I went to a friend's birthday party last night that I haven't seen in a while since he moved about 4 years ago. It was fun catching up in person rather than online. I stayed till about 11:30 after everyone else left because we were all playing Smash Bros. I kept choosing random characters I sucked at and constantly taunted everyone by hiding in boxes as Snake and continued to get second place. It was a fun night.
Reason: I should be good, right? I'm working out on a daily basis, and I'm not being lazy all day? But for some reason, I'm not in the best mood. I mean, yeah. I'm doing okay, and nothing severe mentally is happening, but I don't know. I just think I'm missing something.
Perhaps I'm just going on and on about how sucky my life is, but what else am I to do? no job and no girl makes like not really worth it..well aside from getting healthy.
*Shrugs* Meh, I don't know. I guess I'm just in one of those moods. :/
Mood: Tired
Reason: I couldn't get to sleep till like 4 last night, and I had to get up at 7 for school, giving me a grand total of 3 hours of sleep Then today we did a whole bunch of boring shit and I was tired, but they wouldn't let me sleepon top of that I got a headache in the middle of the day. Then to top it all off, I had to write 2 pointless papers, which took FOREVER
Mood: Irritable
Reason: People blabbering on facebook about Valentines and how much nice stuff they got off their boyfriend of three months = annoying, & My mother is completely kissing my little sister's butt and treating me like some kind of idiot and I have no idea why.
Me has the stomache flu All my wonderful plans for today are cancelled. Atleast my boyfriend is nice and decided to skip our big group date where we were gonna go bowling and dinner with friends. He's gonna come over and watch a movie. But still...I'm too sick to eat any chocolate! That's the point of Valentine's Day So I'm just vegging on the computer until he comes over later.
Mood: quite good
Reason: I got a valentine today from my ex on top of that no homework, I have all of my projects, so I finally have a night where I can just relax, watch some TV and chill (like I was planning to last weekend but couldn't )I believe I have a few tests on thursday, so tommorrow will probably really suck
Just sitting at home waiting for dinner and the good shows to come on T.V. Been so busy lately. Can't believe I haven't gone crazy with the amount of work I've had to do!
Oh and it was Valentines day yesterday and Steve bought me a beautiful pot plant that has pink roses in it. <3 This way I can grow them rather then having to throw them away after a few days like most people do. Such a waste.
Reason: I'm tired because I got up way early considering I had a late night yesterday. I'm stressed because of exhaustion and a few personal problems going on right now that I can't be assed to go into. :/
Stayed up to watch Amelie. Amazing film, definitely one of the best I've ever seen. I had to write a reaction paper on it in French I finished an hour ago, but for some reason I just can't get myself to fall sleep now. I have to get up early tomorrow too. D:
Reason: Got up very early again, and went to a MASSIVE shopping centre with my friend for hours today. Bought a nice new jacket/hoodie and dolly shoes... So much nice stuff there though! It's easy to spend too much in those sorts of places.
Reason: I'm in disarray at the moment; poor health ruined my productivity earlier this week, and as a result I'm behind schedule. Trying not to think about it, but that nagging feeling of needing to do more is creeping up on me. I'm probably going to spend all tomorrow morning writing my essay...I was hoping to avoid this by dispersing the workload through week. Procrastination is a baaaad idea, given that I'm getting new games next week. So...yeah. Tomorrow should be FUN.
Plus trying to configure my spending for the next few weeks is giving me a headache...so much stuff is coming out, and my funds can't meet it all. I hate prioritizing when I want everything ._.
I'm on super happy mode. Big plans for tonight, and my oldest sister is coming along. It's always a rare treat when I get to spend time with her so I'm going to make the most of today. <3
Reason: Most unproductive morning, because I couldn't access the University network from my laptop, and I'm not about to go in on my day off...at least, not this week. Next week I'll buy a season ticket or something and go in every day, try and get this report/essay/thing finished...I hate half term, it's been absolute chaos.
Oh, plus the fucking Darkspawn killing trophies for Dragon Age: Origins have glitched as a result of the 1.06 patch. I don't even have Grey Warden yet, and I'm right at the end of Awakening ._.
Reason: Listening to a song that reminds me so much of different times in my life... I was feeling quite nostalgic about things anyway, so this seemed too tempting to listen to. Foo Fighters = love.
Reason: All I've been doing is playing games, I've finished all my homework, so tomorrow might be a boring day. Hopefully I'll be work tomorrow as the place I work either has work for me to do or not much...they call me btw).
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