What are your TV addictions?

Hmm... I very very very rarely watch TV. I watch The Simpsons on Channel 4 occasionally, or Family Guy and American Dad on BBC 3, but that's about it other than the occasional documentary. :hmmm: There are actually very few TV shows that interest me at all. When it comes to watching things on the TV, I would much rather be watching a DVD. :wacky:
Do Raw and Smackdown count? They're TV shows dammit! C'mon.

Anyway, those two are my big two. The world gets shunned when those are on. If you disturb me during Raw or SD, prepare to suffer. *cue Mark Henry's theme song*

Other than those two, I can watch Kitchen Nightmares all the time and never, ever get bored. Gordon Ramsey is just all kinds of awesome. XD
currently arrested development. it's on netflix so i've been watching pretty much nothing else the last few weeks. i'm getting very excited for series 4 being released next month