What did you dislike about this game?

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Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
Alright, this thread could be a little controversal. I looked through all four pages and didn't see a thread for this, unless I missed it.

FFVII is a good game, but it is not perfect. What are some things that you didn't like about it? And don't be cheap and say, "The graphics suck!" Yes we know, it's a early PS game.

-I thought it was kind of silly that you needed materia for you to do somethings like steal or throw. Why do you need materia to do that?

-I think the characters should have had some of their own unique abilities. Like give Yuffie the steal and throw command, Tifa either kick or blitz, Vincent aim, give Aeris some healing magic without the use of materia. That way you didn't basically have all the same character and there would be more reason to not use the same three through most of the game.

-At times, disk two became a little too melodramatic for my taste. I would personally prefer not to hear most of Tifa's dialogue spoken out loud in a remake when we get to Mideel or even a little before that.
I know people complain about the graphics constantly, but can you actually see the game in a different way? I liked the graphics; they gave the game a different feel compared to others.
My major gripe with the game is that towards the end, you rarely need to use the Materia you have except for healing and to have an elemantal advantage should it be needed. If you have ultimate weapons, pretty much all of the time they're going to be doing maximum damage, and if you have the double-cut materia you can do more than any magic
Some really gay lines that just have to go. It annoys the hell out of me every time I read some lines, and I wonder just how the makers came up with them
Sephiroth: Meteor....the ultimate destruction magic. When it falls, everything will be destroyed.
Cloud: I don't understand what you're saying!!

See what I mean? Annoying as hell.

Another thing is that you never know how the char's stats affect their abilties to fight, steal, dodge, or their damage. The best you can do is get items with yellow numbers and hope for the best. You're given all those Sources for a reason, but what do you do with them? You're never given the knowledge of the chars status effects.
I Hate the fact that Aerith died so early >_< i also hate that Cait Sith is virtually USELESS, and i hate the fact that some people have only seen the movie and are like "ZOMGCLOUDISSOAWESOMELYKHOMGHECANZFLIIII!!!!"

I hated the fact that the people has block hands, but you can't blame them it was one of the 1st real looking Final fantasy
People are free to say what they disliked about the game - if Ultima did not like it whatsoever, he is free to say that.

I disliked the main characters a lot when I think about it - the battle system as well. No challenge to it, and Limit Breaks weren't all the fun to use either.
He/she/it is right... I was basically spamming the topic by avoiding the topics critical question. Here it is: I did not like the music, the characters, the storyline, the graphics.... i have to give credit to Cloud for meeting my entertainment needs for he was so ridiculously depressed i thought why didnt he just give up and die, then i realized there would be no game to play.
Did i answer your question, or do i need to say more?
Ah, let's see. I don't like the fact that some of the summons took so long. I think Bahamut Zero or Knights of the Round...it was one of those two, can't really remember. =/

I also didn't like the fact that Vincent and Yuffie are only optional characters. I mean, they played a great part in the story too. You see, when I first played VII and was about to fight Sephiroth in the end, I had everyone in my party except for Vincent. I didn't even know who he was! I completely missed him in the game because of the fact that you have to find him in order to get him. Well, I didn't have a guide back then and I didn't know that he CAN be in your party.

So how did I find out about him? Heh, on Disc 3's label or something...I saw a picture of him kinda squatting on top of a manor or mansion...reminded me of a gargoyle. Well, the manor looked similar to the one in Nibelheim...so I went back and checked it out. I explored the place and voila, I figured out how to get him! So I restarted VII again and made sure to get him earlier in the game.
XD.... I dont think "testing" me is a very good idea for one, two, im glad i could "sum-it-up" for you. he he.

You really have an attitude problem and I suggest for you to knock it off now.

The only thing I really disliked about this game was the Wutai sidequest where Yuffie steals all of your Materia! I like Yuffie, don't get me wrong, but I will never forget her doing that. I was MEGA pissed lol! Really that was the only thing I disliked, except for Aerith being taken away :sad2:
When this game came out, i thought it was flawless. Although now I would only complain about the graphics, at the time they were great. I guess the only thing I could legitimately complain about is the difference in body dimensions from the 'story' screen to the fight screen. And the lack of mouths. What's up with that?
The dialogue really annoys me. A lot of what the characters say doesn't make any sense. Chalk that up to bad translation if you will, but it's still annoying. Other than that and the graphics i don't dislike much else about the game.
I loved this game, even the graphics. The major problem i had with it was having to level up your materia, even the useles stuff if you wanted the master materia.

Also i know it was early PSX but the sound effects in certain places were very dodgy, especially the fire noise in nieblehiem.
I hated the controls haha they were blocky and uncomfortable to use and i also hated the midgr zolom and chocobos because i could never catch a chocobo so i had to stay and train for ages in one place and when i trained all that time and killed it i ended up at the start anyway :mad:
so i had to run across it.....takes a while to get it right as well. Phew.
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