What did you do when Aeris died?

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I didn't cry, was I dissapointed? Yes, I felt there could have been more she could have done in the story, she died way too early in my opinion. I just played on to finish the game!
If I remember, I got a little surge of emotion. Not sad or anything, just a slight buzz related to the story moving along. I can never connect to characters that just seem to do the overt *sweet* thing. There wasn't much to her anyway.
I LAUGHED SO HARD because one she doesnt deserve Cloud's love Tifa does 2 she was being stupid in the first place 3 she didnt help mygroup for very long anyway.
*when i first played it and saw the scene it was a bit uncool cause i had high hops of leveling her up for future battles, then she died, i thought shed come back at some point of the game cause good guys always do that in some games or movies, anime, etc... but turns out shes gone for good. well too bad but later on the game i totally forgot about her and kept on getting my guys stronger :) so no biggy :) i think its a great story!:)
I did nothing.

That part was spoiled for me while I was still in Midgar and I choked the living crap then pimped slapped the 'tard who did it.

Although I was expecting her death I still cried.

1) because she was my favourite character
2) because I'd spent ages leveling her (and the others) up to 99 only to have her die like, two minutes later.

my stomach did a backflip and i wondered how the story would continue, kinda glad tho as i prefered tifa
tbh..i really thought she would be coming back in the game, i dont know how i just thought she would..
i was a little sad i will admit, and at the same time pissed off, cuz i spent ages levelling up the characters, just to have her die on me.
I was dissapointed! I was half-expecting it, but I didn't think it would happen when it did!
That's definitely one of the most powerful scenes in the game. I was determined to avenge her!
In one of my text books for college (Fundamentals of Game Design) it is stated that was considered "The most shocking moment in video game history." -- Yeah, there are others that are more graphic now... but the most shocking part was that (assuming that no douche spoiled it for ya) you never saw it coming. (I could give the page number and the ISBN if you want, but I don't think that is not necessary.)
When Aerith died I felt alot of emotion in me well for one reason She is my favorite character in VII and I thought she was so beautiful but then she just had to die. I honestly was almost crying.
In one of my text books for college (Fundamentals of Game Design) it is stated that was considered "The most shocking moment in video game history." -- Yeah, there are others that are more graphic now... but the most shocking part was that (assuming that no douche spoiled it for ya) you never saw it coming. (I could give the page number and the ISBN if you want, but I don't think that is not necessary.)

There, see my point?

The outcry of emotion and utter shock that was a major turning point in the story.
I see your point but if someone told me Aerith dies and I did not even play yet I would have freakin punched him in the face because I can not take spoilers there just terrible. Besides its really sad if someone spoils it because it takes all the fun out.
I see your point but if someone told me Aerith dies and I did not even play yet I would have freakin punched him in the face because I can not take spoilers there just terrible. Besides its really sad if someone spoils it because it takes all the fun out.
Oh yeah, I completely hate spoilers. I'm avoiding certain threads here about games I haven't finished for fear of something being spoilt :P

As for Aeris, that would have completely ruined the story if you had known it was going to happen like that.
I did nothing. I just stared at the screen.

I mean yeah, she was a good magic user and all, but I didn't mind her dying. I just replaced her with Cid after she died, who I discovered is better anyway.

Honestly, I felt more emotion when Cait Sith was about to get crushed. Don't ask me why, I guess I just liked his character better or something.
went into a state of deep melancholy - then went for the noose...

i'm actually writing this from beyond the grave...

Only joking... sad moment though, when the white materia is bouncing down them steps :( (gives you goosebumps)
When she died the first time I played it I think I was joyful. Joyful because I didn't care for her at all. She seemed so useless to me and playing the game through again using her more often she was still useless but she had a few good techniques like seal and healing stuff. Otherwise I did not care.
What did I do?
Well I reset the dem game that's what I did! Then my older brother came in and said that the player has no choice in whether or not she lives or dies 0.0
I asked him what about Cloud and he said that Cloud has to live with the fact he lost his girlfriend lol
How sad :(

first time i played through i was in a bad mood as i lost my healer and had to re-spec someone else, most recently laughed as i knew it was gonna happen
I didn't care. I never liked her in the first place and rarely used her. I just sat there and hoped to God it'd end so I could continue on with the game. I don't feel emotional towards a character's death unless I liked that character.
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