[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Happy

I'm quite well actually, school's nearly out and it's Friday. I'm going to my dad's this weekend where the internet is fast, and I don't have a lot of homework. I've preordered a yearbook so it doesn't cost $50+ in March, so that's good.. I can't actually think of a bad thing all day, except for the shit weather. It's been raining for over 24 hours now... it really needs to stop so things can dry out. I'm really not looking forward to doing chores in this... >.> Damn, there goes some of my good mood XD

So overall, I'm really good for once :D
Mood: Sad

Reason: It's over something vile that's happened to me today and it's caused me to be even more ill. Got a killer of a migraine and I know that going on the laptop isn't helping, but I need my friends around me right now in this difficult time ...
Mood: Hot

It's starting to turn into Summer over here and there is not a cool breeze around.

I'm just about stripped down and I'm still dying. :gonk:

I feel hungry too and there isn't much to eat around here at the moment.

Need to go do the shopping, though it feels like we only just did that a week ago. :gonk:

Today I got a visit from my friend Roger. I haven't seem him for a while, I used to have a crush on him but that's in the past and everything. We had a great time together, well least I did, I hope he had as much fun as I did. I can only hope that he'll visit me, soon =)
Mood: Tired

It's 1:30 am and I should be in bed. v_v

I went bowling tonight with my workmates and I got two certificates!

One for our team winning out of three teams we had. And the other was for getting the best score out of them all!

Really I came second because we had two games. I won the first game and this other guy came second. Then I came second in the next game and he came first. So we both got a certificate. XD

I went to bed around 3am yesterday for some reason or another, and it's slowly starting to catch up on me, though I know fine well I'm going to end up doing the same tonight, it becomes a routine over the holidays :wacky: As long as I'm fine for 5aside tomorrow because of lack of sleep...I'll be fine >.>
Mood: Good

Reason: Diets gone...reasonably well this weekend, makes a change from going completely out of the window anyway hahaha. Just enjoying a glass of wine(only one glass I may add, i just finished the bottle) Not done much today, watched Aladdin didnt do the ironing i planned on doing, Il do it next week...as long as its done before we go away ¬_¬

jsut a lazy weekend overall really, ive done fuck all. Plans cancelled all over the show and just mongedout. I may go to teh mothers next weekend.....but going tot he mothers fucks my diet u and I need to be EXTRA vigilant next week :rage:

I'l see how that goes ¬¬
Mood: Blah!

Reason: Work went well fast today and then it was time to go to Chiquito's for Eve and Chris' birthday do. Was brilliant! Spent most the time laughing at Chris, who was inhaling the helium from his balloons and chillaxing. Bit sad I'm back home now and just realised I've got work tomorrow afternoon as well. May have some crap going on back at the uni room tomorrow night, too. And I'm not listening to that stupid Filmflex ad repeating itself over and over, so I've muted it ...
Hungry/Bit Down

I went to sleep at like one in the afternoon today because I stood up all night making a layout, I had to start over two times because I accidentally erased the page It was so frustrating. When I finally went to bed, I tossed for a bit and then went to sleep, when I woke up, it was 7 at night, I felt so bad that I had slept the entire day, but there was nothing I could do. And well, I'm hungry because I haven't eaten anything all day.
Mood: Kinda happy. Well All my anger I put on Halo 3 did me some good. I got a team and now moved from 34 to 37 in Team slayer. Pretty good leap in skill if I do say so myself. I lose sometimes but it does not really piss me off.
Mood: Hot

: It's around 30 degrees at the minute. XD

I've already had three showers today! Two within the last half an hour.

I'm about to have some spring rolls in a minute. I'm starving! I already finished off a half eaten burger of Steve's from last night. :gonk:

I'm like an animal. :gonk:

Probably just gonna sit on FFF for the rest of the day now. =)
Mood: Grumpy

Reason: I feel like this cold is never going to end at this rate, I'm seriously pissed it hasn't gone away. I'm going to be endlessly eating fruit and having drinks until it goes. On the other hand, it's the morning after the meal out last night and I'm obviously brooding that I have work in about, erm ... less than an hour, actually. xD
Mood: Mixture of Feelings

Fear, excitement. Anxiety, anticipation.

Tomorrow, my examinations would commence, officially. This examinations would determine how I will live my life next year. In short, it is extremely important. No matter what, I must make sure I do exceedingly well for the examinations, or risk end up experiencing some bleak future I do not like.

Naturally, with that, comes stress, fear. Doubt pops by occasionally, but I know better than to let that rule my head. Teachers have lauded my performance, and cited a potential within me- oh, and I'm proud of that. Uncertainty would only serve to abase myself.

And so, with those thoughts, come excitement and anticipation to take on those papers.

Nevertheless, whatever I feel, I must make sure I score well, and score high. So, all the best to myself..
Mood: Abit bleh

Reason: Clocks going back arghhhh :rage: Ellie was up at daft o'clock as well and she's just been full of beans all day. It's killing me Im so tired. Then my gas and lekki went at the same time, so I went to stick the emergency on (no was was I going out today) lekki fine. Gas....grr, apparently Id used all the emergency SO I HAD TO GO OUT. Gets to the shop and its SHUT, power cut on the tills or some bollocks. Luckily the cash machine was still working, that would have REALLY taken the piss, so I had to wander round to ANOTHER shop praying it was open. Thank fuck it was or id of just had a hissy fit in the street

Made some soup though, and it turned out awesome considering I have no stock left. Burnt my tongue though, I was starving ¬_¬

I hope this day isnt going to go even more down hill, I'l end up swinging from the rafters -__-
Mood: 'Meh'

Bloody tired from last night, went out to a couple of clubs and had a bit too much to drink and was horrified to see that my wallet is VERY empty =/ And my friend is having girl trouble... with a girl that I like :ffs:
BUT, there's footy on today. Should be a good game and then there's a pub quiz which is always fun :D
Mood: Tired

It's 11pm and I should be in bed for work tomorrow.

I really don't want to go back. I don't feel like I had a long enough weekend. :gonk:

It was an awesome weekend but it went far too fast yet again.

My promotion at work will be announced at the work meeting too tomorrow night I hope. I don't know how much longer I can keep it all a secret from my workmates. :gonk:

It's hard when you talk to them every day face to face. I'm so excited but can't say a word. >_<
Mood - Happy and refreshed.

I'm feeling really happy today, and I don't really know why. I think it's because, thanks to the brilliant lock on my door, I've been left alone and been allowed to sleep all day, since my sleep cycle's been all fucked up lately, it was very nice to just be able to sleep for ten hours xD
Mood: good. I slept today did my college work and now im on the forums and playing xbox at the same time. Yesterday was a good day and so ar this day is going good. I slpt just the right amount of hours. 5 or 6.
Mood: Overwhelmed........

.......by English Literature coursework. Anyone here familiar on the concept of symbolism in The Great Gatsby? The topic of the coursework isn't too bad. Coursework is not something anyone enjoys doing except for paid people illegally doing it for the internet. Not to mention that I have to familiarise myself with all the types of electoral systems in a politics class.
Mood: Dead

Reason: Been writing stuff down for my Queer As Folk presentation for my Writing Drama lecture at 11 later on today for the past half hour and just finished it now. Got plenty there if she asks what I've got to present. I expect the other five in our group to have done something, I'm not speaking for all of us. But still got a 5 minute script to do for it as well, completely forgot with recent events stressing me out, grrrr. I'll see how much I can do now and if she asks where it is tomorrow, I'll say that I'll email it her or whatever. >_>