FFX-2 What did they do to Yuna?!

You're dealing here with a girl that never had the chance to really enjoy her journey. She was so fixed on demolishing Sin that she didn't take a look around her, soak up the culture. If you were a girl who stayed in one place for most of her life (with airheads like Wakka and people like Lulu who didnt have her spread her wings), rarely going anywhere else, something tells me you would end up like her.
I guess a change of clothes was needed for a fresh feel to it, I wasn't to bothered by that part, but she seemed to have a personality implant.

She's certainly more annoying in X-2....she's more like Rikku was in X....I always liked the token hyper character they are quite fun but 2 of them in this just got plain annoying.....

I spent half my time thinking just SHUT UP. I did quite enjoy the game but meh I guess she just lightened up after saving the world I guess...?
Actually, when X-2 was produced, they had a new character designer who is obviously a perv based on the dress designs. But it actually fits the storyline. come on, you cant imagine Yuna being a gunner in a summoner outfit can you?
I think she has changed too but i have to say i dont really care i just love the games although i really hate the way they cut out tidus and auron auron is my fave character
i think they just tryed maker her less mature than she was in FFX, mainly because she had to be serious during her pilgrimage to smite Sin and now that she has killed him she chooses to have more fun after all she didn't have much fun at all during the the events of FFX.
I think she has changed too but i have to say i dont really care i just love the games although i really hate the way they cut out tidus and auron auron is my fave character

Auron got sent and Tidus dissappeared, it wouldn't have been very consistent if they both strolled on in. There wouldn't be a game either considering Yuna was looking for Tidus....I think she needed to be gagged for the most part. I've never liked her voice :wacky:

Anyway, if you get the good ending you get Tidus back, and doesn't Auron talk to Yuna during that fight with Shuyin, or whatever he's called....?
Well, after the fact that she saved the world and there was no more Sin, she has nothing to be sad about anymore, right? There's no stress compelling her down any longer.

Therefore, I guess it'd be natural to see a change going. =p. Although she did get bothersome sometimes. I still loved Rikku.
If thats what you're worried about I think they did Rikku more wrong than Yuna. Rikku's not even 18
i know what everyone is talking bout cause in ff10 she was a naive girl in love with tidus and mostly quite in ff10-2 she is more agressive and looks ok in that outfit but i prefered the summoner outfit but i do have to say that i prefered using yuna in 10-2 because she is more outgoing and living her own life with the shadow of tidus behind her
Well, Enix made FFX-2 release more of the 'wild-child' side of Yuna.

IMO Yuna kicked ass in X-2. Yuna was kinda pissing me off in X her all nice/shy attitude was abit annoying.

I loved how in X-2 she was kickin more ass and more out going. Just at the start you can tell shes gonna be way diffrent from X, the whole leap from Logos and Orin (is that his name?) shotting like crazy was just awesome.
I think Yuna should be kitted out with far more powerful guns and stuff than mere pistols - surely it wouldn't have hurt Square Enix to give her an AK-47, an M4 assault rifle or even a minigun that could kill even the most powerful monsters with a hail of bullets, since that is what a gunner is all about?!:wink:
Well, my lovely Yuna looks much better in that demure Summoners outfit in FFX... IMO, that reflects the true image of the Yuna that I've grown to love... :D

As for her transformation in X-2, I agree that it's indeed a part of life after the threat of Sin as well as Tidus leaving her... But it's rather extreme, don't you think, particularly her overly-revealing clothes?

Its a good idea to give her a pair of pistols though, but if I had my way, my gal will have become a female version of Counter-Strike... I.e. Yuna will have a full-fledged arsenal of weapons including an AK-47, Magnum Sniper, Carbine, M16, and hand grenades!
Well, I supposed they were trying to portray her as more carefree, now that she's not binded down by her Summoner duties, and probably the knowing of the fact she escaped death? (Since all the summoners before her always died when doing that Final Summoning thing)

Just a guess. I would prefer the previous more demure Yuna than compared to the one we have now in X-2.
Okay, in this subject I think that Rikku is the one to blame. 2 years ago, both Yuna and Rikku were different.
Here are the changes, each 4 words.

Final Fantasy X

Yuna: Shy, Nice, Generous, Honest.
Rikku: Smart, Funny, Understanding, Clumsy.

Final Fantasy X-2

Yuna: Brave, Kick-Ass, Loud, Kind.
Rikku: Annoying, Childish, Dumb, Sexy.

I'm especially interested in Rikku's behaviour. 2 years ago she was 15, correct? She was something that 'the gang' needed. Some brains. (LOL)
But as she got older to the age of 17, she got more childish. What I mean is: "Oh Poopie","You Big Meanie", "I wanna go home now" etc. I also hated the fact that her voice was even more childish, I was liek 'wtf?'

But since we're discussing about Yuna here...
She has spend too much time with Rikku :monster:
And the only normal people in the Gullwings are probably Paine and Shinra. No, Buddy's not normal. Play the game 4 times and you'll understand :gasp:

It was almost imposible for Yuna to stay herself.
Oh, and that new dress of hers was designed by Rikku, as seen in
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Well, i guess the only thing that hasn't changed in Yuna is her kind and caring personality... Although she became more outgoing and action-oriented in X-2 as compared with her quieter and shy self two years earlier...

All-in-all, despite the changes, she remains the one i love in the FF series!