[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood - Pissed.

"We'll have super fast internet" he said "It'll take about an hour at most" he said "Idiot proof" he said. Bloody fucking internet. Especially since it keeps spazzing out, which I really don't need right now, since when I signed onto MSN I got attacked by about five different people all wanting to discuss the same thing :gasp:
Mood: Hot

It's just so damn hot at the moment. :gonk: I feel like I'm melting! I only just had a shower and I still continue to sweat. <_<

I got to leave at 2 today. I was meant to finish at 1:30 seeing as I didn't get to have lunch, but the managers just kept on talking to me and made it impossible to leave on time. <_<

Oh well I'm just glad I'm home now. I really need an air con again. :gonk:

Just....problems with people is all, Nomie doesn't seem to be putting any type of effort into lifting us again, like he doesn't care anymore...
It hurt a lot, y'know? He doesn't talk to me the same as before and he expects for me not to care or somehting...he wants to avoid us I suppose. =/
Mood: Fine

Reason: My dad's in less pain at hospital now, so I'm a bit relieved right now. He can't come visit me today, so I'm going to get to the gym for 12 and do an hour there before coming back and having some lunch. Then I'll be off to netball training for 5 in the evening and be getting back after 7. Looks like the day's sorted for me. xD
Mood: Full

I had three pieces of pizza, although I honestly thought I would eat more seeing as how much I was starving before.

Man I can't wait for the weekend.

I'm going to see Hilltop Hoods on Friday night. It should be good. I don't mind their music. I just hope I have a seat and don't get chucked in the mosh. <_<

One of our friends bought the tickets so I don't know where we'll be.
Mood: Bleh.
Reason: Still got the ulcers and sore throat. And Im working at 2. But its only 4 hours. Just hope Queen Biatch isnt there to make my life hell. I wanna stay home in bed :(
Mood: Pretty good

Reason: Chin spot is now a mere red mark, should be pretty much gone for Friday though will be undetectable under make up now anyway. Chest spots are like, 3 small scabs now, they dont appear to be wanting to leave anytime soon, though they don't look as angry anymore, should just be able to whack a bit of fopundation on them to cover them up if needs be. Diet's going swimmingly, though Im getting sick of being exhausted all the time now :rage: I almost killed myself getting up some steps in Ikea, got a free brew and read my paper though :ryan: Then I went looking for some rugs for my room. None in the colours I wanted. Ok, I though, Il get a shelf. Didnt do the colour I wanted in those either, SO I thought fuck this, Il get a new lamp shade for my livingroom, they were either al shite, wouldnt have matched for shit or were like a million quid....had a nice stroll round though ¬_¬ Got all me housework done this morning as well. Im doing fuck all else this week

Though...I DO need a haircut
Mood: Freakin' Tired.

I've been home since about 2:30pm and I've been on here since then which means I've been on here for eight and a half hours. :gonk:

My eyes are so tired and sore from staring at the computer screen all day. I came from the work computer to the home computer. I should really learn to give my eyes a break, though it won't matter soon with my promotion now meaning I'll be on the shop floor.

That's another thing.

Somehow everyone knows about my promotion, but I've been told not to say anything. So what the hell do I say when my workmates ask me what I think about coming out onto the shop floor? 0_o

I wish the managers would get their facts right. <_<
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Mood: I don't know yet

Satisfied for the most part since i had some casserole i had made last night, came out pretty good. Which is weird because usually when i make something it doesn't turn out well nor taste good.

I'll post the recipe later today, along with a few others.

I wonder whats in store for me today...
Mood: Blank

Reason: Well I woke up, threw on my clothes grabbed a kelogs meal bar and was out the door. Last night we watched a movie, and L went to sleep early so I started playing tactics again on my psp. Nothing like retuning back into the classics. As of today I should have quite a busy portion on my platter.. I'm already the first one at work.. so this should be an interesting day.
Mood: Asleep

Reason: Did my hour at the gym and had a nice good chat with Felicia over lunch. I was really lusting over her egg on toast with tomato ketchup! Too bad I had to settle for two simple cheese sandwiches. The chat drained me quite a lot because I was laughing and such. Tired now, so might chill out for the rest of the afternoon and then I'll be heading off to netball training at 5 since it's now been changed to half 5.
mood: good/sleepy

reason: I slept from about 1am till 12 today. I'm supposed to be at school but because I'm staying at my nan's she said I could take the day off. The only thing is, at her house there is no internet and no playstation or whatever. So my life supports have been taken from me D:

Well, I woke up on a bad note and what not but as time went by everything got better. I haven't talked to Nomie today and I'm going t try and not talk to him unless he talks to me which will most likely start more problems but w/e I'll fix it when ever I get there.
Mood: Tired

I woke up earlier than usual and I'm dog tired. I just wanna crawl into bed and sleep till noon. But I can't... not yet. Waking up that early has put me in a bad mood all day. I've been cranky, and I don't wanna be.

Moral of the story, don't wake up earlier than usual, it can never be good. Stupid morning.
Mood - Foul

I've had to appropriate my mothers laptop because, 5 days later, they STILL haven't got the internet connected to my PC. I'm just refusing to help now, since when I walked in after college today my computer was set up on my floor -__-
Mood- Unhappy, bordering Neutral

Today, I've seemed to have hit a rough patch. My examinations doesn't seem to have been as well done as I would love to think it was. Nevertheless, I can't say I failed or anything, but the dissatisfaction is really harsh on my mood right now.

I've tried to kill off this displeasure with some computer time, but I guess it's doing little to help.
Mood: 2 more sleeps 8F

Reason: Glasgow. Somehow Ive managed to ram a bottle of wine in my already full to burst case, I can just see it explodingopen at some point and my shit going everywhere, Ive gotta get my straightners in yet...haha, that should be fun :dry: Anyway, Il get them in this evening, Im having a late shower so I can just head out and have my hair cut in the morning rather than washing it, having it cut only to wash it again, so fingers cross my case won't blow up 8F Made tomato soup before as well and it came out welllllll nice, took ages to cook though, 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there, 25 minuts to simmer :gasp: Gunna make more tomorow though, no sense in wasting the ingredients :monster:


2 MORE SLEEPS :cheer:
Mood: Amped

Reason: I just downed my cup of coffee and I must say.. I'm ready to go finally. So this week we spent to much money on random shiznit, but I finally get to hear less complaints from the fiance because she might be getting another job at Maurice's. This will be an awesome income perk as well, so the house mortgage and car payments will be less to worry about .. and we can get away a bit more or add on to the house. Now to get my property taxes paid off :jtc:

I have a feeling that today will be a good day, i don't know why but regardless its a good thing. I'm drinking my coffee and getting ready for whats ahead for me today.

I'm going to get some groceries later today too, just need to make a list. Hopefully it won't be too long because i'm strapped for cash at the moment.