[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Tired and full

It's nearly midnight and I've eaten a humongous roast for dinner tonight. :gonk:

I don't want to go to work tomorrow. It's going to suck because I have to train a girl to do my job. =(

I hate training people. I'm hopeless at it.

I don't tell them the right things and sound like an idiot, but I just can't seem to explain myself properly.

I've started writing up a list of 'How to do things' though. So that should help.

Anyway, nighto.
Mood:pissed off. Living dead in halo 3 is fucing pissing me off. I keep trying and sometimes I win but humans vs zombies is not fair. If I am a zombie I am fucked the whole round until a new round comes to start as the humans. I am 42 in this shit but braaiiins and creeping death are really bad. Ugh I hate this.....

I'm quite happy that I've got my Uncharted 2 platinum after some horrible grinding in certain chapters but overall it wasn't too difficult of a game. Then college has just ruined my happy mood, we go back tomorrow until Xmas and it's sort just like...yeah I really can't be arsed anymore. It probably wouldn't be that bad if we didn't have exams in January, but...we do >.>
Mood: Eh

I have to leave for work in half an hour. <_<

Why can't the weeks be shorter. :gonk:

I should have gone to Uni when I was out of highschool. That way I would be finishing this year and I would be a hot young teacher. :gasp:

I'm seriously considering going to Uni next year. I just can't fathom the idea of working in retail for the rest of my life, then having kids and then go back to retail once they've grown up. v_v

My mind was made for a bigger challenge I think.
Mood: Hungry.

Reason: I'm hungry, duh. XD But seriously, going to be eating some fish soon, should be good, eating brain food = smart idea.

Apparently eating fish makes you smart, like eating carrots improves sight, but I don't know, fish seem pretty dull and dim witted. :ness:

So Nomie isn't all that into me anymore. I feel as if I am slowly slipping into the background, further & further away from him. He doesn't answer usual questions the way he used to. We're not the same and in the end, I have to learn to accept it because I don't think there's nothing else I can do about it. Oh well, next post.

At the fact that i have gotten into sleeping way too early and then waking up at odd hours of the night like 1am or 3am. I need to start sleeping at 9 or 10p, otherwise the days to come will be unpleasant for me.

But somethings bothering me and i don't know what the hell it is yet, i'll find out later today.
Mood: Insecure

Damned examinations. It's been doing a fine job at stressing me out. Then again, that's beside the point. It's making me more worried than I should be, I suppose. By rights, I should be feeling happy and relieved after an examination, but it would appear I'm worrying myself out wantonly... I hope.

Tsk. Just can't shake off the primeval fear there.

Wow. Maths was boring and useless, and I still IMO flunked that test. I swear that teacher has something against me (although I know what I did wrong) I think I'm finally losing it, 100-12 isn't 78 :ffs:

PLUS I've got that Unit 1 GCSE thing in like 2 weeks :sad2:
Mood: Not bad

Reason: Chin spot is fading. Chest spots still looking as angry as ever. I don't think they are gunna be gone for Friday ]: Il have to get the concealer out -__- Why oh why oh WHY did this have to happen NOW. Ive been on the sunbed and Im religiously smearing them with tcp,hopefully that will help some ¬_¬ Other than that, Im tired and hungry. Roll on dinner time. Couldnt sleep for shit last night, last time I looked at the clock it was half 11 and I went to bed at half 9 -__-

Bought a pumpkin today. Gunna make some pumpkin soup for my dinner. Got some green tea as well, it's not as nice as the peppermnint tea though :rage:

Actually, I think Im a little bit grouchy today, not bad my arse -__-
Mood: ILL!!!
Reason: I feel like shit warmed up. Got a mouth full of ulcers and a sore throat. Its a bitch trying to eat or even drink. And Im working 3 days straight. Which Im grateful for as its not a full week!
Mood: Hungry

I've not yet had any dinner. I don't want to eat more than I need or I'm just going to get fat. <_<

I need to buy a Wii soon so that I can exercise my butt more.

Though I'm still tempted to eat naughty foods. So I'll just cancel out any exercise with bad foods in the end. :gonk:

I need more willpower!

Dammit I have to start at 7am tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. <_<

I keep getting texts, from people i don't want to talk to at all. I'm not a forgiving person anymore. If i confide in someone and they break my trust then they can just fuck off. I won't speak to that person anymore if they do that to me.

If i were the violent type i'd bash their heads in but i'm not so i just ignore them instead.

I have Psychology homework to do for tomorrow, originally I was going to handwrite it but I think I'm gonna have to do it on the computer since I really, really can't be arsed doing it. Something on disorders, it's generally interesting, I just cba. On a lighter note, we have review days next week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so no lessons :D
Mood: Tired :gonk:

I have to go to work like right now and I have to start at 7am but I just worked out that I'll get to leave at 2pm. =D

So it'll feel short and the first hour will be all on my own thankfully.

I kept dreaming about this place and work last night. :gonk: No sleep. >_<

I keep getting texts, from people i don't want to talk to at all. I'm not a forgiving person anymore. If i confide in someone and they break my trust then they can just fuck off. I won't speak to that person anymore if they do that to me.

If i were the violent type i'd bash their heads in but i'm not so i just ignore them instead.

Yeah, know the feeling dude and love the signature :-) Winchesters for teh win.

Mood: Bleh.
Reason: My granddad is still seriously ill, but Im thankful he didnt have to stay overnight in hospital. My ulcers are killing me and Im working tommorow. I know its 4 hours, but sadly Im not a mime, otherwise I wouldnt mind. But fracking ulcers are starting to piss me off. And I just want my ex to admit he wants to come back already!!!
Mood: Better

Fuck depression i'm not going let shit keep me down, i'm going to face things with a smile and keep on trucking. Maybe thats the reason why no one talks to me because i'm so damn down all the time.

But then again looking back, i don't think thats the case. I remember being upbeat before and the result was still the same then.

I guess they were more shallow than i thought.
Mood: Tired

Had a pretty long day today and I'm falling behind a bit in terms of the work. I have a huge gap between lectures tomorrow so I should be able to pull it back a little.
So much walking and work :gonk: I just want to drink, go to parties and play FIFA 10 all day -__-

Eh, I woke up to....I don't know, I kinda forgot. I haven't eaten all day and yeah I am hungry so I might go get somehting soon. I'm not even bothering to wait for him and yeah I don't know what else to say, today seems dull and unappealing. I'm just gonna go ahead and read "Godchild: again that might cheer me up.

At least, I think... Been messing around in Photoshop some, and listening to music... Considering watching a movie. Something feels off though, like there's some bothering weight resting on me, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is... Just feeling kinda down I think... :hmmm:

Yeah.... That movie sounds good right about now, to be honest.