[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Damn!

All right. So, somehow, my computer decides to allow me to get on. What's up with it, mood swings? Nevertheless, for most of yesterday and earlier today, I was totally unable to get up to the computer... And now, so easily...

Nevertheless, it's good to know. I'll probably rush some things out for my presently ongoing role plays, and whatever else I could do on the computer.

.. Though, I'm almost positive that the infamous blue-screen error's just waiting to come out.
Dang, whats wrong with it?, have you tried your options? The blue screen of death is horrible. I hate pc problems, i hope it gets fixed.
Mood: Happy

Reason: I went to bed before half 11 last night and woke up at 10 this morning, feeling very refreshed now. It's the best night's sleep I've had in WEEKS, so I'm obviously a very happy bunny at the moment. Thankfully, I didn't get hungover either. Had half of the huge bottle of Smirnoff Ice. Gonna have the rest of it tonight, I like being tipsy lol. I'm funnier than I usually am when sober. :yay:
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: I've just finished cleaning my room. Its taken me a little over 3 hours, and I now know for sure why I'd been putting it off all year. It was considerably messier than it looked, and since it looked like a tip to begin with...yeah, its had a major overhaul. I now have space for my PS3 though~<3
Now going to relax for a while, then play something that isn't Divinity II. I want to RELAX for the rest of the day, not die at the hands of heavens knows how many skeleton enemies repeatedly...
Mood: Happy. After playing halo a little yesterday I went on a 4 or 5 game win streak in lone wolves and ot my well earned 47 back. Also realized I am better in free for all ames then team games. So yeah im happy and all that shit xD. Got to leave soon though.
Mood: Tired

It's 12:30am and I have to start at 8am, but I'm thinking of heading in at 7am. v_v

I have so much work to catch up on and I need to be alone to get it all done!

I can't get anything done in the day when the shop is open and staff are harrassing me!
Pretty damn awesome.

Just finished my psychology homework for tomorrow which is probably the last bit of work I do this year that has any significance! Only 3 more days left and 5 lessons until the week is over and the last of college in 2009! And it's meant to be snowing heavily on Friday which means I might not have to go into college! :D
Mood: Alright I guess.

Reason'ish: Some of my concerns have been slightly lifted today, so I'm feeling a bit more relaxed.

I also went to the German Christmas market in Birmingham which was a pretty ace place to visit. They had all German stalls set up with food and drinks and gifts. There was even a singing moose (the not-so-traditional aspect of the place though, the rest was semi-traditional)! I got some German woodwork, some mead and stollen bread etc. It had a great atmosphere and it felt quite German if you ignored that on either side of it were massive reminders that you are in Birmingham.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Well, it's been a long day and the fact that I've been sat at my laptop for a large majority of it accommodates for that lol. Got my lecture tomorrow evening, which is my last one before I finally finish for Christmas for three weeks. It makes me an extremely happier bunny than before, knowing that I get lots of time off and it's obvious, seeing as how people at university don't get half term breaks. Well, at least not in mine, anyway.
Mood: REALLY pissed off.

Reason: Muse Tickets seem to be sold out. THEY'VE BEEN ON SALE LESS THAN A BLOODY WEEK. I keep getting a "Search returned no results" page on the ticketmaster site. I'm going to be bloody pissed if I can't go. I've ALWAYS wanted to see them live. >_<
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Since I've got the afternoon until I head off to my evening/night lecture. Might do some writing in a bit to keep me busy and then will meet my friend to chill out before we have the lecture. Had a decent sleep as well, which makes me very happy.
Mood: Curious.
Reason: My first serious boyfriend has gotten in contact with me, again lol, asking if I want to meet up for a drink. Hes got sick leave in time for crimbo. May meet up for a coffee with him, he keeps asking and why not lol?
Mood: Relieved

Reason: It's the end of term tomorrow for me (although Thursday is a weird day to break up) and no more college until the new year. Too bad I'll need to indulge myself in revision- but I'll get to that when I do. On Friday my friends and I are out in Blackpool, hopefully getting something warm to drink there and causing trouble at the same time :ryan:

There's a spot on the tender bit of my arse and it hurts like a bitch when I sit down :rage: On the other hand my hardest day of the week is over (yes, we watched 2 videos) and I have one lesson tomorrow which we'll do a quiz or some shit then one lesson on Friday when we're...making Xmas tree decorations :ffs: Then we break up! :D
Mood: Content

Reason: I managed to finish the work I'd set myself to do this week this morning, so now I can relax for the rest of the holiday! Also found out where I was supposed to go in Divinity II, and I feel quite accomplished for having climbed a tower crawling with thoroughly irritating skeletons.
Now I sit here with eBay open in another window, wondering if I should buy the God of War collection so I get it in time for Christmas...hmm...
Just really annoyed at the fact i can't re-pick up everything i learned in photoshop. That and the fact i'm not good at anything, i don't have a special talent. I thought i was somewhat skillful at certain games but i'm not even remotely decent at that either.

I feel so fucking useless, i'm not good at anything. It's probably the fact that i just do not care to try as much as before. Knowing the fact i constantly fail, that and i don't succeed or excel in anything. I don't want sympathy, none of that things will be better bullshit because i'm tired of hearing it.

It's like i am not meant to succeed in anything at all and i hate it. Fucking ridiculous, I don't rant to anyone either because they don't want to hear it yet i HAVE to listen to them rant about things in their lives.

Thank fucking goodness this test is coming up soon, i can't fucking wait to leave this state. To finish this post off, if theres anything i hate most in the world its this.

The fact that i try to talk to someone thats IGNORING me and i try to find out what i did or said wrong THEY DON'T FUCKING ANSWER ME. If i done or said something wrong tell me about it or don't bother fucking talking to me later as if nothing happened. I'm so fucking sick of being genuine and kind when pretty much everyone i meet is a fake motherfucker.
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Mood: Happy

Reason: My Christmas holidays have officially started! Back home in Manchester since my mum picked me and all my stuff up. I'm in a great mood since we're off to town later to look around and I might get some more presents. We're getting our puppy tomorrow, can't wait to see it! It's an adorabe golden labrador. :grin:
Mood: Joyful :jess:

Reason: IT'S CHRISTMAS.................holidays at last! Finally we have broken up and I won't be returning to college until the new decade. Too bad that doesn't sound as long as it does on paper. Anyway, tomorrow my friends and I will be out to town hopefully being up to no good. We'll probably be in Primark for a long time (all 3 floors of it!). Then hopefully we'll pop along to McDonalds. I haven't been there for ages :ryan:
Mood: PrettyGood

Reason: It's my birthday xD Though Im not into the whole 'old' part of it, Im looking forward to the weekend, should be a laugh. The week started off pretty shitty what with having tomiss out on that job interview, but shit happens. Not really done much today, just another day really, it's tomorrow the bday celebrations....or should that be comiserations...? start. Good times, can't wait. Already got my beer in so all i need to do tomorrow is housework in preperation, my IT course and buy cat litter bread and er, thats probably it... might sun bed it as well not been on for well over a month and i need to fry my spots xD
Mood: Tired

Reason: Been out Christmas shopping, even thought I didn't buy anything, and I'm absolutely shattered from carrying ALL those bags around. Currently chilling out for a while before I go to bed and then I hope I can have a decent night's sleep for once.
Mood : Joyous

I had a pretty fantastic day yesterday. I went out with my friend, who passed her driving test on Wednesday, and finished off my Christmas shopping :yay: Then I went home and had a really nice nap. xD

I've done all my work now, so I just have to hand in my History coursework today, and I'm DONE. No work for two weeks! Hallelujah! I need this break...so so so much. x_x