[V3] What's Your Mood?

Bad Mark xDDDD I do that too >.>

Mood: Tiiiiiiiiiired

I even TOLD myself I was going to go to bed early. Didn't. 11pm, baby! And then I get up at 6am and.. oh fuck it's 6:40 and I leave at 6:50. I'm not dressed and my hair isn't done and I haven't eaten. Fuck this :gonk:

*dies* >.>

I wanna go back to bed >.> I don't think I've done my English reading either <.<
Mood: Hungry

It's 11pm and I'm still waiting on my dinner! XD

We're having Stroganoff or something apparently. I don't think I've ever had it before.

I just finished watching Summer Heigths High too. Funny shit. XD

I absolutely love his work! I wish he would do more series! =0

Anyway I worked an hour and a half overtime today. I was so hot and tired by the end of it! :gasp:
Mood: Fed up.
Reason: Fucking exs. They should all be shot out of a canyon into the sea. SICK TO DAMN DEATH OF THEM!!! Just had enough of them all. Im tempted to cancel going to the Trafford Center with the stupid twat.
Mood: Bored

Reason: Basically waiting around until I head off to watch my flatmate play basketball at Manchester University. We're getting in cars to get there, so I guess we'll be all right. Should be back later on, been watching I'm A Celebrity all afternoon. Not been a bad day so far.

This may sound incredibly pathetic, but the reason for my hurting is because I don't have a puppy. I think about having one all of the time, and it reminds me of the other dogs I used to have. Well, they weren't mine they were all of ours, but it was nice to have that kind of company. I always talked to the dog and played with it and loved it with all my heart. The dog would never judge and love me as much as I love him if not more.
Every time I think of having my own puppy, I get this crowding within my stomach and a lump in my throat and I can never help but cry and even though I'd only just be tearing up it would feel like I couldn't breathe. Currently, my eyes are burning because my tears are finally drying. It hurts so bad not having that special little someone who will love me forever and forgive me for anything. And it obviously wouldn't be a human being, so it's a huge change and I love that.
Mood: fuck all

There's no fucking soap, i was on my way to take a shower and i find that theres no soap. I'm gone for two days to get back to no soap...bullshit if you ask me. Sure i could go to the store and buy some, but no i'm not better and i sure as hell am not getting sicker for a bar of soap. Even though i need it badly, i'll wait.
Mood: Bored and tired

Reason: because I'm at school, tired of doing work and I didn't get much sleep last night...*sigh*

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Feeling the onset of a cold I think. Sucks because I'm enjoyin' seeing everyone while I'm home and I got a pretty big date with a girl tomorrow so I'm kinda hoping it blows over tongiht while I'm sleeping so I wake up and am fine.
Mood: Tired

Reason: It's all I seem to be lately. Tired, tired, tired! I'm going to start going to bed earlier because lack of sleep is catching up with me and I can't keep going through the days feeling very sleepy.
Mood: A bit tired

Cause i had a big school presentation, which required a lot of work.

[Mod Edit: Can you please put more effort into your posts in post count sections thanks. =)]
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Mood: Drained

Reason: I've been pretty active these past few days so I'm pretty exhausted. I also injured my left hand, 3 of my fingers are badly swollen and pretty much useless right now. I can't grip anything with my left hand or type with it, so it's pretty annoying -__-
Mood: Alright

Reason: Just been fannying about on PS again, though I've closed the window now and trying to thin of summat else to do. Bit tired, though not as bad as I thought Id be seeing as I didnt get to bed til half 2 like a nob. I'l have to make sure Im in bed early tonight what with my IT exam tomorrow -__-
Got food shopping to do as well, but I'l do that tomorrow as well, fuck going out today I can't be arsed

I might bake more scones. Yes.. awesome idea :monocle:
Mood: Not so good

I've had a sore throat and ear ache for the last few days now. It started off with an ulcer in my throat and it seemed to get more irritated and swollen and then started to affect my ear.

Gah it's frustrating!

One more day of work and then I get to come home for the weekend though and go pay off my DVD's that are on layby!

Get to come home at 3:30 tomorrow arvo so I can't wait. XD Though it'll still be a seven hour day seeing as I start at 8:30.
Mood: Stressed

Reason: I have one week of University left, during which I need to get a portfolio worth 100% of my assessment in Accounting Packages completed - I am two sessions behind, because I just cannot get the numbers to match up, so I'm going to have to pray my teacher knows what in the name of Ishap I've done tomorrow, and that I can catch up with minimal pain involved - as well as an essay worth 65% of my assessment in Business Financial Crime on the questionable legality of earnings management in exchange listed companies, using the accursed Harvard APA reference format, which I HATE. It needs to be 2500 words. I have a horrendously loose essay plan, an introduction of 329 words, three potentially useful articles relating to the subject saved, and the intention to go over four or five articles with a highlighter either tomorrow afternoon or next week somewhen.

Then there is the group coursework to consider. An essay we haven't even started due in the week after we go back, a Taxation presentation in which I don't even know what group I'm in or what I'm supposed to be doing, and MORE Operational Management Accounting in which I am being pestered to meet up next week on Wednesday, the day in which I get all my seminar work done and try to relax, when it is clearly NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, because I want my essay and my portfolio out of the way first, which is going to take the remainder of this week and likely all of next week to finish. Then I break up for Christmas, and if anyone in any of my groups thinks I'm going to even consider meeting up over Christmas to do work, then they clearly need to re-think that assessment. In the first week of the Christmas holiday I need to sort and then condense my first semester notes down for revision and reading purposes, then I am taking a two-week holiday and nothing short of the apocalypse is going to stop me.

In short, its the end-of-year rush. Everything I have to do before and immediately after Christmas is coming up to slap me in the face, other people are being damned inconvenient - someone has phoned me THREE TIMES this morning, evidently not getting the message my phone is off and is going to remain off until I need to use it, as I have said multiple times over the past two months - and I'm starting to panic just a teensy bit.
I'm whining, I know. Don't mind me, its just the way I cope with it. XD
A bit bleh

I have a well dodgy stomach which feels like I want to hurl everytime I stand up, if I'm sat or lying down I'm fine it's just stood up which sucks ass. Although, it could be a blessing is disguise because it'll mean I can get my English coursework done today which means I have nothing to do tonight or Saturday :)
Bored as shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

I just finished eating an entire can of salsa with a bag of chips and want to do something that's not boring, but I've pretty much exhausted everything today, I think.

Don't exactly feel like sleeping, but I feel pretty relieved since I've managed to repair some pretty important settings on my computer today, so now I can finally burn/rip CDs again <_<

I also keep trying to get into games I buy, but it's always the same old same redundant bullshit... Q_Q

Starting to just think about giving up gaming and devoting all of my time to playing guitar. Feels like everything that used to be interesting is just falling down around me besides my music D:
Mood: Good

Just sat down with my Jack and coke and ready to have a post about on the forum.

I actually came on at like 5:30 tonight but then my friend called and then my mum called and then my friend came over and I've only just got back on five hours later at 10:30.

Can't wait for tomorrow! I'm going to JB Hi-Fi to get me some more anime and more T.V. box sets and also to KMart to pick up some of my DVD's that I had on layby.

I can't wait. XD
Mood: Good but tiiiiired

Reason: had an early night and was out like a light yet I woke up feeling shattered, I woke up fresher after going to bed at 2.30 the day before! I dreamed I was pregnant, it was awful, I had this massive bump.. Iwas SO relieved when I woke up and it was ony a dream xD DId my first IT exam thing today, apparently I have 3 more, I thought I was done hahah oh well. It was easy though, so I know that's gone well, did all my shopping to, so thats out of the way, got the bus this time though so I didn't kill my arms walking up the hill again! Just lounging around at home now, all my layers on and my hot water bottle under my quilt, it's bastard freezing. I love this hot water bottle so much 8F

Getting my living room decorated tomorrow aswell, woohoo! Can't wait! My house will FINALLY be done after years of 'getting round to it' It's the last room I need to do so all is good.

I THINK Kelly's coming round tonight, she said she will let me know later. So will see how that one pans out, not really a big deal though as Im off to watch New Moon with Clare tomorrow and then having wine and pizza back at mine later. So that should be good
Mood: Relieved

Reason: I've managed to catch up completely on my AccPack work, and I've managed to avoid people for the week. All I have to do this weekend is one lot of seminar preparation, otherwise I can do more of my essay or relax. My trenchcoat, which was ripped earlier this week (some prick walked into me and caught it, tearing right through the leather...) is now fixed, so I can go pick it up tomorrow~
So, things are calming down a teensy bit.
Mood: Extremely annoyed

I just found out that my sister decided to hop onto my account here. Changed my mood to "bitchy" and sent someone a message that said something along the lines of "I want a cookie really bad". I don't know if she said anything in the SB, but if she did just ignore it.

By the way, I changed my password so no worries.

Other than that... I'm alright. I just made pancakes and they tasted like ass, awesome. I woke up to my dog playing with a dead chipmunk on the patio, even more awesome.