[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Tired

Reason: Had the craziest day at work, been rushed off my feet and didn't have much of a chance to settle down for a minute! There's spillages left, right and centre as well as stupid customers "accidentally" smashing eggs every half hour. Ugh! I'm finally back at the flat at uni and can't wait to relax. Haven't been sleeping well lately, so I'm going bed early.
Mood: Not ecstatic

Reason: I know it sounds utterly petty to complain about, but I'm bogged down by my politics essay. I just don't understand how a 20 mark essay demands so much things to be mentioned. Furthermore I had the worst night last night. Some crazy form of insomnia I imagine...
Mood: Irritated. I am doin my assignment for Media and its really long. I dont like the movie 10000 BC and I have to do a fucking critique on the fucking movie! Its not going good so far and it is really pissing me off! I have no choice to do it though or no Magnacarta 2 Playtime for me. Its due wednesday. Also Ryan have fun watchin me :grin:
Mood: Relieved

Reason: So glad to finally be home and be able to stay this time.

First I came home after work and had to get ready for the work meeting and then left soon after to head back to work.

Then I got home after that and we left straight away to go get some food for dinner and now I've finally got in the house and can just sit and do nothing. XD
Mood: Amused

Just finished yet another novel.. In one day. It's been ages since I took up a book and actually read it. No doubt, much of the day have been dedicated to reading the book, and yet, I finished it on just one bloody day? Actually, lesser, since it's not 24 hours.

Well, then again, it's only a few hundred pages.. I suppose.. But it's rather amusing to know.
Mood: Knackered

REason: REALLY need to stop staying up so late when im CLEARLY tired, it's like Im deliberately trying to torture myself. Finished my crimbo shopping today though AND itws all wrapped, got some boots for 2 quid as well, bargain 8F Housework is all done too and Im in my pj's eagerly awaiting bed time
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: I had a hour's worth of time at college to continue my essay and an email blunder has meant I can't access the document at home. Now I'm nearly back to square 1 in the most irritating essay ever.
Pretty Good

Just finished my Psychology essay on "Is Psychology Science" pretty boring but meh, whatever. Having a gander for some DS games to download which I'll play in bed :wacky: Other than that just chillin' really, listening to music and whatnot.
Mood: Excited

Whew. My Prom Night's tomorrow. Can't wait to see how the others will dress up. The girls will probably go crazy with make up, while the guys would be acting real suave with their clothing, I suppose. I can say the same for myself, nevertheless.

That, and an upcoming competition stirs my interest. Honestly, I'm not sure how the competition will turn out, but I'll say I'm rather interested and keen on succeeding. Wish me luck, I guess.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Still not getting much sleep. I always have so much to do when I get home that I can't just flop down and go to sleep.

I also don't like going to bed right away simply because I don't want to wake up to yet another day of work.

I'm about to go watch Penelope but Steve's still outside. So when he comes in I'll get off here.
Mood: A little bit of Yay. Well I dont have world education today Thank God. I finished all my work for media but there is still that damn world education assinment that is due on the 30th. I should start sometime tommorow >_> Also Media was fun yesterday we worked on more photoshop :awesome:
Mood: tiiiiired

Reason; I HAVE NO IDEA :rage: I actually went to bed early last night, fat lot of good that did me, also, tried on a dress today and Im fucking fat. Hello diet -__-
Mood: Tired :'(
Reason: 9am-8pm of College... it drained me. Morning wasn't so bad, 2 hours of listening to a Murderer ramble on about how he killed someone and someone who did theft all his life. Sharply followed by the most mind-numblingly boring lesson of English Language, ever. Then 2 hours of ICT Theory, an hour break, then 3 or so hours of Maths ( - GCSE Level so you know, not that bad!) But still, absolutely slaughtered me. I don't see myself getting out of this chair any time soon. >,<
Mood: Hot

Reason: I have been throughout this evening and tonight since I had netball training. I didn't even acknowledge the cold outside, even walked home in my vest and shorts in the rain! The heat hasn't escaped yet. Or maybe it's just because I had soup when I got back to the flat. Anyway, I hope it doesn't continue through the night or else I won't be able to sleep.
Mood: Moderate

Hm. My Prom Night's today.... Excited about wearing some good looking clothing, but not excited to a crazy, fan-girl, extent. Then again, I feel rather dull as well, considering the time I have to spend before the actual event- and the gut feeling that I might be expecting too much out of it.
Mood: Pissed off

My parents are hiding my social insurance number so I can't get a job. :l

[Mod Edit: Can you please put a little more effort into your posts when in post count sections, so that they don't come across as spammy. Thank you. =)]
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Mood: Good

Reason: Not feeling so tired anymore, though if I don't go to bed early I'll feel it in the morning.

I've got so much to do and I've even really started Christmas shopping as yet!

I really should get started. I always say that I'll do it early this year and still put it off to the last minute. :gonk:
Mood: Happy

Reason: Lecture this morning was on Bribery and Corruption, and it was quite interesting. Business Financial Crime is always quite funny in a twisted way as well, since statistics are always showing bachelor degree students as being responsible for the most fraud, a fact the lecturer draws upon quite often...

I've got a couple of bits of seminar preparation work to complete, then I can relax until Friday...in which I'll probably be extremely stressed, but I'll deal with that when I get to it.

Bought Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky before coming home, as well~<3
Sick and Tired and >_>

Urgh! I've a sort of a cold, only it's in my throat and because of that, I've a cough! :jtc: I only got 4 hours of sleep for the previous nights. AND I have History and English coursework and who-knows-how-many-more hwk I'm gonna get. AND I still have yet to do GFX...

Mood: Tired

Reason: I should be in bed but as always I'm up till midnight!

I'm going to kill all my energy and make myself sick if I don't get a decent nights sleep soon.


There's just so much to do on the internet and no time to do it all. :gonk:

It's 11:30pm so I should really go to bed now. <_<