[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood - Happy.

Well, now the shoe is on the other foot. The internet is working for me, but failing for everyone else. Hahaha.

I think I'm in a trance by this stupid Kate Bush song. I have no idea what the fuck she's saying, but it's hypnotic, I swear. And, I'm amazed a voice can go that high.

Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Had 12 hours sleep last night, which I'm still surprised with and the fact that I'm wide awake for once makes things even better! Got the house to myself for another half an hour and then it's off to work for the afternoon. Having my driving lesson half an hour after I finish work and then it's all gonna be about Saturday TV tonight. xD
Mood: Tired

My body's still in pain, i don't know what i'm gonna take now for the pain. I've become immune to most painkillers now. Its weird because, i don't take them more than the recommended dosage. Well only in rare cases but other than that i don't go overboard with taking them.

I'll probably just go back to sleep again, doesn't really help but its better than nothing i suppose.
Mood: Great

I got 12 hours sleep last night, which is better than my less than 6 hour sleeps I get during the week due to having to get up for school. I'm intending on having the laziest weekend ever, though my friend is back from uni and he's coming round today so I think I should go and get dressed >.>
Mood: REALLY PISSED. I am really pissed cause I was a 40 lastnight in team slayer on Halo 3 and now Im fucking a 37. BAD TEAMATES IS THE REASON. Well I just took a break of halo 3 for now but ill try later on I guess....

I feel weird at the moment, perhaps even empty, I'm not sure why. Perhaps I need to get out or I just plain need company or something. Its weird, its like one of those days that nothing appeals to you & you don't even want to get out of bed. Eh, it'll go awya I know that much but I want it to leave now.
Mood: Good

Reason: I've got a lot done this weekend. We got Steve a new car, we got me a new computer and we just had an awesome weekend in general.

The only thing that I was annoyed about was the fact that the reason I bought a new computer was so that I could get on the forums without any hassles. I bought it thinking that my old one had a few viruses and wasn't allowing me to access sites (this one in particular) properly.

Well it turns out that it's the forums picking on me and not letting me do hardly anything on here at the moment. >_<

Hopefully it sorts itself out VERY soon! :gasp:
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I know the examinations are not completely over yet, but already, I'm in the holiday mood. This, simply because the remaining papers does not require an in depth amount of study to snag that 'A' everyone so desires. Nevertheless, I do understand that I should not get too complacent and underestimate it.

Still, it feels good to know that the last few papers are so relaxing... Which is why I'm slacking around now.
Mood: Bored

Reason: I'm killing time before I go to work in around half an hour and it's going pretty slow. Hope my shift goes quick or else I'll blame it on Chris' music, unless I can get mine on. So yeah, I'm quite bored right now and trying to pass the time.
Mood: Good

Reason: We just had the most yummy dinner a few hours ago and then we sat down and watched 'The Last House on the Left.'

It was actually really disturbing and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. <_<

Anyway other than that my car is nearly fixed! The panel will go on sometime this week, we just need to put a final coat of clear coat on it.

It's nearly 10pm, so I'm off to bed soon too.

I'm glad the forums are at least letting me post now. I missed being here. v_v
Mood - Horribly Hungover.

As some of you are aware, I have recently moved to London.
I went out with my friend Dave to watch the Fireworks last night, That turned into a really heavy night of Vodka and some random estonian coffee like mixture of strong alcohol.

Good night though!
Mood - confused

my friend pulled out of our date today because she said "i got drunk and made out with a girl in my backyard i think i'm bi and i got a cold today so i can't go out maybe tomorrow ok?"

i think she is trying to avoid me but why?
Pretty Happy

We only have two days of college this week because we've got reviews on Weds/Thurs/Fri so we don't have to be in for more than 30 minutes in 3 days :ryan: Got no homework to worry about either, the homework I do have doesn't have to be until Tuesday so I can just do it tomorrow in my frees :awesome:
Mood - Fantastic.

Had a really good, if unproductive day. I've got nothing to really worry about, no homework or anything, and even though I have my worst college day tomorrow (Double Law and Double History) I'm not that bothered about it.

I dunno, I'm just feeling happy for some reason, I don't know why, but I like it. It's much better than being depressed or angry. xD
Mood: Happy

Reason: Steve finally brought his new car home today!

We got our fish tank filled with more salt water and we also got the portrait of me and Steve back from my aunties who did the framing for us.

Work was pretty breezy. Nothing really went wrong and I just cruised through the last couple of hours.

So yeah, pretty good day it was.
Mood: Relaxed

Just feeling extremely relaxed now. Even though there may be a few more papers to go before the examinations come to a real end, I'm already in a holiday mood. Those papers are supposed to be horrendously easy... Which further fuels my mood at present.

Then again, even if it's actually hard, I dare say it's impossible for me to fail.... So, having this mindset, it's virtually impossible for me to snap out of the relaxed state... Never mind that though, I'm embracing this idea. :D
Mood: Tired

Reason: We just got back from driving around in Steve's new car and we stopped off at my best mates house for a chat and now I'm just buggered.

I don't want to go to bed though because when I wake up it will be morning. =(

I get to see my friend tomorrow night though. =D

Can't wait for that!

I may just go watch a short movie or T.V series I have on DVD. I just refuse to go to bed right now. >_< It's only 10pm. :gonk:
Mood - Woohoo.

Just found out today that I'm not in college till 4 tomorrow, I'm only in till 1 cause of open evening. Sweet.

And, my parents are off to Canada, so it's just me, my brother and Grandad. It's like I have the house to myself for ten days - brother doesn't count since he'll stay out of my way, and Grandad, bless him, will probably just sit downstairs and watch TV. xD
Mood: hungover (again)

reason: well, my best mate turned 18 last week, and then the missus wanted me to come out up town clubbin last night and i thought "yea sure, why not" so i invited my mate, and she brought one of hers (blind hook-up FTW) andwe had lots to drink, got very very drunk (cnt remember getting home) and now, because of my partyboy attitude last night i am nursing the worse hangover in the history of mankind.

College was quite pointless, to summarise: Set an English essay and analysed a poem.
I finished at 11 pretty much but because my form teacher wasn't here and I didn't know I had nothing from 11 til half 2...then my law teacher wasn't here so I had nothing from 11 onwards :jtc: