[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Excellent

Reason: Well I'm not like every fellow, but I will say I do love me some Halloween. No it isn't because of the biggest perv holiday of the year with girls wearing some short stuff to basically exposing their panties. As well as scandalous tops... it is because the weather and all of the reruns of horror movies. I mean I do make it to parties.. what's new, but I enjoy the night.. being out - it is normal to me. Being out during the day.. is so normal and bland.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Have no idea why, maybe because I just had my driving lesson. It was too dark and maybe that's what's making me tired as well. Not done my assignment today, so I'm obviously kicking myself. Will have to see if I can do it soon, Monday morning being the latest.
Mood Fine

Even though I should be working on about 2 essays, I being unnecessary lax about it. Perhaps it's because I have the prospect of a Halloween party tomorrow.

Okay yeah, I washed my hair, its up on rolls and now I have to dry it, after its dry, I have to straighten it and then after that, I have to get my stuff ready for tomorrow. This is one of the best nights ever only surpassed by Halloween it self. I haven't eaten a damn thing ever since I woke up which means I am about to go down there and make somehting for my self real quick. Happy Halloween!
Mood: Sick and tired

Of being nice and giving things, i'm always taken for granted every fucking time. Its not like i ask much in return but what little i do ask for i don't get. I swear if i wasn't so damn nice i'd clock the damn people if i ever saw them.
Mood: Good

I went to bed last night feeling pretty crap but I feel much better now.

I had a good time at my mates house last night. She bought me drinks even though they have a hard time getting by at the moment.

It really was nice of her.

Today I intend to sit here all day and hang around the forums.

The weather is good for staying in doors and my week has been so busy that I'd rather not do much else.

That I burned every fucking bridge to the people that used me and lead me to believe that i meant something to them when i didn't really in the first place. At this rate if i meet more false people, i'm just closing myself off. I'm really sick and tired of trying to find nice people.

Being alone and isolated sounds so good right now, at least I don't have to put up with crap like i have in the past. Well rather still continue to put up with.
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Mood: Hungry

All I've had today is some cereal and lots of juice.

I want Steve to hurry up and come home so that he can cook me dinner. <_<

He's out looking for a new car, but seriously it's been nearly seven hours now and I'm hungry. :gonk:

I do all of the house work. Dishes, laundry, floors, bins, cleaning bathrooms, making the bed etc and all he does is cook food. :gonk:

He can bloody well hurry up and get home and cook me some dinner! :gasp:
Mood: Alright

Reason: Stayed at the mothers last night, diet went alright, watched a DVD etc. Just having a really quiet weekend and feeling abit mellow, though, mother said I looked fat before which annoyed me abit. ¬_¬ Ive also got a couple of spots which Im not amused about, 3 on my chest as well, I mean, wtf is that all about? :ffs: As long as they are gone for next week -__- Im just gunna watch a film and have an early night tonight I think
Mood: good. I am good but it does not feel like halloween here at all. Like there are no lights no scary stuff etc.. So right now im at a friends house and there is no halo 3 here so im kinda bored... There is always FFF though :awesome:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: After a long and tiring day at work, I'm finally back home and able to kick back by watching some Saturday night TV. I'm home alone tonight as well and absolutely REFUSE to answer the door to trick or treaters. If they keep knocking on and shouting, I'll set Cagney (my dog) on them.
Mood- Exhausted

Reason- Halloween tonight. That means a Halloween party. Unfortunately it's one of those parties where you have to down about 10 units of vodka to break the ice and have fun. It's not even a proper Halloween themed occasion! I left early because a friend of mine fell ill. She had too much I guess. I'm not complaining. I had a tiring day anyway.
mood: bored and mocking (if that's even a mood)

reason: Its halloween, every is out at parties, so there is practically nobody on msn. There's also a whole heap of kids coming to my door every so often asking for sweets. So I just stand and eat the sweets we have right in front of them until they tell me a joke.
Or I shout "bugger off" through the door.

My mum was standing out on the doorstep smoking and one of them asked, if for a treat, if they could have one.
the cheek of kids these days
Mood: Good

There's nothing much to do but hang around here today which isn't a bad thing.

I've got no chores and I finally have that part for my car so I'm happy about that.

Today is going to be a lazy day I think.

I need to get a new T.V cable for the Digital box I think.

I've not really watched any T.V for like two years since I moved out. But there isn't really any movies to watch at the moment. I seemed to have watched them all numerous times. :gonk:
Fine/Lightly irritated

I am fine, calm and relax but I feel a little irritated due to the recent GFX ripping. I went and read the conversations between the people (some of our staff) in the site with the members who got stole our posts and it seems that everyone there is a dick =/
That always irritates me, yeah, I can't stand trolls and it seems that entire site is filled with them.
Mood: Fat

I just ate a whole bowl of popcorn covered in melted butter and I feel like the biggest heffa there ever was! :gasp:

I really need to go and by some more healthy food. I was intending to do that tonight, but Steve isn't back from car hunting yet so I'll probably go without for another day. <_<

Man I feel so sick. :gonk:
Mood: Worried

Reason: My dad's had to be taken into hospital over some sharp stomach pains he's had for the past six weeks. We had to wait all night for a doctor to come and then for an ambulance to gracefully make its darn presence. I've called in sick at work since I've also had very little sleep and I'll only be agonising about how he is, like now.

I don't know what the hell i'm going to do today, i might just sleep again because i've been in pain since yesterday for no reason at all.

I didn't workout or lift anything, i guess moving the dresser did a number on my back. I'm gonna make an appointment and see whats up.
Mood: Lonely
Reason: My date was bleh yesturday and I so want my ex back. Missing him like crazy even though I know hes a jerk. Sigh, never mind.
Mood: Grr

reason: I don't know why I felt the need to pick the scab on my chin, but I did ¬_¬ anyway, even though it looks pretty grim, i know that should be ok for next weekend, its the 3 fucking spots on my chest that are really winding me up. WHY have they come to terrorise me NOW?! Im going to go fry them on the sunbed tomorrow and thursday, and Im also going to buy some TCP to try to get rid of them as well. My fucking CHEST of all places. I know Ive complainedabout them once already, but now they just look angry and red and they are pissing me off :rage:
If it wasnt for the spots windingme up Id be in an awesome mood, doets going well, Ive had a nice relaxing weekend of no alcohol and early nights so Im bright as a button with no hangover munchies which is usually whatmy Sundays involve...but the SPOTS :rage: