[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood. Annoyed

A friend had asked me out to badminton. By technicality, I would have expected him to get the required stuff, and also to arrange the right time. Wouldn't it be the right way to go? After all, he's the one that asked me out. He should arrange the stuff and gets things set.

Then, he goes on and says he's lazy, and asks me to get the stuff instead. I have little disagreements with this at the moment, so I agreed to do that. He also reveals that there are more friends he had asked along as well. Okay. That's fine too. Then, he further reveals I am to go all the way to his place to play (Which means some transport fees incurred on my part)

Still no problem... UNTIL HE DECIDED TO TAKE FOREVER TO ALMOST NO REPLY TO MY FURTHER QUERIES. THE BASTARD. Thankfully, he replied, and I forgave him just this once... (Which in itself is already the umpteenth time I did that)



So now, everyone's taking forever to respond to me. Me, myself can't be bothered to go already. Bastards. :rage:
Mood: tired

Of being sick that is, been too long already. Medicine is not working now so it's all up to my immune system now. I've been drinking cider like no tomorrow and tea. I want to get better quickly, theres some ice cream in the freezer i want soooo bad.
Mood: Freaked out. Apparently they are taking people out of college to do The H1N1 vaccine this week and next week. Although I am not gonna do it if they call me because my friend ot it and he said it fucking hurts really bad and stins for 5 days straight. Ah this is so gay. I dont want the vaccine it will hurt too much :sad2:
Awake :rage:

I blame falling asleep at 5.30pm for an hour and a half -_- its not 11.30 and i cant sleep. This wouldnt be an issue if i didnt have work :gonk:
Id well love to win the lottery and quit, spend my days somewhere hot, waking up in the afternoon :gonk: Its be great :(
Mood: Sad.
Reason: Everyone I know has someone pass away in their lifes lately. Im so scared. A close family friend lost his wife of 94, another lost her sister of 41! And my ex's great aunt passed away on Saturday and I ignored his texts cause I thought he was after attention. He told me Sunday why he was trying to reach me and I felt like shit for ignoring him. Im scared Im going to lose someone close to me. I couldnt bear that. Just want this year over, worst year ever!

I woke up to a very loud recording of dancing with the stars because of my mother. Now i don't think i'll be able to go back to sleep, but i'll try anyway i'm not one to give up so easily.

Well i'll just watch Bones in the meantime, i love this show. I'm surprised its been on for so long though. Knowing fox i thought they would've cancelled it by now.
If you win the lottery lewis, you can come to Manchester 8F

Mood: Tired

Reason: Had an early night but kept waking up, think Im too excited about Muse tickets going on sale :rage: I also rearranged my living room yesterday, new desk ftw. I ended up slinking off to bed at 10, for all the use that did, I went at 1am the night before and Im just as tired. Got a man about a quote for my living room coming this evening as well, he better turn up -__-
Mood: Tired

Only got about five hours sleep last night/this morning before I had to wake up at 5:30 to get ready for work and be at the train station by 7am.

I really hate public transport but I was not about to drive all the way down the coast to get to work.

I don't even know the area that well to be driving there on my own.

The train took me half an hour whereas driving would have taken me about an hour.


I am going walking on Friday in the morning with my best mate. =D

Exercise! Wootage!
Mood: Pleased

Just came back from my self-initiated piano practice. Since I do not have a piano at home, I have to head to the music school where I take up classes... And during this time, I successfully learned and memorised how to play 'Ode to Joy' all by myself. I know how simple that song is, but then again, for me to learn it by myself gives a great sense of achievement.

Right now, I can't wait for the actual lesson on Friday. Heh heh.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Can finally stop moving around and chill out since I've had a busy week already. And it's only Wednesday! Still have a lecture later on tonight, don't know how I'm going to cope with it because I'm already pissed off with the teacher from last week. God, I hope my best friend from the course turns up or else I'll be having words with her. >_>
Mood: Tired

Just not had enough sleep lately and I actually felt sick all day today because of it. I was feeling dizzy and such.

Luckily I get to sleep in tomorrow which is going to be freakin' awesome.

I can't wait for the weekend.

It had better not go fast again!
Mood: Bitchy

Reason: Got woke up 5 in the morning when my flatmate brought back a load of people we didn't know back here and I couldn't go back to sleep for another hour. On top of that, my stomach was hurting last night, so I didn't sleep very well. Now my right shoulder at the back is killing me and I'll snap at anyone because of my bad mood. >_>
Mood: Owww.

I guess owww isn't really a mood. Don't like it? Bite me >.> Pissed off/Bitchy might be a better fit right now, tbh. I woke up with my ankle swollen to 1.5 times (about... hard to be too exact) the size of the other one, and it hurts like hell when I walk. Running in gym class is going to be... interesting at best. My throat also hurts really badly, and I've got a feeling I'm just going to be a horrible bitch all day. Not. Fun.

Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Back home now and can finally chillax for once. Looking forward to tomorrow because I'm meeting my friend at college as per usual and then seeing New Moon with her and another friend later on that night.
Mood: So-so

Reason: Well, it's Thursday so it's almost Friday which means it's the weekend. Oh, and tomorrow is early release day, so I'm really happy. But I haven't been feeling good, so I'm sort of unhappy, too. So when you take it all into account, I'm only so-so.
Mood: So-so

Reason: I received a 29/40 for an English Literature essay. That isn't too bad. It was only my first draft, but by means will I enjoy doing it. Still, it's Friday tomorrow, which means I have an extra 3 hours lie-in before going off to college. That's inviting to know.
Mood: Fine

Just another peaceful day. Went and tried out Left For Dead 2 yesterday when some good friends. Today would be my second music lesson.

So, for these two days, I'm doing what I particularly enjoy... However, I'll have to get through the boredom of the time beforehand... So, it kind of balances up.
Mood: Okay

Were my two days off, tomorrow -friday- as well. Might head into the shopping street and just wander around for a bit.

Tis been good, I've slept alot. :ryan: I'm happy.
Mood: Dead

Tried to sleep before I headed off for work tonight, but it's far too hot and I can't sleep well during the day unfortunately.

My eyes are so red and are really aching.

Maybe I will be able to go home early tonight if I happen to get sick or something. >_<

But yeah. I really would rather spend tonight with Steve over working with my managers. <_<
Mood: Pissed

I hurt my arm today trying to lift the damn dresser in my room, i wasn't satisfied with how the placement of that and the bed was so i moved them. I took painkillers but they aren't helping. I'm not sure if i'm a masochist by sitting here taking the time to post or if i'm an idiot but meh.

Though i'm more pissed off about something else, i'm not going to delve into it here. I might just fly off the handle and go on a fucking rage storm.