[V4] What's Your Mood?

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Mood- Determined

Through the last 2 weeks or so, I've taken a break from trying Ramuh Extreme. Each and every party I've found wipes. And its ugly. I've had a break, I'm refreshed, refocused, and I'm gonna try and find a party that can finally handle him and knows the fight.
Mood: Claustrophobic

I need to clean my room! I feel so cluttered and trapped in here. And, oh, the hair! The trauma of my hair on the floor! One of the upsetting things about women's rooms...

I'm also feeling claustro-fied by my whole buy-then-return pattern, so now I'm actually trying to keep whatever I buy, even if it doesn't work out...but most of them go back, ha ha. I mean, I can't stand keeping anything I'm not fully satisfied with either. But now I definitely gotta be more careful about what I'm buying.
Mood: Much better

Played some XIV with my long lost friend yesterday. Good times.

Had some pretty messed up appointments lately, and I finally got around to finishing my email... Lol Mitsuki. Things have mellowed out a lot since last week for me, and I'm hoping that'll last. Although...

Mood: A little down.

Break flew by quickly and tomorrow is already my last day home before I am back yet again at uni. The last 2 months of the semester are the hardest and the professors really start pushing us to work hard. For starters, I have thought of a topic for my super long essay over the break, so that should get me somewhere. I also read lots of MiddleMarch over the break but I am not quite done yet. The book is long, and even longer when you are taking notes. I do not expect to finish it tomorrow or even before class starts, but I did get in the 500 range of pages. I have to admit I used the break to sleep mostly. At least I have something to say about the book when we discuss it in detail on Monday in a philosophical way, but that is not mostly my concern. My concern is my presentation at the end of the month. I have not started thinking of how I will lay it out, and only wrote a one-page outline that is not very great, imo. The break has been overall dull and that is why I feel down. It just feels like I am a machine who constantly goes to school to be successful and does nothing but eat, sleep, talk to friends, read, and research and go online from time to time. Blah, I want to do other things, but I just cannot here. Oh, I cannot wait to graduate next year. Haha, I feel like I have wrote something similar before.

Moreover, to make things even worse, my throat started hurting last night and I rather have a bad cough. It will all be better soon, right? I tell that thing to myself every day. I just have all these constant thoughts in my head that bother me. The people here, the government, and a lot more just get on my nerves. Two more months of essays + a big presentation and exams to be rewarded with what exactly? Oh, I know, games and hopefully success. :adri:

Tbh, just general "meh." Today was meant to be a decent day for me but goddamn Murphy's Law. Ah well.

Also, shut up.
Mood: Pretty darn good.

Reason: I love when I'm really sleepy but don't have to be anywhere. Can do really lazy things and just sleep whenever. *Grabs the quilt and chucks Skies of Arcadia on*.

Omnomnomnomnom :griin:
Mood: Accomplished, Happy
Reason: After getting over the fear of the challenge, I set out on a mission to eventually overcome the Extreme Primals. On March 1st, 2015, I did just that. Shiva Extreme finally went down to this mighty Lalafell. She kept kicking my ass, really bad. In previous groups I was getting carried and was a severe weak link. It shook me a little bit, honestly. The worst was when my group wiped at 1% left, because I kept dying.
This time though, I stayed alive and only died 2 or 3 times. I was overjoyed as fuck. I didnt yell or anything, but I could have cried. Tis a big accomplishment she was.
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Mood: Good

A bit of a chunky evening yesterday with everything I suddenly wanted to get done in one go. Fear not, I'm back on the sticky note lists lol, Mitsuki. Aside from that everything is okay right now. Things are up to date, I'm still sorting through a few personal folders on the PC, but things are getting cleaned up.

Digital spring clean?
Mood : Annoyed

I needed a file for a school assignment and I forgot it at home. I needed to guide my computer illiterate mother through the process of uploading the file to Google drive. Thank God I left home early. It took me nearly an hour to guide her through the process of uploading the file. I REALLY need to teach her how to use computers. :omg:
Mood: Pretty grand

Reason: My LP break has given me the chance to going back to making vlogs like I used to love to do. I just wish I had time to make both LPs and vlogs every day :sad3:. Still, it's been so nostalgic and I'm actually really excited to get back to LPing.

A week or two back, I was kinda tired of LPing. This break has been good for me :).
Mood: Shitty.

I just got into a bad moment with my sister so unexpectedly. She came into my room and told me something that made me upset. I felt like I was seriously expressing myself to her and she wasn't taking me seriously, which of course would aggravate anyone who's feelings are getting hurt, yet are being trampled on. The last straw came, and I just wanted her to leave...so I ended up saying something I regret. The way she went out just looked like I had upset her, yet I realized that what she said when she left was still un-serious to my seriousness. Like, damn! Were you not just able to tell that I'm being real right now? Wow...and today was going semi-good, too.
Mood: Good

Ever since i started driving and going out i've been feeling a lot better. There's still the occasional hand of bs that i have to deal with but, overall i feel good.
All i need now is work (which i'm still trying to land) and a place of my own, school's been difficult but i'm managing. I should be done with it all within a year or so if i don't falter this time, which i don't plan on doing. I've met new people throughout this time and i'm grateful for having them, they helped me realize that things weren't as bad as i made them out to be. They opened my eyes and looking back on how i'd been with people from the past, i can't even begin to describe how ashamed i am and how shitty i feel for how i was. I was really fucked up emotionally and other things, i honestly don't know what was wrong with me then.

This post came out longer than i thought it would be, anyway there's no use dwelling on the past now. It won't do me any good, all I can do is continue what i'm doing and try to keep it that way. So yeah, i feel good and i don't see this ever changing anytime soon~
Mood: ...Just...I don't even...

My husband and 4-year-old son drove me up the wall tonight. We were at my great-grandmother's viewing tonight, and my son had snuck into the room that my grandmother was in (with my family and relatives who just finished their prayers). My husband and I didn't see this as we were in another room; my mom took him to say goodbye, etc. I asked my husband to check on him and so he did. Five minutes later he came back in. He was covering his mouth with his one hand, his face was really red and he was laughing (or trying hard not to) really hard. My husband has a very infectious laugh, so contagious that people can't help but laugh with him. I was starting to feel the corners of my mouth lift up at that point as I finally asked why he was cracking up. Then in broken sentences he managed to say, "Your cousin told me that everyone in the room started freaking out because Calvin touched your grandma's face and hair...and got cheetos all over her and the coffin." I stopped smiling for like ten seconds as I weighed in what I just heard. With a straight face I told him to quit laughing as I chastised my son (I was actually really angry), but he only laughed harder - in front of my aunts. Then I lost it and started cracking up too, but I turned away and stepped out of the room, wondering why the hell I was laughing at a time like this. I was so annoyed and mortified at myself. Unfortunately my other aunt stopped me and asked if I heard what my son did and I just... had to cover my face as I saw the horrified look on her face. This made my husband turn pink. I can tell by the sound of my aunt's voice that she was also trying not to laugh.

I walked down the hall where my cousins had also stepped out since they couldn't contain themselves.

At the end of the night I said goodbye to my great-grandmother and made sure to wipe some of the cheetos off her coffin with wet napkins. >.> I'm never gonna hear the end of it tomorrow.

Such a wtf night.
Mood: Anxious

I was feeling fine up until i remembered i have class this friday with a girl i had been talking to up until recently. I met her on the 23rd of january and we had began conversing over text until she told me she didn't want me to text her too much. The she worded it out had me thinking she didn't want to talk to me at all anymore. So i told her i'd stop and i'd drop out of the class too. She said i shouldn't do that and she never said she wanted me to drop out of her life, whatever that means. I'm still confused to this day, so i started to just text her every two days instead of everyday and it wasn't an issue until last week. She told me her S.O. had an issue with it, i don't understand how seeing as i never said anything to her i shouldn't have. I don't go after girls that are taken for numerous reasons, anyway she said we can still talk in class but i said no because he'll make an issue out of that too going by what had just happened.

My plan was to just go to class and ignore her but, knowing how i am that won't work and i'll end up responding to her if she attempts to communicate with me.
I don't hate nor dislike her no, i just feel that i should just not speak to her at all since it's been nothing but trouble and i never meant for it to be at all.

I would just not show up to class but i'd hate to miss vital notes for the upcoming test next week.

Edit: She didn't say anything to me in class, so much for that..
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Mood: Drained, sad and disappointed. Frustrated.

I'm drained because the past few days I've been sad and disappointed at my friend because she let me down yet again in a reliability type of way. I finally let her know how I feel about always putting me last on her priority list, especially because I don't do that to her, and she hasn't responded to me in three days. Not that her not responding in a reasonable amount of time should be surprising because it's not anything new, but come on - I'm mad and serious about how you're not there enough in the time that you should be and you do it to me again. Oh, the irony (or whatever). I *have* also been upset about how I approached her about it, like the way I worded it. I probably came on too strong and threw her off as if she was a complete stranger and not someone who I've known for as long as I have. I probably should've said it more calmly, but seriously I feel like she steps on me a lot, and I'm tired of it. When I said it nicly once before, I feel like she didn't even take it seriously.

I'm frustrated because of work. I used to think I would be the all-nice-and-smiley employee offering the best to customers, but I now realize why those who aren't, aren't; why a lot of them have the dead-pan faces, and it's because of the customers and how you're treated by the store/company. The other day I had the shittiest customer ever who came to pick up a game we saved for her and the blunt, I'll-say-it-to-your-face attitude she had made me want to throw the game in her face and smack her face a few times with it afterward. Now I'm just angry, pissy, and lazy when I go there. I'm not as happy as I used to be. I guess that's what retail does to you.
I am bloody great :griin:

Secured a summer job with a big engineering company in the UK. Hello experience, hello salary, and hello not having to go live with my parents over the summer.
In fact, I might never need to go back to Devon for any long length of time, ever again. Which is BRILLIANT :griin:
Mood: Down [not good]

I don't know why I am suddenly not doing well in school. Now I am focusing more on relationships with people. It's so hard to not think of my relationships with others now that I'm 20. Friendships, long-term romantic relationships...I feel like I should be having a grand time with those and I'm not. I'm not having luck with any of that at all. But I guess it might be because I'm not focused on school, which connects to focusing on and bettering myself. You don't attract others unless things are going well with yourself. And they're not...
Mood: A bit aggravated.

I just hate the service here so much. I was almost LATE for my uni class today because of the damn service. When I got to the metro, I was met with a TEMPORARILY OUT OF ORDER sign, and anyone could guess what that meant! There was no clerk, and the machine was not working and only took pay by debit and credit. I always pay in coins there, the machine was in French, and whenever I pressed the English option, it did not work. I eventually checked the time, it was 2:14 PM, and my class starts at 2:45 PM. I had no idea what to do so I eventually asked someone if the machine was working, but that ended in crap. Nobody wanted to help me and I had to walk all the way to the other metro station, which was not very far. I ran as fast as I could to pay for a metro card, and the metro came right away. I got to uni at 2:44 PM. 1 MIN and I would have been late, and I know my professor hates it when people are late.

I was lucky and by lucky I mean by the skin of my teeth lucky. I would have been in failure range if I missed that class, because I have been missing it a little too much. Luckily, the professor understands my situation when I am sick or cannot make it.

Shitty service :hmph:
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: I haven't had a full nights sleep for a good few years (since I moved back home after uni). This has either been due to having to get up for work or because the family have no idea what manners are. I ensure to be deadly quiet during the night so that I don't wake them all up (I even make sure not to mic when they have to get up early for work etc), but every morning they do the exact opposite. They're really not in my good books and I've told them this. I've treated today like the opposite of Mother's Day 'cause there's no chance I'm showing appreciation for how selfish they are. They don't even act like a lack of sleep for years is a bad thing! Stupidity.

Screw it.
Mood: Disappointed

Yesterday, I exchanged phones because the previous phone had its speaker on the outside, which made whoever you're talking to pretty audible to whoever is around you. I get home and play around with the new one and discover that I'm not happy with it. Yeah, this one might feel-and is-better quality-wise, have a stronger glass screen and be louder with a front speaker only in which I'm glad so now it sounds like a regular phone, but...the other one had this cute theme that came with it that I miss SO much. It was also easier to navigate, and the charger cable was also its USB cable for the computer, as where the one I have now doesn't have the USB cable; I had to use my brother's. Then when I tried to put in my own notification tone, it didn't add on right away/easily like the previous phone did. This phone might be "better" technology-wise, but it doesn't make me happy. I think I'm going to go back to the other one. Goes to show what's right doesn't always make you happy, and that what's more expensive, what's "better", isn't always...better.
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