[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Sick

Reason: I can't stop sneezing man.. it's like every 5 minutes I'll go into a rapid succession of 20 sneezes in a row. Almost feels allergenic but I know its just the beginning phases of more fun... and mucus. But hey what a freakin weekend, my babe cooked me her spicy chili on top of made me brownies.. and for what?

Nothing at all.. because she is the freakin woman.. that's why! On top of that my football won.. so hey.. it was well worth getting sick for.
I don't know...

Just strange. One of those times where your not really doing anything, not expecting anything in particular. Just another slow night. Might finish some homework and play some FFVII. Don't really have an actual mood in particular though.
Mood : Bored.

There's nothing to do. I cba with FFIX since I'm just power leveling on the Grand Dragons and MSN is fairly dead tonight. So I've just been farting about on Facebook, since it seems that everyone's using that instead of myspace now. Fun.
Mood: Eh... Decent?

Today's been a really weird day... Was up at silly o'clock, than decided to go back to bed at noon... And slept till 4PM, while I had work at 6... :gonk: I slept decently last night? And slept an extra 4 hours later on... Yet I still felt exhausted... Maybe 'cause my sleeping routine is so well fucked up...

Been photoshopping alot of failies today. But hey, I enjoyed that.

Work failed as usual. Tomorrow again. -Sigh- ¬¬

I should actually just go to bed now... It's already 4AM and I just friggin noticed the damn clock. How does it get this late so fast? :gonk:

Haven't been able to sleep and i don't have any idea as to why. But then again it could be the fact that i haven't gotten over the fact that i got rejected by the girl i thought felt the same way about me.

Yeah stupid reason i know but i don't think i've ever been hurt this much. Well other than hurting my fists by punching my bag to much lol.
Mood: Hangover

Reason: Was on moral support duty last night, so that involved a couple of bottles of wine...I threw up again :rage: And now I have a hrrendous sore throat -__- Own fault for getting so pissed I suppose. Either that or Im getting a cold...which is also likely seeing as I couldnt taste my toast yesterday....anyway, the hangover, omg, ROUGH. I need to go asda after as well AND Ellies on half term so I cant even get a few hours peace, Il just be getting head pecked all day :rage: Asda in the rain :rage:
Mood: Meh

I think I'm coming down with a cold or something. I've felt pretty off since last Thursday. Though it went away on Saturday and then came back on Sunday night and today I just feel all stuffed up.

I hate being sick. I just feel so unmotivated to do anything. v_v

Other than that I'm starving and really want scrambled eggs. XD

Last night I slept through the entire night, I was so happy when I woke up in the morning instead of the usual afternoon. ^^ Yes that is my simple answer to my mood, though I am getting hungry....time to eat x3
Mood: Amazed

Reason: Our flat just very nearly came close to burning down, but I couldn't care less with the horrible mood I was in. Fire engines were there within MINUTES, thank God for that. Been stood outside for 15 minutes as well, but back now and quite relaxed again.
Mood:fine. I have a ood day at school today so im not to nervous about goin today. But Thank od I dont have world education today! Teacher is really pissing me off and yes Im onna kill her xD. So I need to leave in 20 or so. Ill be alright

Just got back from 5aside about an hour ago and I'm still knackered, I don't think I've ever done as much running in a single game. Plus some random fat bastard we got to play knocked me over when I was off balance and my thumb is so much pain. He should go on a diet :jtc:
Mood: Coffee...Coffeee......

Reason: Stayed up a bit late, making up for it with copious amounts of coffee. Let me know.. if you want some of this good stuff. Anyways.. besides that not a lot of work this week, so trying to do some side projects to get me by.
Mood: :rage:

Reason: Due on, and Ive had dead bad PMT for days, today is taking the biscuit though, Im just well angry :rage: I shut the door in a sales mans face sent Ellie to her room, almost beat the crap out of my pc because FFF was being gay and I want to stuff my FACE bt I need the willpower for that fucking DRESS

Mood: Hot

Reason: Just basically am. Took my top off before to cool down and it's working its magic, thank God for that. I'll probably feel like it later after netball training, but meh, I'll be all right. Always am. xD
Mood: Run down.

Reason: Feeling like I am coming down with the flu. It's an absolute pain in the backside because I probably will getting it. Thankfully though, I probably won't be ill for another 12 months if I am getting the flu.
Mood - Tired

Well I went to bed earlier totally knackered, and I was only able to get an hours sleep, and now I'm totally exhausted. I'm gonna see if I can get to sleep again x_x I'm just so worried, but also a little excited, about tomorrow D=
Mood: Hungry

I feel like something sweet, yet everything I think of doesn't really appeal to me. Like chocolate, lollies, etc.

I have an ulcer under my tongue at the moment, so sweets probably isn't the best idea anyway. <_<

Can't wait for the weekend to finally come around. I've got so much to do. Not all of it is good though.

Most of it is chores. :gonk:

We've run out of Jack Daniels too. I think we'll be needing a new bottle for the weekend. :wacky:
Mood:Can't say really since i don't know XD

Anyway, i slept too much earlier now i can't sleep worth a damn haha.
I think i'm gonna get a midnight snack or something, can't believe i'm hungry again seeing as how i ate an hour ago.

Other than that everything is hunky dory i suppose, finally got unwanted thoughts outta my head they were driving me nuts!

I guess i'm a bit happy, got back into working out again. Gonna see if i can break my pull up record sometime this week. I need to beat 40 in a row xD
Mood: ill. I am ill I keep coughing and my throat hurts alot! I blame the cold cold weather for this! Its bad but not the worst Sickness Ive had. But my throat is pissing me off pretty bad.
mood : Scared!
i have a computing test thingmabob and i really suck at computing even though i spend the majority of my free time on one. Tis quite ironicical :S. Im gonna fail!!!!