What did you dislike about this game?

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I agree with the Yuffie part, that frustrated me and the death of Aeris. I would have liked to get all of her limit breaks.
FF7 rulez but there were a few things that sucked:
- the hands of the characters... WTF!
- Aeris died so early T_T
- the part where you have to dress up like a girl to get tifa back -,- for me that really WASN'T FUNNY... -,-
I love this game to death. It's hands down my favorite one.

1. When they decide to join your party they just walk inside of cloud. For instance Aerith says "I'm going with you" and she just walks inside Cloud as if he couldn't stop her.

2. Optional characters kinda pissed me off. My first run through i completely ignored Vincent until i got a strategy guide and im like WTF there's this badass looking character in here i could've gotten?
The only thing that I didn't like was the movements of the characters and some of the enviornments. Sometimes it was too difficult to navigate around an area, which made it difficult to complete.
-I thought it was kind of silly that you needed materia for you to do somethings like steal or throw. Why do you need materia to do that?

Hear hear.

Also, I thought that sometimes the random encounters happened a little too often. Whenever I was really badly injured and was low on potions and mp, they seemed to come at you with every step.

I didn't like how long it took for you to go into, and out of, random battles. It was especially bad when you won the fight faster than it loaded :dry:.

I didn't like the option to "take all" items from a battle. Why wouldn't you?!

I didn't care for the timed action battle idea. I liked it better in FFX where you can stop and really think about what you want to do, or even remember where a specific option was, without being wailed on. I also liked knowing exactly who was going next, me or the enemy, and which enemy... though it did make it a little too easy sometimes.

Finally, like many others, I wish Aeris would have died a little later on in the story. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I don't think it was necessary in the storyline for her to die that early.

As a side note: This is my favorite Final Fantasy game ever, by far.
I hate the most in FF7 the random battles...Especially when a timer is counting down. Xo, and the other thing I hate is getting stuck somewhere like in the train graveyard or sector 6 and simple stuff like that.
OmniscientOnus said:
I didn't like the option to "take all" items from a battle. Why wouldn't you?!

I KNOW. It was kind of funny, though.

I love this game, so it's hard for me to be unbiased and look back to find things I didn't like. It's pretty trivial, but I was annoyed that after Meteor was summoned the world map music changed from that pretty song (my favorite world map theme of all time, with "Terra" from FF6 a close second) to that depressing Meteor theme. I know it would have been strange for the music to go on as normal when the world was about to end, but it's not like we would have forgotten. There was a big, hot rock hanging in the sky. I actually used to rush to the Highwind and fly from town to town, even when they weren't that far apart, just to avoid listening to that song.

Speaking of Terra,
I didn't like that the world map music changed in FF6, either, but at least the World of Ruin theme wasn't annoying.
I dislike having to climb 70 flights of stairs and realising too late I should have gone through the goddamn front door T_T
Dark Tifa said:
I dislike having to climb 70 flights of stairs and realising too late I should have gone through the goddamn front door T_T

YES. I went up the stairs only once, and that was the first playthrough.
The only thing I didn't like about this game where the graphics. I know that nice graphics don't make an RPG good or bad, but I'll admit that when this first came out I prejudged it :whistle2: based on that. I just couldn't get into the whole short blocky characters.
i know they managed to back it up after a few years, but i wish they would of thrown more of vincents back story into VII, i remeber being like "wtf" when they ended it like that in the game.
I hated the loop holes they put so that in the future (which is now), they could fit in ways to ressurect Sephiroth for the fanboys. Urg.
The only thing I didn't like about this game where the graphics. I know that nice graphics don't make an RPG good or bad, but I'll admit that when this first came out I prejudged it :whistle2: based on that. I just couldn't get into the whole short blocky characters.

I was definately steered away from the game simply because of the blocky charactors and all the writtten dialouge. But I feel that the sheer power and depth of the game completely recovered it
what did you dislike about ffvii

hmm that is quite the pickle. There are a few things i didnt like about this game though it still is my favorite of the final fantasy signature series. The always being attacked constantly when you are walking around was annoying, changing of disks in middle of the game (Thank god we dont have to do that anymore), the fact that certain creatures could steal your rare weapons (Once i got my ultima weapon and took it off so i could build up my ragnorok and these creatures came along and stole it which pissed me off), but still the mini games were the most fun of any of the final fantasy games from the arcade games you could play to building up your chocobos. It took forever as well to build your characters up, just to name a few.
Anyone else find it pathetic that this guy makes an account on a FF forums just to talk bad about it?

Yes and No.

Yes, because he was nothing more then a trouble causer, but for those people who come in here and have genuine reasons for hating everything in VII, No.
I just hated when it ended. But I found the ending of the game a bit rushed, and incomplete.

The graphis may not be the greatest of all time, but for the first 3d rpg ever in a new console that haven´t been pushed to it´s limits when it it was launched that was awesome.
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