VII Gaia or IX Gaia?

Rockman X

Over 9000
Jul 7, 2007
On a boat.
Inspired by Hayate's thread, which Gaia would you rather live in? The Gaia of VII with its cyberpunk Midgar and Junon and 1800's style everything else, or the medieval fantasy world of IX with the giant castle-city of Lindblum and the nobles' city Treno and that weirdass upside-down Ipsen's Castle?

Me, i'd pick the IX Gaia without a second thought. I'd probably pick Lindblum to live in, but if i had the time and resources i'd build myself a little summer home in Dali. That village was charming and i adore the music it had ^^
Nice thread.

I'd pick IX as well. While I like VII's world; it would be too gloomy for me. The only pro for living in VII's settings would be being able to do whatever I would like. Midgar and most areas are on the brink of dying so I'd just ride Chocobos all day and would take mercenary jobs to stay afloat.
I dunno really. IX & VII are my two favorite games in the whole series, and I loved both worlds, but for different reasons. VII's, although gloomy in most areas, has some points of interest for sure. I'd love to go exploring in the Forgotten City for one, and then there's Gold Saucer.

GOLD SAUCER! Las Vegas on acid! xDD It just looks like it'd be so much fun ^^

Costa del Sol would be an awesome place to live as well. It looked pretty cheery to me, and I love the water and the sun :D Cosmo Canyon and Wutai would be awesome places to live and to visit too ^^

But there's so much going on in IX :( I'd looooooooooooooove to go to Oeilvert and look around...and go to Black Mage village, and all those weird places.

Plus I'd love to live in Treno ^o^

So I'm completely torn on this xD
IX's Gaia hands down. VII's was (mostly) a dump, especially Midgar. The rest of the towns all kind of blended together with a few exceptions. But, that dumpy setting was necessary for the plot, whereas IX's was brighter, and the world reflected that.
The only places i found interesting in VII were Midgar, Wutai, and Mideel. Everything else seemed kinda boring to me and i absolutely hated the gold saucer.

But in IX...Alexandria seemed pretty cool, Dali was so peaceful, and i would have loved to live in Lindblum (and explore it more in the game, since in the cutscene that shows it to you the place is HUGE). The black mage village was awesome, and it would have been fun to dig around in Fossil Roo. Bran Bal i liked alot too.
this is a no-brainer for me, id MUCH rather live in IX's gaia. the world was more beautiful and just seems like it would be a much more enjoyable place to live in, rather then an industrialized world where sephiroth dices everybody up.
Coooool, it just has to be FFIX Gaia, i would probs live in the Black Mage village, eveyrone is so whacky there....or Lindblum, maybe even in Condie Petie, 'Rally-Ho!'
Aside from the Gold Saucer and Midgar, where was there to really go in FFVII Gaia? Kalm, Neibelhiem? No thanks.

The areas of FFIX were simply beautiful, it was a very substantive game in that department. Plenty of places to go, a lot of secrets to uncover. I would probably live in Alexandria, such a pretty place it seems.
Why would you wanna live in VII gaia with Meteors raining on you and WEAPONS attacking you. Its also so polluted so you're lifespan would probably drop.

IX Gaia is perfect where ever you go. The worst you get is an Eidolon attack every now and then. I would probably live in EITHER Treno or Lindblum but i'd also travel the world...
I picked IX because it seems so much safer than VII. XD

But anyways, I actually would like to live on both, because I'm assuming there's a portal that accesses both of those worlds. Seriously, both are potentially sweet places to live, discounting the countless monsters and stuff.
IX- If i was still a normal guy who goes to college.

VII- If i was an uber 1337 badass who could save the planet.
There's actually more opportunity to be a badass on IX Gaia, since the civilization was still growing alot (and not at the brink of destruction like VII gaia), there were plenty of opportunities to make a name for yourself, whether by being a renowned dragon knight like Sir Fratley or a merc like Lani. Or you could just be a professional monster hunter or something like that.
to be honest, i dont remember anyone even calling it gaia on VII. i always hear them calling it "the planet"...the planet cries, save the planet, etc.
to be honest, i dont remember anyone even calling it gaia on VII. i always hear them calling it "the planet"...the planet cries, save the planet, etc.

Yeah, i never saw it called that either but a few websites have it listed as that, so... *shrug*