What did you dislike about this game?

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i definitely think the graphics could have been better but for playstation standards and being one of the first games for the playststion they were good standard but i really think they should have made a re-make for the PS2 that would be great with the original story line just beef up the graphics and cut scenes ad things like that. Besides that the storyline for some of the characters were kinda breif they could have covered their background a bit more like vincents i know they covered his storyline in DoC but they could have at least scratched on the surface of his past in FF VII apart from that it was a great game and i really enjoyed it
One thing I disliked is how I have all limits up to the 4th for Nanaki but it won't let me put his fourth on him.

What I mean is I trained Nanaki until he got all of his limits for levels 1,2, and 3

I have his 4th in my inventory but whenever I go to give it to him it says "This doesn't go to me."

it is retarded I don't know if that's a glitch or what.

Anyways yeah that's what bothers the piss out of me on that game.
I didn't like the fact that you had to take so much time breeding chocobos just to get more powerful materia. I would have preferred that I fought a tough boss instead.
But not like an Ozma-boss though... something a bit more manageable.
I loved the graphics. XD
Even now that the newer games are out, I still love FFVII's chibi polygonal graphics. It's oldschool. <3

The translations were really annoying sometimes though...
I guess it was some of the characters like Cait Sith that were pretty much useless, but that seems to be it.
i hate the fact that my memory card keeps getting stolen so i haven't got as far as any of you yet
Whattt I love cait sith. ^_^
To each his own opinion I guess. XD
Well i dislike the fact that you always have to use the main character in your party that´s kind of annoying at times...just like in FFVIII and FFIX!
Well i dislike the fact that you always have to use the main character in your party that´s kind of annoying at times...just like in FFVIII and FFIX!

Ugh, same. Having to see Cloud's toy-like appearance through the game was a real bitch for me, considering I didn't hold anything against him until my second play-through. I'd much rather have a party of Vincent, Yuffie and Cid. Argh, but when I say that, I automatically think about Cloud's Limit Breaks...

Why did they have to make someone so shit, have such good abilities? It's a pain in the ass.
not much exsept that aerith dies lol my big brother used to have fantasies about her... it was creeepy
The only reason I'm closing this thread, is that now there's a Favorites and Worsts Discussion thread stickied at the top of the page, where you can continue to discuss what you didn't like about the game as well.

This is to reduce the clutter that seems to be building up in here lately %D

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