flyers for a clothing store. Basically I had to just walk around town and approach strangers. Pretty easy really but tiring nonetheless. I also gave one to my state Premier which I found pretty funny.
Not amused

Friday the 13th is rly unlucky for me, I got my Eng paper back with a D grade and the last question I did 11/30 :sad2: God, I just need help with analysing *groans*

I'mma get wrecked for not going to swimming to 2 WEEKS, but it's open day and D of E training tomoro so meh~♥

Still worried about the GCSEs ¬_¬
Mood: Fine

Reason: Had a mint day with my friend from college, whom I always share and discuss story ideas with. She always comes up with incredibly funny quotes that I have to jot down or record each time she says them! Gonna chill out tonight, so that I can be prepared for work tomorrow.
Mood: Hungry

Reason: Not yet had breakfast.

I woke up at about 6:30 this morning. It felt later which is weird. I've been on here since then just browsing around.

Steve is actually up too. Probably because I wasn't in bed. XD

Already made a start on the left over washing from the week. Oh and Steve fixed my car yesterday! The colour is slightly darker but the point is that it looks better than a banged up panel. XD

Today is going to be good, as we're going to give my best friend and her partner a bed for Christmas. They have no idea that we're giving it to them until we get there though. XD
Mood: Tired

Reason: Spent all evening watching TV on catchup and methinks it's now time to go to bed. Got work tomorrow afternoon, but still have to go to my mum's tomorrow morning to get some money she owes me and pick up my work clothes. I'm ever so grateful she only lives around the corner from work!
Mood - Urgh.

My internet is starting to act up something awful, I've been this close to smashing the router with a hammer, I swear. When it's working, it's fantastic, when it isn't, it's shiiit. I still feel like shit too, I keep getting dehydrated, drinking lots of juice, only to promptly regurgitate it. My Granddad keeps trying to make me eat too, when really, I don't want to see food twice. D=
Mood: Tired

Reason: Woke up at 6:30 this morning. :gonk:

But I'm off to have a few drinks at my mates place with Steve. We just had the best dinner. *drools*

Steve is such a good cook. :gonk:

I still need to put some clothes on and Steve needs to have a shower before we go.

It's already 9:30. We'll have to come home as soon as we get there pretty much.
Mood: A bit Sick

Reason: Down here in Alabama right now and we had the most disgusting pizza I ever ate before from dominos. L's mom ordered a pizza with extra pepperonis.. first wtf was she thinking, second though.. the pepperonis were so many that four were stacked in the same place as one another. My stomach is saying.. Eff you man.

I'm so happy today ^^. I won my first SoTW and yeah I saw the tag down there and I plain out blushed. So flattering really. ♥ I get to buy some art supplies today and yeah, I'm just excited today. My friend is here and we'll be goiing out soon.
Mood: Rather glum

Reason: It's so cold lately! I know it's approaching winter, and our heating system has found a great time to become rather dodgy on us. The fact that 80mph winds are due to hit us is of no consolation either. There is also that essay for English Literature I haven't quite got round to doing....:hmmm:
Mood: Tired
Reason: It's 2:30am and I am just dead. :gonk:

We got home from my mates about half an hour ago. We were there for about four hours. It didn't even feel like it was 2am when we left.

I had a few drinks and I feel really good. Not sick or anything.

But every now and then I feel really awake though! I feel excited for some reason. I just want to do something!
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