FFX-2 What did they do to Yuna?!

Ugh just noticed that she wears no bra in X-2 <* Face palms self * >

Kind of like X-2 despite her uniform change because of her new change of confidence and how she was able to break out of her new shell and become a new free person.

But yes they DID screw over Yuna's character and changed a strong stable woman into a rather bad stereotype guess the same goes with Rikku and Brother. Totally ruined.

But kind of focus on the good rather than the bad with Yuna's character otherwise would probably go insane that so many good SE characters have been ruined by sequels by them to spam off their series..


What was even cool about brother's character in the first? He had like 3 lines...
suits the game..

I like her new outfit, seems better for her new 'career'. She seems happier, but lapses randomly into deeper moods. I think she is a ditz, but I suppose sphere-hunting with Rikku for a few years is going to change a person.. ;P
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Am I the only one who finds it ironic that Yuna is now using guns as weapons? I didn't like that about her in X-2 either. It just didn't seem right to me.
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that Yuna is now using guns as weapons? I didn't like that about her in X-2 either. It just didn't seem right to me.

She's more.. hip. And confident. I suppose peaceful attire and a staff isn't confident. :gasp:
I still think it's pretty, though. ;D
She's more.. hip. And confident. I suppose peaceful attire and a staff isn't confident. :gasp:
I still think it's pretty, though. ;D

Well, if you think about it.. a gun screams coward compared to a sword. With a sword, you're facing your enemy, you actually look like you have more control etc.. but that could be just me.
Well, if you think about it.. a gun screams coward compared to a sword. With a sword, you're facing your enemy, you actually look like you have more control etc.. but that could be just me.

you are kinda right, actually. I tend to use her as a Mage, with Paine and Rikku using actual weapon combat. But she's really meant to be a person who isn't too upfront, whereas Paine is very harsh, and has a very big sword. xD When Yuna first enters (the real Yuna), that is pretty cool. :P

I blame Rikku.

"Oh, poopie." - Yuna
"Yuna, don't talk like that!" - Rikku
"I'm just copying you!" - Yuna
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I do miss the original Yuna. The shy conservative Yuna. Its nice to see her with confidence though, but I think Gunner has a little bit TOO much confidence...not that I mind.
I favor the old Yuna as well.

To be honest, I think the nostalgia is the coolest part of X-2. I was really surprised when the Aeons came back, and I was sort of excited by the sort of return to X.

I guess I'm not much into "Change". I voted for McCain, and I sided with New Yevon.

Change isn't always for the better.

At least the way it was in X, people were less selfish and sacrilegious. They weren't all "lets advance everything and get rid of the chocobos!" and "Let's burn the temples"!

I hate the youth league.

Try to burn down the temple where Yuna became a summoner and got her first Aeon... what the hell are they thinking?!?!?!

And not to get off-topic, but that's what SE does. They ruin games.

It was MUCH better off as Square/Squaresoft.
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Back to the original post!

"Saggy Boobs in X-2"

Now, my good sir. I'm an expert on breasts seeing as I own a pair of my own. :dave:

First game she had a bra, which gives breasts a more firm/definite shape. Not to mention the beltish looking bow thingy them azns wear that accentuate the feminine figure (breasts which spill over the top/slims down the waist).

*readjusts monocle* Hohohoho.

Second game is more natural, I don't think her boobs sag as they don't have a rather DEFINITE shape due to lack of bra/baggy shirt. All you can really see is the shadows of her breasts.

*looks at pocket watch*

Skanky? Perhaps. Saggy? I think not. :awesome:

Personality? I don't even want to get into her personality. I'm not a Yuna fan, lets just leave it that way.

I hope I provided some clarification. :dave:
I favor the old Yuna as well.

To be honest, I think the nostalgia is the coolest part of X-2. I was really surprised when the Aeons came back, and I was sort of excited by the sort of return to X.

I guess I'm not much into "Change". I voted for McCain, and I sided with New Yevon.

Change isn't always for the better.

At least the way it was in X, people were less selfish and sacrilegious. They weren't all "lets advance everything and get rid of the chocobos!" and "Let's burn the temples"!

I hate the youth league.

Try to burn down the temple where Yuna became a summoner and got her first Aeon... what the hell are they thinking?!?!?!

And not to get off-topic, but that's what SE does. They ruin games.

It was MUCH better off as Square/Squaresoft.

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She seems more grown up to me, but I guess Yuna has to be pure and innocent for the rest of her life. :unsure:
They obviously changed her to show the passage of time between the two games.In X,she was kinda timid and weak.The probably wanted to show her after she threw away the yevon religion.She opened up and became her own person,not just some weak summoner.
The FFX Yuna as better character then the FFx-2 Yuna. I liked her shyness in X, now shes all in your face and annoying. She suks at singing but spira seems to praise her for it.

on the other hand rikku in X-2 was much improved from the X version. She wears nearly nothing the entire game! and shes taller and a bit more hyper which is hard to believe but kawaii!
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I liked FFX-2's Yuna much more than FFX's. In FFX I didn't really like her much, but in FFX-2 she is my favorite character.

I think they way she behaviour in FFX-2 is the "real" Yuna. At least this is how I always wanted to see her.
Since Kimhari, in FFX, told Tidus about the first time Yuna rode a Shoopaf/Shupaf (or whatever you write it) it was obvious that Yuna doesn't let her true self out.
Of course, she had a great burden on her, so she had to act like a "High Summoner".

So finally, after getting rid of the "burden", she finally can act the way she always wanted. There is probably Rikku's influence too. Yuna tries to be like Rikku and Paine once said that "someone turning Yuna into a bad girl".