What Are You Currently Eating/Drinking?

Last nights chinese


Only thing it was missing was brocolli, other than tht it was fooking delicious. I love chinese, I just coul;dnt eat it yesterday because I was like, well ill D:
Garlic Bread ^_^


I have always liked garlic bread, even if I'm not able to taste it today -__- (due to hot, hot, hot chocolate D: )
Nothing. =[


I'm really hungry though, but I don't know what to make...Don't know if I should be cooking at 2:21 am anyway. -_-
Mcdonalds: Quarter Pounder and fries
I only bought it because I couldn't think of anything else. Its really not helping my headache. Hopefully the Panadol I'm about to take will :monster:

Delicious ham, wild rice, and corn bread made by my mother xD I had cookies for dessert as well..

A cheese and cucumber muffin with a glass of orange juice

For 22p muffins they were well nice, if I wasnt being so lazy I would have had more it it, but it's like 1am soooo

Anyway, I could eat 15 more of them, it was lovery

Shock horror, Im on tea & toast again

Kingsmil toastie bread and that flora buttery are such a win combination xD

And I just spilled my brew :gasp:

One of those Oscar Meyer delli creations things and potato chips

Snickers flavored Pods

The perfect combination of chocolate wafer, creamy milk chocolate and snickers flavored Shizz

I'm eating an everything bagel, toasted with cream cheese. They are my favorite kind of bagel, but I don't have anything to drink with it so it's making my throat really dry.
