[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Fine

Reason: Meh, been chilling all morning and listening to music, etc. Got work later on and best get a move on to get ready, been in my pjs all morning. But I don't wanna go, so my mood might get worse later on.
Mood: Pretty Good

Reason: Woke up hangover free for once, still got the hangover munchies though...Im just gunna go eat my mum out of house and home I think. im off to peck her head today, it's mint annoying my mum :wacky:

Finished out my painting, w00, and I think Clare's coming round tomorrow, so all is good

I think it may be the first weekend since I've started back at college that I don't have homework, so I'm making the most of it by being lazy. I'll get to see my girlfriend properly tomorrow as well since I have properly seen her in a week. Until tomorrow, I shall play PS3 :grin:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Watching X Factor on TV right now. Glad to finally get back from work, especially since there've been riots in Manchester over the BNP and I had to get a taxi back from my mum's.
Mood: Sleepy

Reason: I stayed up late last night. I can't stand it when I stay up late at night. I never feel good when I wake up.DX
Mood: Kinda bored. Well Im at my cousins house and There is no Xbox live here and I kinda feel like playing some Halo 3 online. I guess its not gonna matter cause I can come on here and chill :awesome: So I guess its ok!
Mood: Hungry

I really feel like Dim Sims or something. Steve wants to bake a cake though. =/

I don't really want the first thing I eat this morning to be a cake. XD

Today's weather is still rather shit. It's raining and miserable, though I suppose it's good because we didn't really have money to go out this weekend.

We'll just snuggle up on the couch and watch movies I think. =D
Mood : Tired, but happy.

I've had a great and productive night. I really enjoyed X Factor, although I can't help but feel that the brilliant performances are now over-shadowed by people misinterpreting Dannii Minogue's comment towards Danyl >_> It's such a shame too, as tonight was really good.

The devil twins better leave tomorrow, I don't see why people would vote for them at all. They have NO redeeming qualities. I hope Stacey wins though, she has such a lovely voice and personality :yay:
Mood: Good

Just finished watching the 'Pineapple Express' with Steve. It was pretty funny.

I hate it when people tell you that a movie is crap and then you watch it and think, 'well it was actually pretty good.'

I wish people would keep their opinions to themselves sometimes. My old friend was telling me how crap the 'Pineapple Express' was and that I shouldn't watch it etc.

I'm glad I didn't listen to her. <_< She has no sense of humour anyway I suppose.
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Mood: Dessapointed

Reason: I was waiting for my friend Nomie to come home tonight, we had a sort of date and he never made it and to make things worse, his phone died so I have no way of contacting him. Him and I were supposed to role play together. =/
Mood: Greate

Reason: Stayed at the mothers last night, just sat here and ate all her food ahaha, terrorising my brother is always a bonus too. Got Clare round later so if she cant get Twilight, Ive got a couple of DVD's snaffled off my brother. Not sure she will wanna watch fast and furious though, so Il fap to that one on my own 8F She's bring clothes for me too, which is always good, wine clothes food and dvd's.

Off to play a bit of 5aside in 20 minutes, then I'm going to get back, chill, see if they is any football on, possibly play a bit of LittleBigPlanet then wait for my gf to come round. Such an epic Sunday :ryan:
Mood: ...Meh?

Last night was a well night. Though I was up till 10am this morning, got some sleep, woke up at 2PM. Ah, the joy of being off from work.

Just showered, ate, and sat on the computer, while being well paranoid I might've washed my tattoo off.. :lmao:

As if, Kira, as if...


Yeah... Just feeling kinda mellow nothing. Nothing great, nothing bad.
Mood: Worried

Reason: My flatmate burned her hand with boiling water by accident and she's going to the hospital in a bit to get it checked out. Thought it wasn't bad until she showed me the hand. It's red raw and quite swollen. She was going to back out of going, but I told her that it's not worth it taking any risks. Bless her, she's being so brave and trying not to cry because she's in soooo much pain!
Mood - Blergh.

I'm full of cold and feel like shite. However, I took two anti-biotics, about an hour ago, and only after taking them did I read the packaging. They contain 25% caffeine. So now I'm wide awake too, with double-Law in the morning. Yayz.
Mood: Annoyed

I hate hang nails or whatever they are.

It's making it hard to type because my finger is so damn swollen. <_< It keeps throbbing and is so fat!


Anyway it's only Monday which sucks. I really want it to be the weekend already.
Mood: Hungover

Reason: several bottles of wine and the accompanying memory loss haha. We TRIED to watch Marley and Me, but we just sat and gassed all the fucking way through it. Ive come to the conclusion that Clare and I just can NOT watch things together, we just waffle on way too much
She bought me a MASSIVE lolly today as well, Im welllllll gunna enjoy trying to eat it, its a beast. Also bought a couple of DVD's too. Picked up an application form for taht Charity Shop I mentioned previous, forgot to buy ear rings. I only want some farty little studs and/or sleepers. Il go Asda and have a look there I think...
Not been for a run today, my feet are sore from all the mooching about, although I really should because Ive eaten like a PIG this weekend and I had a full English for breakfast. Gave Clare my bacon, she loves going for breakfast with me ahaha
Just gunna mong out the rest of the day I think. Stick Aladdin on when I get Ellie home. Then when she's in bed either Twlight or Fast and Furious. Perving times :ryan: