Vaan too whimpy?

Is vaan really to whimpy?

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same here ive got 100+ hours on that game cause im doin a lot of sidquest but it gets on my nerves sometimes that this little kid is always messin up the story.
Yeah I feel you, I only got like 40+ hours so far, but I've only had it for like 3 weeks.
you get so into it. then when a story part happens, someone like basch or balthier says something cool and then vaan comes in and says something and all the coolness comes crashing down.
hes a sissy cause hes what, 12? ok not that young but he is much to young to be in an enix game
You all continue to call this leading man a dork yet in all actuality who is sitting online obsessing over them right now?

Whether its negative or positive vaan made an impression on you and that was the point

Now why dont we all accept a little bit of variation in games and stop whining
i have to agree with deanogee tidus did have to kill his own father. i couldn't do it. unless my father was a pot smokin, drug dealer, drunk bum, that was a monster. but still id have to think about it =/
Personally I really dont care, tho when you look at his character his chest dosent even look realistic..
Yeah I think Vaan is the worst protagonist yet. The way he looks, his questionable incentive for being in the party, his voice... why does the leading man have to be so dull?
Yeah i gotta agree with the majority on this one Vaan seems like a little wimp. I would like to see like 1/2 way through the game go to solid white screen and have "Three years later" when the game starts back up Vaan would have grown up some maybe got that snotty nose cleaned up. lol
Vaan's a pretty cool kid.
I never heard him whine, not once throughout the course of the game.
It was his dream to become a sky pirate, and he lived out his ambitions throughout the game.

I wouldn't relate him to Squall or Cloud either, since Vaan isn't in any kind of *elite* mercinary force or anything.
He's only 17, and if you ask me...this is the most realistic 17 year old personality that I've seen in an FF game.
Someone's always bitch'n bout a whiney character. First Tidus, now Vaan. Grow up people. Everyone has their own individual characteristics. Is it just because they don't have the stereotypical "cool" look of past fruitcake main characters that make you stereotype these one's as well. Get off your high horse and quite judging people (Wedding Crashers). If we have another Cloud-like or Squall-like main character, I'm going to shoot myself. Freak'n fanboys of these guys are overhyping a good thing.

Uniqueness. Diversity. Main characters with different attitudes is good. Repetitveness is boring. A cloud or Squall in FFXII would have ruined the story.

And when does Vaan whine? Jeez, so you're telling me you've never whined before? Pleeeeease....
Uniqueness. Diversity. Main characters with different attitudes is good. Repetitveness is boring. A cloud or Squall in FFXII would have ruined the story.

And when does Vaan whine? Jeez, so you're telling me you've never whined before? Pleeeeease....

That's exactly what I'm wondering.
I've played the whole game through, and as far as I remember, Vaan was always cool and composed...he never jumped out and did anything rash or unnecissary.

It's not about comparing characters, like BM says...
In fact, I liked having new personalities, like Zidane and Tidus, and especially Vaan...
Vaan lets you see the story through his eyes. In all reality, he isn't the main character...he's just the first person point of view.
Exactly, he definitly is not who the story is about. He just gets sucked into everything. Don't get me wrong he definitely can be annoying in some scenes, but its nice to get a realistic 17 year old instead of a trained killing machine like some previous titles