[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Sleepy

Reason: Didn't get much sleep last night because I was too warm in bed. Had to get up early because my Writing Drama lecture is at 10 instead of 11 and now that I think about that, I'm gonna have to get ready to go. Shame that my friend's gonna be late, but we're researching Queer As Folk for a presentation with four other people, so it's all good at the moment.
Mood: Irritated :rage:

Reason: Ive managed to put weight back on, I blame the mother and all the food she has at her house coupled with takeaways when I actually OFFERED TO COOK. AND it made me ill :rage: All weekend it took me to recover from that bollocks. Been for 2 runs today, though they were pretty short lived because I thought my lungs were going to explode. Need to quit smoking...again. Ive just had my last one, so start as I mean to go on ¬_¬ I also trekked all over Ashton looking for tummy control knickers, do they do them in my fucking size?! Do they fuck. Sizeist cunts. I've just ordered some firm control kecks off ebay, so hopefully they fit, and if they are too big when it comes to needing them, well, my diet has worked, they are just my back up plan just incase I'm a fatass when I need to wear my dress :rage: Also had a session on the sunbed, back to lie down seeing as I burn my underarms on the stand up last week. Il be sure to do 6 minutes and not 9 next time I go on the stand up >_>
Gunna go for another run tomorrow, Im determined to get out everyday this week, coz I won't be able to next week, Ellies off school, and it's period week so I'l be tearing my hair out
AND to make life even MORE annoying, after I dropped Ellie off at school, thought Id swing by the doctors to get my next batch of the pill and it was RAMMED. I turned right back round and wandered off into Ashton grumbling away to myself.

Stupid shitting day of DOOM :rage:
Mood: Cheerful

Reason: I've every right to be since I've just got back from possibly THE longest day EVER. Had Writing Drama lecture at 10, had to head straight into Manchester for poetry readings in the Central Library (as well as grab a bit of KFC on the way!). Wasn't really my cup of tea, though there was a guy I had my eye on. Went to see my gran, mum, brother and sisters later on. Had some of my brother's birthday cake as well, but now I won't have anything proper to eat because I've had so much crap. Might have a pot noodle later if I can't. xD
Mood: Insomnia

Reason: Once I got home, I slept for 5 hours or so. I was exhausted from training, they had us doing hand-stands for five solid minutes and other ridiculous hamstring-breaking stunts like that. Ugh.

Now it's 3:15am, and I'm wide awake. My body clock's well broken. >.>
Mood - Ridiculously stressed.

I've let a LOT of things get on top of me lately, and I've really felt it today. I've had a huge-fuck-off headache that won't go away even though I've had painkillers and had a power-nap. It's just ridiculous, I've got so much work x_x

Ive suddenly came over feeling really sick. I dont know if it was my dinner or what but i feel very iffy. Stressfull day at work didnt help either. Easily one of the worst days ive had this year :rage: Think il be heading to bed soon, sleeping it off sounds like the best idea tbh. I just need to make sure my ipod is 100% charged then i can sleeeeeeep. Hey as long as i dont spew on the bed covers i cant really complain i guess.

I haven't eaten ever since I woke up and it hasn't hit me until now, so I'm making hot dogs, yum yum. I'm doing some laundry which means I have to be on my toes for when the clothes are rinsing and when they're done. Mother gets mad when I forget about the laundry which is....almost all the time.
Somewhat uncomfortable

Nomie and I are RolePlaying, he knows how much I like RolePlaying with him but I'm the one that's not sure if he feels the same way. I mean sure he'll RolePlay with me if I ask him to, but doe she really want to instead of just doing it to please me. =/

I'm tired of high school and waiting for everyone to grow up. I have come to the realization, however, that they have grown up. At least up to their own personal level. Which disgusts me. The girls will always be the same bitchy women, and guys will be pigs. Life: Fuck you.

Mood: Amused

Just watched an Austin Powers video, which had me laughing like crazy. There is to be more stress coming up, and I'm relatively prepared. So, this amusement may be the prelude to trouble, but I'm ready to tackle it.
Mood: Pretty Bored

Can't wait for this week to end yet again.

I just want to relax and lounge about at home doing nothing and maybe invite my mate over for some drinks and such.

I am so not driving out there to hers this week with my car the way it is.

I don't think we'll even get the panel on before the weekend.

Damn work always gets in the way.

OMG I think they're going to offer me the promotion tomorrow! I don't know if I want it. >_<
Mood: Sick

Reason: Almost threw up last night when making something to eat and then woke up with a bad stomach this morning. I'm still struggling to get a perfect night's sleep, so that's obviously got me annoyed. Even though I'm wearing t-shirt and short pyjamas in bed, I'm still too goddamn warm! Bad times. >_>
Mood: Somewhere in between ok and irritated I think

Reason: Went to the doctors, well, ran, (fucking runnings gunna be the death of me I SWEAR it) found a fiver on the way (woo) sat in the doctors for an hour (boo) al just to go in for the fucking pill, i was in and out in 5 bastard minutes. Got afew random bits from Ashton with my new found fiver (thank you dude who dropped it) got half way home realised Id forgot to get my prescription (grr) handed it in, BE ABOUT HALF HOUR LOVE (double grr) strolled round ashton for abit, found some pepper, after trying like 3 shops, its fuckign PEPER for christ sake, shouldnt be that hard to find :rage: Got back to boots just shy of half an hour later, weaited around for another 15 minutes (kashfiushfisdhf!) decided to run back home, but my head phones kept coming out of my shit phone, so I raged int he middle of the street and shouted fuck off at it :rage: And Ive just got home and Im out of fucking gas. AGAIN

At least I found a fiver I suppose..

Cup of tea I think
Mood: Inspired

Reason: I actually kinda don't know, really. Maybe it's because I've finally got sometime to myself this Tuesday afternoon before netball training and gym. Or maybe it's because of Cheryl Cole's song getting under my skin and taking over lol. We'll see where it gets taken from here, anyway ...
Mood: Addicted

Reason: Uhh I think this coffee has something in it, because it tends to give me everything I need during the day. I rely on it way too much, much like that shower in the morning. If I didn't have it, I think I would be an irritable son of a biatch. Oh well.. here's to more Caffeine.
Ver Down

I feel like everything in my life sucks: Got massive tons of hwk in subjects I don't even understand, piano sucks in general, I don't care if I've practiced just like once every week, tomorrow is supposed to be my free day, and now I can't enjoy it.

Oh, and to top it off, I FAILED my english exam question/ test.

I am not amused. -__-

My dad didn't wake me up this morning for whatever shit reason, so now I can't go to school. I can walk there, but it's definitely not warm out. Missing school yesterday was fun, but staying home yet another day is a lot. I can't keep doing this, I need to go to school. I attend it for a reason and sometimes, I feel as if my dad is giving up on me.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I've had netball training and gym this evening, so that's valid enough. Got a game against Salford tomorrow, so I'm definitely looking forward to it. Legs feel like they're gonna fall off, but I'll be all right in a bit. Had to go and make sure my ill flatmate actually ATE. Not had anything since 12 myself and I'm not even hungry now, so I may make a pot noodle later if it continues ...