Vaan too whimpy?

Is vaan really to whimpy?

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Mamma Jamma u dont know wat that means oh my well I guess it just hard to describe!!!!

anyways back on topic(after watching all the FFF porn i think we do best to maintain a structure on forums and pretend like nothing happen)
So im just sayin that all the main heros of the story were setup as somewhat of the warrior type u know Cloud,Squall, and even Zidane were all some what of a fighter (Zidane being a theif, Squall a S.E.E.D, and Cloud a "S.O.L.D.I.E.R" Notice the quotes) then Tidus was a blitz player and was the son of Jecht a guardian and becomes a guardian and meets up with Auron and is befalls under his tutolage to become a great fighter. Then we have Vaan a shop worker who does nothin but dream about being a sky pirate and makes frivelous attempts at gettin cash to buy a ship and doesnt understand really the way the world works) I dunno I believe Square-Enix just got a little lazy for this one and didnt put to much hard work into character development and by far i think this is least FF type story so Enix tryed to make up for it by using Ivalice and Ivalice characters!!!!
lol Zeon ya but whatda ya thinkll happen with 13? the the main charac\ter be whimpy too?
Its not that he was wimpy but his character design (phisical) was poorly done. His body structure was horrible chest and stomach muscles, his hair looks like his bald and has a comb over etc... Tidus was cool in the sense that he was designed as that superstar player who grew into a warrior!! Squall and Cloud are uncomparable to any characters cuz they were the bad mama jamma of good guys along with Auron!! I think from FFXII the cool character was Balthier!!!!

I totally agree with Zeon about Vaan's ovaerall look. In some of the lower quality cinematics he looks like a horribly done up plastic GI Joe figure :wacky: !!! His overall body shape is dumpy. Just look at how his sholders droop downward. I am half surprised when he is swinging a sword he just doesn't fall over backwards and get murdered right then and there. >_<

I think the most perfect idea for Square would have been to have him mature a little over the story line. He could have grown from a tween to an adult or something. Maybe grow a couple of inches and gain some muscle. Why do so many games have to be centered around some prepube? I want to start seeing more cool mature characters.

I just find it hard to beleive such a dork can kick a$$.
Vaan is alright in my opinion...
Not great, but not so bad. He is whimpy cause he is suppose to be a wet behind the ears kiddie.
He is frickin 17 or 16 right? He isn't suppose to be a blood thirsty mercenary.
yea well Squall is 17 aswell and a bad ass SEED assassin and Balthier is a sky pirate is suave and cool!
true and i think cloud is only in his 20s and look at the life he had! when he was a SOILDER he was like 14! and he had t6o face sephiroth!
and if we all forgot about Zidane he well he is a made killin machine that became a sauve theif that got the girl in the end. Thats another thing that this FF was missing and that was the Final Fantasy love story

Cloud and Tifa, Rhinoa and Squall, Zidane and Garnet, Yuna and Tidus!!!!
So in order to make this a "brilliant" FF we had to have a generic love story? Rubbish.

You want a love story, go play the others. Seriously. FF isn't always about people hugging and kissing, the two main characters falling in love. XII shows us this.

I welcome this new and good change, and I'm sure many others will do. You don't need a love story to make a game successful.

Vaan isn't wimpy from what I have seen. I wouldn't expect many 17 year olds to go around doing the things he did. Risking their lives. =P

I don't see how he is a dork. His dress sense doesn't imply it, his voice doesn't, and his dreams and what he wants to accomplish doesn't resemble the attitude of a dork.
I eve thorught tidus was a little whimpy but there was a love story there so it cancled it out! him and panelo should have had a love story. that would have made it better.
What are you talking about Judge Ghis?

We are not talking about actions here. The game designers could have created a baby or a blob to go out and take on the world, and it wouldn't be wimpy, because of what they are doing.

Get realistic, this 15 year old, not 17 year old (his brother was 17), is going out and defeating "god-like creatures". Saving the world. I would expect a more respectable looking character than this 98 lb weakingling. It looks like a stiff breeze could knock him over.

His clothes are definitely weird. He looks like he should be showing up at a bachelorette party or something with that "no shirt" look. They are totally not right for him.
I choose I don't really care, because well, I don't. Vaan is a little to whimpy for my taste's but, I look at him as the "hero" type figure of the story, I don't have a problem with him.
I think it's a little hard to take him seriously when he wants to be tough,like when Vayne is defeated in the second phase of his changing,and Vaan grabs the sword and knocks him down.I don't know,I guess I wonder why the main character can't have had a number 2 guard ran over his head,with tattered clothes and a more street urchin look,to really help with the rags to hero story.Just me.I think Basch looked tough,with the scar and all.BUt Squall will always be my favorite.
the top tough guys were 2. squall 3.basch
i havent played all the ffs but of the one ive played 7,8,10,12,4, those r the top ones.
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well if you think about it sephiroth would be the toughest but he isnt a good guy so i dont think ill include him.
Vaan wasa typical teen forced inoto a situation of which he had minimal control, he reacted with a realistic sense of fear and was scared as he would bee in reality. the other characters had all had time to grow whereas he didnt. I believe they portrayed a good scared teen and that it was more realistic that the annoyingly masculine characters of the past
Hmm, I really don't understand why Square would create such a character like Vaan. And the voice-acting... >.< It seriously hurts my ears. It seems as if the boy haven't reached his puberty yet. And there is always a lack of emotion when he says if he's just reading the script thinking, "Let's just get this over with." Atleast with Balthier, Fran, Ashe, and could hear the emotion and how they really take their roles seriously.
Toughest FF character would have to be Cloud then Squall. Come to think of it most of the characters in FF7 were kick ass altleast Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, Vincent and Red13 were. Vaan is a tad of a wimp but they put him around character like Basch and Balthier. Titus was less whimpy then Vaan but still. Personally, I like Final Fantasy 12 alot, I like the story and the characters and its the first FF I've really gotten into in a long time. The only thing missing from 12 is a love story....the way Ashe still misses Rossler is kinda a love story but not really. This is the first FF that I've played where the two main characters didn't fall in love but thats probably one of the only down sides IMO.