What did you do when Aeris died?

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i didn't care much. of course i knew she was going to die ahead of time so i made sure she didn't have anything important
i got angry because she was part of my main party, but then i trained red XIII up and had him instead of her .
i didnt use her one bit cos i dont use magic in the game apart from restore and ultima and such. infact i dont use magic in any game apart from ff3
While I was deeply saddened by the loss of Aeris so soon, it was necessary. I was primarily distraught due to the small amount of time and tiny opportunities the time limit of her existence placed on my ability to train her to the max, and utilize her final limit break. And I feel it was a necessary end because it brought the character into a shocking reality. Aeris death, though tragic, helped to push the game into the next dimension, giving the characters feelings, and thoughts and even making their personalities appear
to be more real. Ya dig?

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
she was pretty useless but i did have a little sob moreso the fact that poor old cloud would have to look elsewhere for satisfaction like yuffie but after seeing yuffie in advint children kinda changed my mind but no its not nice when any character dies on a game apart form bad guys then its all good haha

It was so cool to see Sephiroth do that.

I didn't care that she died.

Hell I never used her and the times I had to I hated it cause she was so fricken weak man.
my brothers went and looked up how to get her back on the internet and we got her back..... DUH!!
I was just absorbing it all...just like...what the fuck just happened? Where the hell did that guy come from? Now what the hell am I supposed to do?

I admit I was getting a little teary eyed...

"I'm NOT crying!" *sniff*
I was amazed. Then laughed. I thought it was great that SE killed off a character you couldn't use.
I was little to when I saw it
I was like ooh my god
there was Silence in the room for moment
and then I thought there will be a boss battle now
oh dear.....
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