[V3] What's Your Mood?


Well, yeah I suppose I'm fine, I got a visit from my friend and now I'm RolePlaying with Nomie and I made a few signatures, I uploaded them and yeah, I think I did alright. =)
My dear friggin' God.

Are you fucking serious? This is the 4th day in a row. That I'm not tired enough to get into bed before 3am, and by the time I'm sleeping I wake up at friggin 7am in the damn morning. All tired, but not able to fall back asleep. -__- It's 8.30am now, and I'll be damned if I don't go back to bed until noon. -__- I'm dead tired, and this lack of sleep is wearing down on me. Work from 4 till midnight too.

Stop fucking with me, Life. -__-
Mood: Determined

Haven't been determined in a while now. As the major examinations approach, I feel a rising inspiration to crush it, and do well. I believe that I can, and my teachers all agree with me firmly on this note. Coupled with their belief, and my own, I'm now extremely intent on making my examinations a major success. Maybe not the top in the school, but good enough for me to smile a whole day.
Mood - Refreshed, but somewhat irked.

I got a load of sleep last night to make up for staying up till 4am the night before to do my English Coursework. So I feel great today, really full of energy. However, since I've handed in all my coursework, and therefore got nothing left to do, you would think I wouldn't have to go in today. But no. We still have to go in, for God knows what reason. If she lets us leave after ten minutes, I'm gonna flip.
Mood: Yeehaw

Reason: Dead excited about playing the netball game against Salford today because it's my very first one for uni. Woke up before my alarm went off, so I'm a bit mystified by that as well. Anyway, I've got the morning to chillax, so that's what I'm doing right now!

I'm feeling great at the moment, nothing is bothering me and nothing will bother me. I drew a picture recently and it came out great I'd say, I need to color it but eh, I love it ♥
Mood: Tired

Reason: Have had too much excitement for one week, guess it's time to hit the hay. Been messing around with Felicia until the other flatmates came in and spoiled it all. Whatever. I'm not putting up with their crap anymore. >_>


I worked 12 hours today..and that's a good reason for being tired..but shit..the money dont come by themselves..Things are getting harder in my job and maybe in future i will work 12 hours a day,6 days a week..Disaster..:wtf:

Even though i'm not always right i can count on the sun to shine​
Mood: Sick

Reason: Woke up half an hour ago with a burning sore throat, so I couldn't go back to sleep. I've been drinking plenty of water since then and I've felt sick. Asking a friend what I should do right now because I'm very pissed off, although I've learned some guy's been taken away from halls since he was drunkenly violent and has been arrested for doing that.
Mood: Good

Got a promotion today which of course means a pay rise. :wacky:

I will have to do some weekend work but it's not that bad. I still get two normal weekends each month. I also get to be a Duty Manager and boss people around. XD

I originally applied for this job when I first started at the Pharmacy but the girl who's job I'm doing now decided she wanted it. Now she's leaving, so I get to do it this time. XD
Mood: Good

Reason: Think that bout of insomnia has passed, thank god, I thought it was gunna last ages I hate insomnia :rage: Ive gotten into a pair of jeans (comfortably) that I couldn't get into a couple of weeks ago, so the diet appears to be going well too. Ive decided I liek my fringe, jsut need to get used to it just being there, which is weird still haha. I was gunna go out and run today, but I cba getting annoyed with my head phones constantly coming lose, that really winds me up, and Im in a pretty good mood, so Im not ruining it . Might just mong out on FFVIII or summat instead

I want to do somehting, go out somewhere but its too early and I can't leave until like maybe 12PM. I wan to talk to someone, I want to DO something, yeah I'm hyper as if I just had like a pound or two of sugar and man I gotta pee!! x3

My science practical examination happened today, and I seemed to have breezed through it. My answers coincided with the others, after a brief check later, so it was most probably the right answer. That, and the fact I feel as if I were doing the test without a hitch. The flow and sheer smoothness is quite exhilarating to recall after everything.

Better yet, it pleases me to no end to know that I did something right which majority didn't seem to have done- indicating a good chance at possibly reaching a higher score than the rest. Then again, the marks won't be returned to us, so we won't know for certain. Never mind that though.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Still got the sore, burning throat and I only ended up getting four hours sleep last night. Went to bed at 1, woke up at 4 and then didn't get back to bed til 6. But I was lay about, trying to get some sleep. So I must've only gotten an hour's worth because I remember staring into space for a very long time. I've been out today, it's not been too bad meeting my friends. But I think I may go back to sleep in a bit because I'm absolutely fucked.

I'm pretty good right now, I just ate and I feel great, I'm supposed to be asleep right now which might bring down my mood but its not a big deal. I am sorta excited and I am hoping to find somehting to do, so pretty much I'll be alright & just a little bored. xD
Mood: Sick

Reason: For one, I can't breathe out of my nose anymore. Secondly, I have a little cough. And finally, I keep blowing my nose every two seconds. Didn't help I accidentally dropped the tissue roll into the sink after I'd washed my hands as well. Going home today and looks like they're gonna get my cold, too. >_>

I love being alone. I'm not sure why. I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm free to do what I please without judgment/landing myself in hot water, the freedom, the time to think... I don't know. I just enjoy it immensely.
Mood: Good

I'm feeling pretty average tonight.

It's Friday and I don't really have anything to do but surf the internet which is good. I don't really want to be out and about at the moment. Not feeling the best.

I might grab a Jack and Coke in a minute though. The coke should be cold by now. =D

Also I just realised I have an extra $100 that I thought I didn't have in the bank. =D

How awesome is that. XD
Mood: Great

Reason: Had looooooads of sleep last night, went to bed at 9.15 :wacky: woke up needing a piss at 4 though -__- Had my IT course the morning which was good, then justlounged around for the rest of the day really. Was gunna go out tonight but didnt bother, was gunna go to the mothers instead. Didnt bother 8F I finally got some parkin...Ive been cravingit SO bad it waslike 5 simultaneous orgasms in my mouth when I finally got some, and I also have a glass of wine to hand, so all is good. Tune in next week when every day is a rage day because Ellies on half term and Im on my period. Fun times ahead

So, like a month ago, my cousins move din with me because they couldn't afford to pay for their own home and ever since then, everything is so awkward in my house. Like I feel that the only place that is safe is my room and when they're out of the house. I don't know, I know they;'re family and everything but eh, it just feels weird to have people who aren't usually be there....well be there. x.x;;