What did you do when Aeris died?

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When Aeris Died I was stuck between both Anger and Sadness and with it I made sure Jenova and Sephiroth paid dearly for that horrific event Poor Aeris :(
This is exactly what I did: (it was sort of funny what i did) but I knew too much about aeris dieing.

(I walk into that room where aeris is standing)
Me: Oh no! oh noooo! It's coming!!!
(cloud jumps up to the praying place where aeris is)
(cloud takes out his sword)
Me: Oh no...cloud what are you doing?
(cutscene with aeris starts)
Me: ohnoohnoohnoohnooo!
(sephiroth stabs aeris)
Me: eaaahhh....ouch...
(cutscene finsishes)
(shows cloud holding aeris)
Me: Screw you Sephy!!! *sniff*
(jenova fights starts)
(funeral scene)
i was quite upset, at the start of the game i had a vision of being a boyfriend to Aerith, while at the same time be flirty with tifa :(
but alas, it was not to be....

sadness and anger insued
Ha,ha,ha.He didn't know what he was doing,though.Jenova was controlling him so it should really be 'Screw you Jenovy!'

Uh,no, Sephiroth was fully cognizant and in control of Jenova, who he had assume his shape and do his bidding. It's still Sephiroth to blame.
Continued the game, what else, ........though did thanks stars I did not waste my time leveling her up cos if I spend hours doing that then I would off been very very very pissed off; did not use her anyway much.
Apart from sitting with my jaw on the ground:O, I realized.................................. I just watched the single most impactful, emotional, tear jerking:sad2:, and flat out shocking moment in video game history.

(to me anyway)
I cried like a mother bitch.
I was bought the game when I was 13.
No 13 year old needs to experience that!
Inconsoleable for at least 24 hours.

And I still cry at it now.
I can’t believe I’ve never answered this topic...

It was sad, but I think I was more pissed off than anything else at the time as well as hoping that she would somehow come back later on in the game... I was one of those players who spent a good deal of time leveling her up, only to loose her early on in the game. :dry:
I actually got really pissed which made me want to kill jenova a lot, even though sephiroth was the one that killed her. i had to take my anger out on something. i was also mad cause i was using her and plus i liked her, she was cool.
i recently played this game again and i knew she was gunna die but when she did my eye's filled with water but quickly dryed to their normal liquidity when the fight with jenova started i kinda reacted like cloud in a sence i didn't care until i killed jenova then i got angry and wanted to kill sephiroth
I was like WOOT!?!? I can bring her back later right!? Nooooo, crap. Ah well I still have Tifa's boobies :D
Being honest..didnt bother me much at all. Never really used her except when i had to. Just continued playing the game as normal, yeah it was a bit of a shock but thats all.
I was quite shocked. The whole scene of events caught me off guard. She died so harshly as well (impaled through the back...what!!). I'm the person that trains all my characters and she was definately an asset to my team when fighting the Demon Wall not long before destined demise. She was definately an integral part to the story and her mysterious yet kind and bubbly persona only made her sudden departure that much worse. I think she left a stamp on the team and it was tragic to know she wouldn't be in my party anymore. The Aeris Theme that played during the scene and Jenova battle just made things all the more emotional. I didn't actually tear up or anything, however I was upset that she died.
I played when I was 7 so I didn't understand a thing....

When I got older and replayed it because I forgot FFVII, I screamed. A tear came out of my left eye.

I was like:


Then my parents rushed at me....
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