FFX-2 What did they do to Yuna?!


Obnoxious Romantic
Jan 30, 2008
Eldeen Modestine
FFXIV Server
EDIT: Thanks to Rei Ayanami for moving the thread *embarrassed*

Okay, this is REALLY old news, but I still want to say this.

*clears throat* Uh-hum-hum...



Why did they turn Yuna into a ditzy airhead in FFX-2?! What was wrong with the young, passionate woman looking forward to life where only tragedy lay before?

Now before you tell me it's about marketing, let me say this: I don't care that she's wearing little clothing; that actually didn't bother me at all!

...Although for the record, since Yuna didn't wear a bra in FFX-2, her breasts were sagging a little compared to when she actually HAD a bra in FFX. Just saying...


While I liked Yuna's old summoner outfit in FFX, I don't fault Square-Enix for making Yuna more sexually appealing in FFX-2.


I get it; less clothing equals sexiness, and sex sells, even for a T-rated game. Alright, fine. No problem with that.

But why was she...so...so...ugh, I don't even know the word!

At first I tried to find reason in Yuna's drastic change in behavior.

Here's a woman who spent most of her life prepared to die for the cause she believed in; to help ease the suffering of Spira. She was mentally prepared to forgo the various joys that other people were going to enjoy during the "Calm" while she had a rank that would mean nothing to her in death.

And then suddenly, that fate no longer exists. She was now free of the burden she brought upon herself by defeating the the returning chaos Sin once and for all. With the man she fell in love with gone and giving the world and her a chance for real peace, Yuna would look towards the future and decide her own life. Have fun, and live the things she thought she wouldn't be able to enjoy.

...So why did she come a stereotypical ditz within 2 years?

You can't tell me turning one of the best FF characters into a...whatever she is... in a spin-off game was for marketing sales. Even if Yuna ran around in short-shorts that probably gave her wedgies, she didn't have to act so...stereotypical.

I guess that's all. Yuna's new behavior is kind of understandable, but not to such extremes.
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Well, her attitude and haircut reminded me of "Tidus". Maybe it was her way to try to preserve the memories of him, or a good excuse to turn Yuna into....something entirely....can't find the adequate word, average? Yes, she was not a summoner anymore, so I guess she just wanted to do what she believed would make her life more enjoyable.

Also Rikku must have had something to do with it....>__>

PS: This topic is too serious for the Spam Area :monster:
Its all Tidus' fault. Remember he was the one who taught her no matter what your role in life, be it a commoner or a savior, it's alright to laugh (oh gawd, that was horrible). Also, when you hang with Rikku for two years it tends to rub off on you. Oh poopie! You big meanie!

what'd I tell ya?
Thanks Cerri!

Some people say that if I cut my hair and do it the same way Yuna does in X2 that I would look just like her. But I'm not sure.

As for Yuna in X2, she annoyed me. I couldn't stand how air headed she was. It was like she went from a mature seventeen year old who was willing to sacrifice her life for the world to a little 13 year old who just hit puberty and discovered boys.

And honestly, I can not stand what they did to Rikku either. She was no where as hyper as she was in X. In X, Rikku was part of a race that was looked down upon in Spira and she was out to save the summoners, specifically Yuna. She was intelligent as she knew how to use machines and she always had Yuna's best interest at hand. Sure she was a littel more happy than the rest, but no where near to the extent that she was in X2. It's strange, because she was the most modestly dressed girl in X. (Not that any of the women in X were dressed in skimpy clothes, Riku was just the most covered up of all of them. Lulu just showed a lot of clevage, Yuna showed a little clevage, most of her back, and had a nice slit in her skirt that her legs would show through when she twirled around, and Rikku for the most part was dressed like a little kid.)

I would have liked X much better if Yuna were the calm, mature thoughtful one, Paine was the badass, and Rikku was the upbeat yet intelligent character.
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Thread has been moved to Final Fantasy X section.

Mmkay, you know the rules, no spamming plx thx. :neomon:

What I've noticed with FFX-2 Yuna is she looks more like a man. It's just her face looks different and less feminine.
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she is definately not ditsy, and she was always a airhead.
but although i have no problem with the change, i do think it doesn't suit her
Yuna was actually living for the first time in her life.
You'd probably be a lot different too.

As for Rikku...no excuse can be made for her in X-2.

And Paine was just totally out-of-place horrible lovechild of Squall and Lulu.
i think she looks okay. i mean like she wanted to be more outgoing. haha. but yeh i think it did sell more cuz of "sex" appeal. haha. just jokes. yuna's pretty and what else would she wear? not a summoner outfit again! ew. haha. she has to change and i think this change is fine. :P
Hehe, it seems a lot of people arn't happy about Yuna's "transformation" shall we say...

I personally, didn't mind it too much, however, it did feel like her whole personality had pretty much changed and she became another Rikku. The Yuna in X would be so polite and covered up, and in X2 she basically had her fanny out. Well that is totally over the top I know, but she did change a lot. It's a bit annoying, but she did have some cool outfits in X2, and I don't really take X2 too seriously anyway.
I think the changes made her more laid back and that the time with Rikki did a bit to change her as well but she was still always a airhead.
Maybe she was way attached to Tidus so she cut her hair to look like him and if you focus on her shirt you'll see Jecht Symbol too
I think it's simply symbolic of her new freewheeling lifestyle, she's no longer concerned about concealing anything inside or out.

Besides, though I love her personality, she was never that smart to begin with "what is whistling?".
The thing that annoyed me was in X, her default sphere grid path was white mage.

When she used a white mage dressphere in X-2, she looked like the stereo typical FF white mage instead of Yuna style white mage!

And as for the opening song at the start:
When she changes from Summoner Yuna to sexy Yuna, you say to yourself, she's all grown up (and a tacky pop star). Then Rikku and Paine attack her, and your wondering: WHY? Then you discover it's not Yuna, it's your first Boss battle with LeBlanc. They could have used the Yuna growing up imagry somewhere else.
(I know it's from the start, but I didnt want to ruin the surprize for anyone yet to play X-2)
Yeah, I thought it was a hoax at first. I have no idea what they were trying to do. Since when does a Final Fantasy game have to resort to weird marketing ploys to sell games?

I understand that she was living a life she never thought she could have had, but I don't understand why she had to become less mature. More carefree, yes, but less mature? Maybe it could be said that she never had a real adolescence.
Must admit I did really cringe when she started throwing her fists around screaming "WHO THE HECK IS LENNE?!?!?!" it was a complete brat moment, I didn't get much further with the game after that >_<

She wasn't too bright in the first game, but she was quiet and dignified, she kept her cool even when things went wrong. No hissy fits there, I missed the old Yuna D:
they sexed her up to be more appealing, After Sin there was no more use for Summoners so that Summoner outfit was thrown out the window and the new outfit was to show the new Yuna, the one who didnt have to sacrifice her life for others.
In X-2 I couldn't get used to the idea that she changed so much. Every dressphere on the grid didn't suit her and that tail of hers annoyed me so. I felt like it was not Yuna.
While fighting Sin in X she could've gone crazy from that toxin and it still didn't wear off in two years. Or maybe she's gone mental without Tidus..? I mean, why Yuna? Why??