Was anyone disappointed with Seymour?

To be really honest, I think that Seymour was an excellent antagonist (and remember, an antagonist doesn't have to be "evil"; s/he just has to work against the protagonist). I feel this way mainly because Seymour is an enemy that you actually hate. Really - I honestly wanted to punch him in his face. And I wasn't pissed off at Seymour because you had to fight him a thousand times, I was pissed off at Yuna for not sending him a thousand times when she had ample time to do so. :P

I know! Like when u first kill him... stupid Yuna.
seymour is basically a weak version of sephiroth in the sense that he tries to manipulate people to his will like sephiroth did with the sephiroth clones
imagine a new ff with seymour clones???????

seriously i would work night and day to kill those weaklings unless they teamed up and used anima all at once and owned me
Seymour was a pansy. And he was made stupid looking. Not to mention his voice.

I mean sure, he was all "Bwaha i have Anima i rox" But uh, Yuna could get him to, that just made you suck :D

But uh, yeah i didnt like him much. Sephiroth > Seymour by far.
He was to easy to kill lol

Hes real strong in the cut scenes and all but in battle pfft hes pathetic.
Well, he was not as insane and evil as Sephiroth, but morally twisted and cool nonenthless.

Wanting to wipe out all existence by sacrificing seemingly the only Summoner with the power to defeat Sin without the Final Aeon, and attaining ultimate power through becoming Sin, isn't "evil"? Not "insane"? I beg to differ. Seymour is on par with Sephiroth in terms of methods, yet not specifically in goal. Seymour wishing to "end suffering" could either be a poor alias for his desire to exterminate all life completely, or it's rooting from his own painful childhood. Both of which inspire insanity in a person; nothing which Sephiroth surpassed with his own insanity.

Omnislash said:
Seymour was a pansy. And he was made stupid looking. Not to mention his voice.
The only thing Sephiroth has up on Seymour is his clothing, weapon and voice. However we only hear him speak in AC (so far), so that doesn't exactly count. That doesn't mean to say Seymour looked horrid either. No villain should be the same, and Seymour symbolizes that.
I think Seymour was a little dissapointing, pointing towards the evilness of him... If he was a real life person, in looks, i think he would be quite good looking. He comes across at the begginning, especially the crusader's/Al bhed mission, he, to me seems to be an object of strength towards Yuna. He is also quite polite to people, which i like because it all twists horribly when the team murders him, for the right reasons of course.
One thing that really, REALLY annoys me about him... Is that he won't shut up and give in. Even after Sin has ben defeated and the Eternal calm comes, he still insists on trying to murder people..
Did anyone like him and think that he was a goodie when they first saw him in the game?
I think Seymour was a little dissapointing, pointing towards the evilness of him... If he was a real life person, in looks, i think he would be quite good looking. He comes across at the begginning, especially the crusader's/Al bhed mission, he, to me seems to be an object of strength towards Yuna. He is also quite polite to people, which i like because it all twists horribly when the team murders him, for the right reasons of course.
One thing that really, REALLY annoys me about him... Is that he won't shut up and give in. Even after Sin has ben defeated and the Eternal calm comes, he still insists on trying to murder people..
Did anyone like him and think that he was a goodie when they first saw him in the game?

I did think that he was a goodie. I thought that he will help Yuna fight Sin. Oh and every time I see him I say "Seymour, would you just DIE already??!!"
Haha me too, I actually thought it would all end happily ever after with Seymour and Yuna would defeat sin together with the guardians and it would be a big love story. What a thought eh?
Lucky me hasn't got to further than Mt Gagazet but I have started it again to get more powerful so I have a lot of him to look forward to =D haha lol
Seymour is actually quite complex for a video game villain. He was totally twisted. Even though he wanted to end suffering, the means by which he wanted to attain that were totally evil. So, yeah. He's a character that I like. The only thing that got on my nerves though, was that he came back four times, which I felt was a bit too much, though I had fun fighting him. I thought that he had an interesting backstory as well.
^^ No I think he suits the blue, it symbollises the exotic-ness of the Guado. They are their own spiecies, Humanoids. He is Half Guado, Half human, which explains for his looks.. I think he is quite good looking...
And Tifa_TRUE_Lockheart, he might be.... :P
I didn't like Seymour. He was too weak a boss... Final Fantasy X and X-2 are the only Final Fantasy games I've completed on my first run.
I guess he looked good, and his... motive for being evil was good, but his music was rubbish and I didn't like the way he acted.
Seymour is actually quite complex for a video game villain. He was totally twisted. Even though he wanted to end suffering, the means by which he wanted to attain that were totally evil. So, yeah. He's a character that I like. The only thing that got on my nerves though, was that he came back four times, which I felt was a bit too much, though I had fun fighting him. I thought that he had an interesting backstory as well.

He didn't want to end suffering at all, he just said that so as to try and win Yuna over.

Although it never worked.
that was for power or so people thought he was straight and the christian supremists did not try to kill him