[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Blah!

Reason: In a whatever mood at the moment, glad I woke up at half 10 today. But have to go home today at half 1 to meet my mum at the train station for half 2 and stay at my gran's, where I'll have no internet until Sunday when I come back to the uni room. In a writing mood again, but I found out my Microsoft package was only a trial version, so I've had to download OpenOffice from Fanfiction.net. :hmmm:
Mood: tired

Reason: Couldn't settle for ages again, not that I didn't sleep well, oz I did, Im just finding it hard to settle and it's getting annoying. Really cba doing out today, I've got some new canvases and a picture I want to draw, I just need to muster the motivation ffrom somewhere and for some reason, my phone won't play music when it doesn't have head phones in which is annoying, I like summat to listen to when am in the shower -__- This does not bode well for Glasgow seeing as Ive had to sacrifice taking the PS2 (for music, not gaming >_>) because it won't fit in my case, so now Il have to get ready in silence :rage:

It never rains but it fucking pours :rage:

Might make summat to eat soon, one is starting to feel abit peckish...but it's only 11..must...resist...diet....must ...not.....fail

It's another Thursday which means I don't have a lesson until half 2, so I'll probably sit and moan how pointless going to college it. All being said, it works to my advantage next week, we break up for college at 1:20 next Thursday 8F

Reminds me of that I Must Be Emo song.
I'm tired, but that doesn't count as a mood to me x3 I'm watchinng Torchwood which is enjoyable. I'm just kind of laaazy right now - and Mum just turned off Torchwood. Dangit! xDD;
I just cbf with doing anything that involves getting up, but I'm content <3

I'm actually not sure, maybe I just need somehting to do, I tried drawing and everything is coming out all wrong, maybe I need some sleep or something of the sort, I'm not tired or anything just feel weird, I can hardly explain it.
Other than sleepy, I'm very excited. And because I have not been excited for something in such a long while, I'm extremely happy.

My best friend, the one person, who isn't related to me, I care insurmountably deeply for called me today. Now before I say anything more, I just want to add that she moved two years ago to some other town a few hours from here. She no longer has her laptop due to her not wanting to spend any more time on the computer, so it's hard to keep in touch. I guess she finally found my number though.
Anyway, she called, and asked if I would do something with her tomorrow (technically today, but I haven't slept yet). Good god, I don't think I have said yes so many times in a row. I miss her so much.

I just went out to hoover and wash the car this morning and it's fucking baltic, I surprised the water didn't freeze on me :jtc: On a happier note, I'm going to purchase myself Uncharted 2 today whilst going to the Boro game :grin:
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Excited > :yay: > Sad

Excited because it's 5 days till half term, and better yet, the school trip! This year is sure to be the best; the other years I've been on my friends got into a big fight in my room, but it's twin rooms this year and I promised to be with H <3 *war dances*

:yay: because this morning I got the house to myself, which is good, because I can do anything I want except suicide ^_^

Sad because I think I'm gonna fail my tests :sad2: But then again, I always do well...
mood: Ill

Reason: Egg fried rice. Made me welllll ill, i thought id just eaten too much, but apparently i can add it to the list of things i can no longeer eat, like scrambled egg because its killed me off. my poor stomach is in knots and im off to old trafford to watch my first ever football match later as well. oh the JOYS. I was already apprehensive about going with out adding being sick as a parrot to the list. couldnt sleep last night either, even though i went to bed at half 9 :rage: so im a tad cranky :rage:
Mood: Tired

Was out till midnight at Dracula's pub/restaurant with my old work for their Christmas Party.

It was awesome! The shows were fantastic and the whole experience was just amazing!

They sang current songs and were so funny the whole way along.

Their costumes were amazing and the waiters and waitresses were dressed up so well! They had fake blood, awesome outfits, the works!

I can't wait to go back again!

It's a well nice day outside, albeit, slightly chilly. And for the second week running I have no homework to do for over the weekend, got a bitta 5aside at around 3 so that should be great as per. Pretty sound day overall, just able to relaaaaax. :awesome:
Mood: Zen Peace

Once again, the strange feeling of peace is with me. I feel no anger, no nothing. No particular emotion is distinct within me right now, and while the examination stress is still lying around somewhere, it's not standing out such that it's affecting my behavior. Nor am I happy, or whatever... Just... Peaceful.

Weird. Not bored either... Just weird.
Mood: Relieved

Reason: I finally feel better. I've been ill the whole weekend :sad2: and haven't been able to sleep well, not helped by the fact that my panadol has caffeine in it :rage:
Anyway, got some work to do and there's a pub quiz tonight which should be gewd :)
Mood: Pretty Good

Reason: Was ill as fuck yesterdya, never ever having egg fried rice again i thought I was gunna keeel over and die at one point, but I troopered on went to the scariest pub EVER. Crazed united fans stomping about and chanting various things about City, and Sheep and whateverelse I could just about ick out fromthe din, it was that loud I thought my ovaries were gunna drop out

Went to Old Trafford for my first ever match, had a seat rightnear the pitch behind the net, it was pretty good, started to feel abit better the second half so I could get into it abit more . Never been so ill in my LIFE. Also, some guy got escorted past us by security, I was glaring away at him thinking he wassome kind of hooligan, turns out it was one of the players, glad I didnt say out haha >_>

And ion the way out I was admiring a horses Bowl cut and ended up walking right into the back of some enormous man at some speed .... how I got lol'd at ¬_¬

Kelly came round the evening as well, so we had alcohol and a natter which was gewd, went to bed about 1 and slept til about dinner time today so Imno longer ill and have no hangover woohoo. Justguna have a lazy day today I think
Mood: Tired

I got up at 11:30 today and even had a nap this arvo, but I'm still tired as.

I've had a sorta shit weekend and I'm kinda stressed at the moment, so I suppose that isn't helping.

I get the day off tomorrow hopefully. I mean, they can't exactly say 'no' to me having the day off, when I have no way of getting there.

I need to get my car fixed. :gonk:
Mood: Tired

Reason: It's Sunday and that's my longest day of the entire week. Had work, of course, and it was well boring. As always, I get the train back to my uni room and relax. This weekend's pissed me well off. Firstly, I've got to continue the NVQ I didn't hear anything about for four months. And finally, my boss shouted at me and another guy for something so little that he made to be out so big. I'm hoping that he gets taken off the invite list for the birthday do next Saturday.
Mood: Good

We just bought some new paint and clear cover for my car. But we still have to get the left hand side panel before we can paint anything.

We ran out of time this morning so Steve is going to get it tomorrow.

We bought a new light as well so we'll be getting that tomorrow too.

There is just never-ending crap in this house. There is always something annoying that needs to be done.

I'm ot even sure, I miss Nomie, he went off to play in Nationals and wont be back till tomorrow, he's been gone since Friday and he barely talks to me when he's over there. And then when he does get back, we won't even talk that much or spent time together because he's so busy with school work. Then my irradical sleeping parents get in the wya and yeah, everything else goes to hell.
Mood: Better

I just went to collect the new light for my car from Autobarn. It was pretty good service. I only ordered it this morning and it was there this afternoon. =)

Still need to get the side panel before I can really do anything though, so I guess I'll have to drive to work for a day or two before I can get it fixed.

Also I've finally decided to start work on this Pharmacy Assistant course for work. It isn't that hard actually. Just a load of multiple choice questions.