[V3] What's Your Mood?


OMG Unit 1a of the Sciences is rly hard, we had past papers and I lost marks because of some stupid mistakes which I noticed straight after I've done the papers D: Plus stupid pressure from parents isn't helping ):

But I just had climbing for PE, and I just got ICT hwk to do, then piano, then mebbes swimming. Parents Evening tomoro, I kinda OK about that ^^
Mood: Tired, but Satisfied

Just finished a game of DotA. It wasn't as challenging in the early parts, but at the later stages, it was quite a strain on myself, mentally. Perhaps, because I immerse myself too deeply in the entire match?

Nevertheless, it was a massive victory for my side, with me ranking at the top. Throw in the fact I basically killed the opposing team repeatedly- with ease- I can't help feeling rather pleased with my performance.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Haven't had much sleep the last few nights, so I feel dead.

I only just got home from my mates house a while ago after watching Bruno and I feel dead. :gonk:

I'm off to bed now though. It's like 12:30am and I've got the biggest headache.

I don't feel so well in the stomach either.
Mood: Knackereddddd

Reason: Had about 4 hours sleep over 4 days :gonk: Muse last night was fucking awesome thoguh, it was worth getting there 2 hours early and getting crushed at the barrier 8F Lots of alcohol was consumed, James is still a cunt, me 'am didnt taste like am and we lost Lewis on saturday and was gunna go look for him at pret a manger..in the end we banged on his room door, gave up and went to bed haha 8F

Mood: Annoyed

My neighbor insists on leafblowing his entire lawn, front and back. He's been doing it since around 10:00 and it is now 11:48. I bet when it starts snowing they'll be using the snowblower and then bring out the lawn mower to try and mow the frozen ground, that's how obsessed these people are with their lawns
My tooth hurts as well, funfun

Other than that, I'm fine. No classes tomorrow for Veterans day, and I plan on sleeping most of the day
Mood: Tired

Reason: Basically because I just am, really. Had badminton last night and only had netball training tonight. I feel really dead and even though it's only half eight, I might call it a night just to wake up refreshed tomorrow.
Mood - Urgh.

I'm the only person in the house who hasn't got flu. Huzzah. And I don't have to go into college at all on Friday. Huzzah again.

Too bad my good mood is rapidly turning foul and it's totally freezing out there. And I have to walk home from college today in the icy weather, which takes me about an hour. £50 says I fall over too. I'm clumsy, so Ice is not my friend.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Had 12 hours of wonderful sleep and am refreshed for the day. Going to have a bath in a bit and then do some writing before going to meet the rest of the netball team at 11.45 at the Loft (Student Union bar at uni xD). £10 says I won't play again, though. >_>
Mood: Jubilant

Reason: Two reasons: Firstly, I finished an English Language exam. It may not be the best piece of text on paper I have written, but at least it's over! Secondly, I'm 17 today! Remembrance Day is also my birthday! Normally I would have a little party, but I have coursework, ahem.

Everything's fine at the moment & I think I can manage through the entire day. I just need the basic stuff which I can get later on, ya know food? I think I'll start a new drawing, that'll help me through the day and later read some manga. Yeah I think I have today pretty much planned. ♥
Mood: Chilled.
Reason: Not in work for rest of week, so just listening to tunes whilst I type here :D Then having a night of Supernatural and Dragon Age Origins. Perfect :D
Mood: Stressed

Reason: There's too much negativity in my life right now that I feel like hitting the first person that asks if something's wrong. On top of that, my mum and dad hadn't even spoken me until tonight. They hadn't been in touch with me since Sunday and it had me all depressed. God, I fucking hate life right now. >_>
Mood: Still tired

Reason: Too old for this going away for a long weekend lark xD I passed out half dressed at like half 10 last night, woke up in my jumper :rage: Over slept as well, then in my wisdom I went into Ashton for like 4 hours and did shopping, only got Ellie to buy for for Xmas now though so at least Ive done productive shit with my time, I was meant to go to the school for some dinner time cooking shizzle today but I ust could NOT be arsed, I was just dragging myself along the shops waiting for Ikea to open, there's a desk in there I want, Il have another browse around make sure I cant find a similar sized one cheaper then Il just go get that Friday, Im redecorating and the desk i currently have is a tatty bag of shite
Mood: Sick

Reason: This flatmate, who I hate and is increasingly getting on my bleeding nerves, put up a notice about some things to do with the kitchen and said she had to throw away two pieces of cheese because they stank. Firstly, I'm pissed off she can't say it to our faces. Secondly, she shouldn't do that without telling us. Thirdly, they threw MY cheese away. Fourthly, I got it out of the bin and got the worst gut feeling in the world. And finally, now I feel quite sick. I've just had a cheese and tomato pizza (it didn't put me off xD), but that stench was enough to knock me sick and head over to the window. Thank God I didn't throw up ...
Mood: Relieved

Reason: I finally got my computer online again. Last Friday I couldn't even play audio on it but now it is pretty much how it was before. I finally have a good distraction from the searing heat.
Mood: Good

Not too worried, not too flustered. In fact, despite the examinations today, I'm feeling rather good.

.. Which, in itself, is good.. Then again, today's the last day of the whole entire examinations. After today, I'll be free! The thought of it excites me, but yet the thought of how bored I would be after all the fun sinks in worries me... But that'll be left for another time to ponder over.

Mood: Good

Reason: Well work has truly stuffed me around yet again.

I was promoted a couple of weeks ago to become the new merchandiser at the pharmacy, and now that someone else has just quit, they've decided to make me the new stock controller.

I really don't mind doing the job, it just feels like I've been stuffed around so much lately and now I don't really know what's going on.

The Merchandiser was teaching me her job and now it pretty much was just a waste of time. I mean it will help me out in the end. I'll at least understand the Merchandiser role a bit better.

But it means that time could of been spent learning the Stock Controller job.

Mood: Pah

Reason: I forgot to buy onions and the Co Op didnt have any, Il have to go out again tomorrow now :rage: Though, I have to go out tomorrow anyway, I want that computer desk I saw.... and I need the weekend munchables for when Clare comes round

Did abit more Crimbo shopping today, got some shit for Ellie, just need to get a couple of Disneys for her and something bigish and Im done WOO. I hate Christmas. I remembered to get gift tags at least, I forget them every bastard year, so I wrap shit and forget who its all for. I think it's like a delayed hangover or some shit, I always spend loads fo money when Im hungover and Ive done nowt but spend since I got back :rage:
Mood: Pretty baaaaaaaaaaad.

I've been sick for two and a half weeks, and I think I've coughed enough to make it a sport. I'm completely fed up of being sick, I've been a bitch to people because I'm sick and the littlest things drive me insane... and it's just... ugh. I'm tired of it.

I've also woken up late four mornings in a row. I'm dead tired because FFF is addicting and I couldn't sleep last night, and I haven't done my homework either. 2 pages of a presentation that I've barely STARTED to do. I'm going to have to actually USE my study hall today, rather than just coming on FFF. Today is just shaping up to be A LOVELY FUCKING DAY.

Yeah.. pissy rant and all. Sorry ._.
Mood: Happy. I am happy cause I Have no school on friday! Also next week I have thursday and Friday off so I have plenty of time to et some acheivements and come on here. So I will be on my xbox alot this week.