[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood - Ill.

I'm still full of cold. I went through Double Law and Double History today, although both of them were pisstakes, and I could have stayed off -_-

I can't stop coughing now too :ness: It's awful and there's no medicine in the house other than the yellow medicine in the fridge, and God knows how old and how naaaaaaasty THAT would be.
Mood: Sick

Reason: Basically ate too much food when I got back in. Was meant to go badminton tonight at the sports centre, but I couldn't be arsed since I've got netball training tomorrow and a match on Wednesday. So I've been chillaxing (I say that way too much now! xD) and just ... yeah, chillaxing, I guess. :wacky:
Mood: ill

Am about to die. Am vomiting, coughing and breath hard :gasp:
My head hurts and my stomach is killing me I SWEAR AM ABOUT TO DIE :rage:
Mood: Good

Finally got the rest of Family Guy Season 8 from the DVD store. =D

Got a few other good DVD's to watch tonight too.

Gah today was horrible. I swear every week gets worse and worse when it comes to work. I am about ready to quit and go back to Best and Less. <_<
Mood: Hungry

Reason: My stomach hurts and is begging me to feed it. Can't be bothered at the moment because I've got to go and get ready since my dad is setting off at 11 to come meet me in Bolton. So it'll have to wait for a little while longer. >_>
Mood: Bleh

Reason: No idea, just not really in the mood today, I swear everyone in Ashton was just walking too slow, getting in way way blocking ailses so I couldn't move. I j ust spent half my time huffing and puffing away getting pissed off with my sock that kept falling down and the constant loss of sound in my left earphone :rage:

I jsut cba today, Ive got fuck all motivation to do anything. Well, I want to paint, but I can't get the fuckign image I want the right size, plus Ive had the munchies all fucking week and Ive put weight back on. Im WELL not drinking this weekend. I'm going to have a weekend off and I'm going to do fuck all.....not that that makes a change from what I always do ANYway. I blame going my mums on Saturday and I just ate her out of house and home and now I can't stop stuffing my face -__-
Mood: Stressed

Reason: Had to wait all day in the hospital for someone to help my dad. He's got a sharp pain in his stomach that extends to his back if he bends forward. Was there from half 1 until half 3. By the time I had to leave, we were waiting for his blood test results to come back. He wasn't happy about me going, but I have netball training at 5. Hope he texts me what's going on because I haven't been stressed for ages. Plus, I don't like hospitals and that's the first time I've been in one just before my granddad died. >_>
Mood: Bill Paying..

Reason: Yes this is a mood! You know what I mean... Stressed on cash, and sitting there handing your money out to people who more or less just want that cheddah. I just want to keeeeep my money mr. Bill collector. Is that okay?
Mood: Sad

Reason: Didn't make the netball team for this week, so I'm obviously saddened by this news. Kinda found out what's going on with my dad as well and I'm stressing again. So you could say I'm annoyed and stressed again. If anyone tried to bite my head off, then I'd bite theirs off more viciously. -__-
Mood: Bored and dissapointed

So i went to see a taping of the Steve Wilkos show today .. and well , lets just say..it wasnt worth all the BS..

Besides driving out there taking 1 hour,They made us wait outside in line for 2 hours in the cold, and then another hour inside.. then.. a half hour in the Studio where they tape, and to top it off, the show we attended was a continuation of the last show, so it was only 15 minutes long...

I cant beleive i took a day off work for this..

Now im at home, and nothing is on television, and my husband left for work for the nite.. boo hoo lol

<3 <3
Mood: Tired

Just haven't been going to bed early enough. But I don't want to go to bed early, because then that means the next time I wake up it will be time for work!

I want to spend the free time that I have doing stuff. XD

Other than that I'm alright. Been a shit day again and I got a haircut. Stupid hairdressers don't know what they're doing anymore. They're getting younger and more stupid.
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Mood: Happy

Reason: Only woke up half an hour ago and it's nearly midday now, so at least no one or anything else going on in the day has had a reason to wake me up so damn early this time! Aching slightly from netball, but it's not as bad as last week. Going to support my flatmate Charl, who'll be playing goal shooter in the game today against Manchester Metropolitan University. Her boyfriend Ben, me and Sarah have already contemplated eating KFC while watching her just to take the mick. xD
Mood: Cheerful

Reason: Netball game against Manchester Met. University went brilliantly and we won 30 something to 20 something. Playing Salford next week and I'm hoping that my best friend will be there, too! Apparently, she's on the team this year. I hope to God she's playing goal shooter because then I can chase her around the court as goal keeper. Should be fun times! Gonna go off to meet Jess at the train station, have something to eat and go to lecture at half 6. All in all, been a good day so far.
Mood - Better.

I still felt pretty icky today, but I was well enough to go into college for forty minutes, before leaving to work at home. I had a pretty good driving lesson too!

And, I'm downloading Crash Bandicoot 1 and 3 on the PSP, AND I pre-ordered Tekken 6 for PS3 :awesome: Good times.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Took me ages to drop off last night, I blame painting, I was concentrating on it that much that I just couldnt get my head to stop whirring away. Was at the dentist again this morning, i thought Id chipped a tooth, aparently Im just paranoid hahaha. I was gunna get referred to an orthodontist for a brace, but aparantly the consultation would have cost 80 fucking quid. Just to have a quick look in my gob...daylight fucking ROBBERY. So I decided to give taht one a miss
Did a little bit of housework, got harassed by Jehovas witnesses again and finished my painting, now Im just knackered and want my bed. I'm not doing a fucking THING tomorrow, Im gunna mong out and read or summat
Mood: Attentive

Reason: Music... the sole reason I survived my species. Thankful to those who put their heart and soul into this shiz. I got my head phones on, testing some code, and rhythmically clicking keys on the keyboard to songs. Makes me enjoy my life.
Mood: Amused

Reason: Felicia and I had a rave for about two hours that consisted of us dancing to some pretty good songs. Tried doing dance routines in the kitchen and we got ourselves an audience. Didn't think that it'd be so good, hehe. The other flatmates came back from seeing Up, so Felicia and I must watch it next week!