[V4] What's Your Mood?

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Mood: A bit...weird

Reason: Work has been the worst, which lead to a lot of the best people leaving; now it's just a load of shouting and arguing.

Reason 2:
I've booked a week off from work for the 14th Feb (both weekends either side, though I'm in on the Monday). I've been told by others that I'm stressed and I guess that's my problem right now. I just never get stressed to know about it, usually :hmmm:.

Reason 3:
Resi 7 is out and is actually incredibly good. It shocked me into a state of vegetation, since Resi 6 was god damn awful.
Mood: Apprehensive

Tomorrow is the deadline for my ex partner to respond to the mediation services in regards to arranging an appointment for us all to just sit in a room and talk things over so I can see my kids again. It's been over three months and despite me making numerous attempts at contact, having a calm conversation with her (even tried her parents too in the hopes that they'd be more reasonable) and at times even begging for a chance to see my little ones over christmas, she's just kept me out of the loop. It's a really weird situation, because the relationship ended purely because I refused to let her carry on bullying me and keeping me cut off from friends and family. I never got the support I needed from her, no matter how blatantly I expressed that need, so I find ways of helping myself or getting help from others and it just pisses her off beyond belief.

Got a counselling session Tuesday morning too, so really the chat I'm going to be having with the mediation services tomorrow is probably going to be really stressful and upsetting. I can honestly see the situation escalating to court, so I'm gonna have to somehow find a way of affording all that. :tearjoy: I've already had to pay £40 just for someone to send my ex an e-mail. A mate of mine keeps telling me to just be patient, but persistent, that by going about things the way I am is going to work out better in the long run, but honestly it's starting to feel like a bit of a lost cause. :hmmm:

On the plus side, I am actually a happier person outside of the relationship. It hadn't been healthy for a really long time, so getting out of that has made me feel like I can finally be me again. I've been able to start reconnecting with old friends, family, and make some new friends too. I just really, really miss my son and daughter.
Mood: :eyeroll:

Reason: First day of class, so I was looking forward to assignments. First and foremost, the instructors wanted us to do a quick syllabus assignment to see if we were paying attention during orientation. I expected some easy questions, but I did not expect a dumb question. I get it, it's a freebie, but c'mon. We're in college, guys.

What items do you need to bring with you to every on-campus exam?

-Your entire family
-Scantron form 882-E, a pencil, a good eraser, some form of photo ID
-Your imaginary friend
-Coffee and snacks for the teachers

No wonder @Linnaete makes fun of Americans.

I'm also pretty annoyed that the ebook cost for this class is $90 with an expiration date (July 31, 2017). Such a ripoff. I might as well get the loose-leaf version for $115 and keep the material.
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Mood: Excited/Nervous

Reason: I work in a warehouse and for the last 2 years I've been working 2nd/3rd shift. Well a route came open to drive a truck and do deliveries. I signed up for the route and I got it! I'll be going at 6 am and getting done around 2 or 3. I'm nervous because I've been used to driving small compact cars. Not these box trucks that are long and fat as hell. I drove one to get a feel for it after work. Kinda nerve rattling. I'm excited for the new challenge though because now I'll have a life!
Driving that thing when other cars are on the road has me a boggled nerve tho :sad3:
Mood: Blegh

Not feeling too great. I'm feeling really overwhelmed with stuff that's going on in real life, and it's getting to me more than I'd like. Because of it I haven't really slept well, so I just feel like I'm running on fumes 24/7. Bah.
Mood: :eyeroll:

Reason: You're very busy and you can't properly commit to this group project? Then for the love of God, don't sign up for it then. It's no use now when we're relying on you to play your part and you suddenly decide to not only essentially drop out at the 11th hour, but to not even contribute your research and notes when we expressly asked for it. Because of your actions, you've more or less jeopardised our overall work and it means the rest of us have to perform some kind of mad scramble and come out with a messy word salad tomorrow to try and make up for your unceremonious absence. We're going to be highly judged on structure and flow as well, so we're a little fucked now. Thanks for nothing, you prime example of how delegating important roles to (in hindsight now) unreliable colleagues can backfire on you.
Mood: Blegh

My head was killing me this morning. I was feeling nauseous and dizzy and still feel some after effects of it right now. I don't know if it is because I work late on some days or don't get enough sleep but it caused me to stay in today and miss my class. It sure didn't help that our a12s raid was cancelled last night because one person wasn't showing up and I was standing around in game doing pretty much nothing. I went to bed right after that and woke up this morning with my head still hurting. I guess I'm just tired which is understandable but I felt it was getting quite bad now. I missed a good 2 hours of sleep just waiting for the stupid raid to happen so of course I'm quite annoyed but whatever, life happens to everyone.
Mood: Good!

My new tele came when it was estimated to come this Monday coming at the earliest :jess:. The picture and sound quality are so good. The smart features are really easy to access from the get go and I'm just really overall excited about it :lew:.

I was initially gutted that my old tele blew Saturday night (while I was watching it in bed :/). I was so excited about that one and it was my first major purchase from my first proper job away from the family and not working from home.

Once it blew, I nabbed a 40 inch, 4k tele thinking it could be amazing. And it was! But my room is the size of a shoebox (a shoebox I love since it's warm and comfy). It got sold to the uncles since I started getting headaches and it felt like it was taking up the whole room. Claustrophobia, for sure :sad3:.

Then I ordered this one and it came the next day. 32 inch is perfect now that I've experienced the 40 inch and my old 22 inch that had to be used while waiting.

P.S. One more day of work on Monday and then the rest of the week off! Thank God, 'cause there's been a hell of an atmosphere there lately. People are so unhappy there :/.
Mood: Flip Flopped

Reason: Today we are deploying our code to production for a huge project. I've been working in a war room for like... 2-3 weeks now trying get some finalization. So I am off work in the morning instead of in the evening. The good part? Well I get to climb at empty climbing gym and get to run in the daylight. I'm good with this. Though work starts at 3:00pm and ends when finished signing off.
Mood: :eyeroll:

Reason: You're very busy and you can't properly commit to this group project? Then for the love of God, don't sign up for it then. It's no use now when we're relying on you to play your part and you suddenly decide to not only essentially drop out at the 11th hour, but to not even contribute your research and notes when we expressly asked for it. Because of your actions, you've more or less jeopardised our overall work and it means the rest of us have to perform some kind of mad scramble and come out with a messy word salad tomorrow to try and make up for your unceremonious absence. We're going to be highly judged on structure and flow as well, so we're a little fucked now. Thanks for nothing, you prime example of how delegating important roles to (in hindsight now) unreliable colleagues can backfire on you.

Group work assignment? :tehe:

Mood: Likely a misplaced sense of triumph.

Reason: I feel like I have literally saved the world on the eve of an apocalypse. Fucking group work assignments... They'll be the death of me. So, despite having been given the assignment before christmas, my group didn't really make any effort to get shit done. We had to put together a presentation as well as design an information pack of some sort based on a specific area of Youth Work. So we chose Detached Youth Work because it was pretty straight forward and the four of us worked alongside people with plenty of experience in that field too. Aaaanyway, to cut a long story short, we never got together to do any work at all. We booted one person from the group because she was MIA but then we never really done much either. Got a week extension on the assignment. I made the info pack, the other two sent me some research notes to put in it and got the presentation sorted. The whole thing was a disaster. :tehe: One of our group has a really bad panic attack so we ended up not doing the presentation, and I ended up having to drag the three of us over the finish line. THREE MINUTES before deadline I managed to submit the information pack on the university moodle page. The info pack is... questionable, at best. One page of it is blatantly plagiarised and our reference list has a whopping TWO SOURCES out of what should have been at least ten.

If we get a pass on this, I think I would pass out. On the other hand, the fact that the pack even got finished is a fucking miracle. :mokken:


Bought VIP tickets so I can meet the one and only, Nobuo Uematsu <3
Mood: Bleak

Reason: Delusion and grandeur haunt me and I often feel depressed because of it.
I hide it from my friends, since I don't want them worrying about me.

I love life most of the time, but other times, I am just sick of how I feel about myself
and the world around me. To the point I lose to fantasy a lot of the time.
Mood: Alright

Productive day (which almost made me forget about SOTW - omg.) I was feeling anxious about appointments but it went okay today, so there's that. Got a lot of grocery shopping done today - not all, though. Gotta go back tomorrow. Bah. A woman can only carry so many bags up the stairs! Terrible.

Aside from that, the Walking Dead episode was AH-MAH-ZING! Got my Carol and Daryl fix for sure. :lew:
Mood: I'm really trying to think of something bad but I got nothing. I've just been really happy lately! Just aaah. I think my last post said the same thing. BUT STILL

Probably need to manage my time a little bit better with uni starting next week, but it shouldn't be too difficult! Hopefully once I get myself organised again I can start doing SOTW and stuff once more. It's just breaking into a new habit that's a bit rough at first
Mood: Bit downnn.

Blah. I'm not even sure why. Can't really relax with games or other hobbies, so it's a bit of a mess altogether. :sad3:
Mood: Cranky

Had a doctor's appointment earlier this morning at Newport Beach. Only 15-20 miles away but it took me almost an hour to drive there because of traffic. Worse, the sun's heat was so intense and it rested on my face the whole drive. So I arrived 10 minutes before my appointment time and had to wait an extra 30 minutes because my doctor's at the hospital at the time. No biggie, really. What irked me was that she came in, asked about my upcoming baby's pediatrician, do a quick test, and was out the door. No other questions. Not even two minutes with her. What even?!

Drove back home and it took me almost an hour again. Appointment again next week but I'm seriously considering skipping and go the following week instead.
Mood: Sleepy/bored :yawn:

Mood says it all. I've been working on this political paper all day researching topics to strengthen my answer to the question and the paper is seriously trying my patience now and even giving me writer's block zzzzzz. Eh, it isn't a big deal I suppose as I still have until Friday to make it concrete and finish it. Other than that... need to work tonight therefore there wasn't much point in doing anything else. Yep, just a boring day pretty much. At least I got my savage turns on FFXIV all done, therefore I won't feel like I'm forced to log in.
Mood: Stressed ooooot.

Mom had to go to the dental surgeon in the hospital today to get 3 teeth pulled. Apparently they only gave her a single "stitch" whereas it was row of teeth. That was about 6 hours ago and it still seems pretty bloody. Sure a singular molar would've meant the bleeding had to stop by now but considering this was a row... maybe I'm being paranoid.

Super overbearing probably driving her nuts, lol.

On top of that I've been feeling super stressed out as is for a few days now. Can't even explain why, just feel out of it.

I need to do something relaxing.

Oh. Then the news today. Hope all you Londoners are safe. It's been an absolute mess again lately with all that's going on in the world.
Mood: :dead:

Bored. Tired. ...and bored.
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