What Are You Currently Listening To V2

Ok, I'm noticing a lot of the posts are getting short again, I don't want to start deleting posts

Kiss Kiss - Chris Brown
this is my new favorite song. I don't like a lot of R&B and Rap artists, but this song has a great beat to it, I don't even listen to the lyrics really, just the beat.
Artist: 3 Days grace
Song: Time of Dying

For me it's a 10/10, since it has a good sound, words also match up and it has been used for a Zoro AMV on Youtube which I particulary liked, and it made me Dl the song. And it (relativly fast) found its way into my playlist. ^___^
Vredesbyrd-Dimmu Borgir

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Because the way Shagrath sings this song and the way the rest of the band plays makes this song an excellent choice.
Artist: Dr Dre
Song Title: The Watcher
Rating: 10/10
Reason For Liking: this song is a classic if you like hip hop it has a great beat and is kind of a chill out song but its just my opinion
im currently listening to
DMX ft Swiss Beats - Get it on the floor
Reasons for liking: great music and the lyrics are in perfect timing with the music
"When I'm Gone" - Simple Plan
I have not heard a new song from Simple Plan in a long time and I heard this on the top 40's hits and I think it was #2 and it really is good so I've been listening to it a lot
Song Title: When I'm Gone
Artist: Eminem
Rating: 10/10
Reason: a great song one of my favourites as he raps about his problems and it reaches out to you.
Umbrella - Mandy Moore

I like it more than Rihannas version, and her versions pretty kickass. So this one is just...brilliant ^_^
beautiful world- utada hikaru

Its utada, plus Eva song... even that aside, this songs makes me feel like no other song, Utada is amazing with this all.
So 11/10 folks.
Artist: Enya

Song: Evening Falls...

For me it's an awesome song, as it is the only calm song (I think) next to My immortal that I both I enjoy listening and puts me into a very cheerful mood. So 10/10 from my side =D
All Around The World - Coco Lee
Coco is just one of my favorite singers and actually one of my idols. I love both her chinese and english songs so of course I love this one.
Song: Dark Opera/Ave Satani (The Devil's Song)
Pretty cool song. Has the whole eerie chorus, kinda like One Winged Angel has (but alot spookier).