What did you name your party members

Knight - Xeno
Red Mage - Spalern
Black Mage - Vixen
Most of you spelled thief wrong ---> Thief - Nozios

Most of you won't know what those names mean, but meh.
Most of the time, mine are named pretty inappropriate things... :wacko:

Otherwise, I stick with pretty obvious names.
Main person is usually named Killa or something like that.
Thief's are usually named Theif (yes, it's intentionally spelled the-if, not thief)
Black mage's something like Blaze or Fire.
Monk's are named something like Punch.

I'm pretty creative...
Most of the time, mine are named pretty inappropriate things... :wacko:

Otherwise, I stick with pretty obvious names.
Main person is usually named Killa or something like that.
Thief's are usually named Theif (yes, it's intentionally spelled the-if, not thief)
Black mage's something like Blaze or Fire.
Monk's are named something like Punch.

I'm pretty creative...

Creative indeed.
Warrior (fighter) - Jesse
Thief - Wesley
White Mage - Andrea
Black Mage - Chestr (they only let you use 6 characters in the names in the GBA version T_T, so i cut out the second 'e' *guess where from*)

then when i did my 4 white mage party, i just autonamed them (using help from names of other classes):
Sarina, Sara, Jenica, and Stella
So heres how my party worked out:
Warrior/Knight- Shay (me)
Thief/Ninja- Steo (one of me best mates, sorta looks like the character)
Red Mage/Wizard- Vinny (another best mate)
White Mage/Wizard- Louise (chick i know....dont ask)
Warrior: Trey <my middle name>
White Mage: Danika <my gf>
Black Mage: Krady <FFXI Character>
Monk: Matt <me>

I just use names from previous games or ppl i know in real life
Some of you are creative. I, however, am not very. :P

Warrior - Banon
Thief - Gerad
WM - Luca
BM - Topapa

All from the in-game random list...
For me I'm not creative I just keep the original names :P Thats all I can remember lols
Warrior: Amy (Me! ^_^)
Monk: Tim (He's a pastor's son... :D)
Black Mage: Ray (My black friend. ^_^)
White Mage: LeAnne (Because she has a good heart.)
Fighter = Jason (me)
Black Mage = Paul (Dad)
White Mage = Dawn (Mum)
Red Mage = Samuel (Brother)

Just 'cos I am a family man :D
Laugh and enjoy.
White Mage: Hannah (me =P)
Warrior# 1 : Jesus (son of God)
Warrior# 2: Khan (Star Trek....KHAN!) (My dad was a Trekkie T_T)
Warrior# 3 : Zeus (God of Thunder)

I was stupid.....lol.
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Very simple. A, B, C, D. Yup, that's what I name all my characters in this game (except the black mage, I sometimes call him Vivi :p)
Do you want to hear something funny

I named my Party by their jobs


Warrior was named Warrior and so on

my Line up was always Warrior, Monk, Monk, White Mage
I hit the button that randomly chooses a character's name so I got:

Warrior: Doma
Theif: Biggs
White Mage: Mikoto
Black Mage: Delilah