What did you name your party members

I named my first party:
Warrior=Marc (Good Friend)
Theif=Zeb (Me)
White Mage=Rebecca (Another Good friend)
Black Mage=Adam (Good friend that made me realize that I am a Nerd)

That was all the way back on the NES though. I have used the following names ever since (they are the names of countries from future FF's.)
Warrior= Baron (FF4)
Thief= Lindblum (FF9)
White Mage= Waltz (FF5)
Black Mage= Palmecia (FF2)
I don't remember really, I went with the given names.
I think it went like this:

Argus, the Fighter.
Walz, the Monk.
Sarina, the White Mage.
Zok, the Black Mage.
these are the names i went with for gba...

niloc (worrior)
marcus (red mage)
leah (white mage)
zander (black mage)
Used the names of my friends pretty much/cousin.
Steven(Black Wizard)
Jaime(Red Wizard)
Shayne(White wizard)

Kind of wierd being the only person on the entire team that can deal massive damage to chaos.
I used names of people I know for my charecter names

Warrior: Gerald (me)
Thief: Justin (Fat guy I know who steals alot)
Monk: Lee (guy who gets in alot of fights)
White Mage: Devon (Chick I like who is really nice)
I named mine after the characters from 8 bit theatre

Warrior - Fightr (damn lack of letters)
Thief - Thief
White Mage - W.Mage
Black Mage - B.Mage
Warrior: Dylan (My Name).
White Mage: Rachel (My best friend).
Black Mage: Lucas (My friend who was very short, he loved Vivi, so I named my BM after him).
Monk: Biggs (An FF without Biggs? I'd rather give birth to an elephant).
Warrior ~ Leo, just seems tough!
Theif ~ Puck, seems cheeky.
White Mage ~ Noah, symbols peace to me.
Black Mage ~ Gimi, unusual!
When I get around to it I'm most likely going to name Busta as my main Warrior, Aztec can have a role, and the other 2 spots I'll auction off to the higest bidder. lol Actualyl I'll probably use one of my old Forum online firends named Kidro/Vaskal, and the fourth one...maybe Melancholy Rockit (or jsut Rockit).
Knight - Seifer (xD)
White Mage - Rosa (From FFIV. Dunno why, but every time I hear 'white mage' I think of her.
Black Mage - Vivi (Cause I'm that original)
Red Mage - Patches O' Hoolihan (although I think I had to shorten it to Patches...but I called him Patches O' Hoolihan anyway xD)
Originally I named them just after their job class.

Warrior - Fight
Monk - Monk
White Mage - White
Black Mage - Black

I wasn't really up for creating names but since they don't have ones, I just call them by their job class. I started again and have decided to go with characters from other FF games similar to that character.

Warrior - Luneth, FFIII (I wanted Warrior to be one of the main characters and was a toss up between Squall and Luneth since I liked those names.)

White Mage - Garnet, FFIX (Toss up between Garnet and Aeris)

Thief - Edge, FFIV (Was originally going to be Locke, but because his job class changes to ninja, I decided on Edge.)

Monk - Kain, FFIV (Originally I was going to go with Yang but you don't get Dragoons and Kain is a kick ass character.)
Warrior-Marsh (my name is Marshall but it wouldn't fit)Thief-Ryan (best friend)White Mage-Sam (girlfriend)Black Mage-Dale (another good friend)
My fighter was Roth.
My Black Belt was Xao.
My White Mage was Ian.
My Black Mage was Wynn.

It's hard to be creative with a four letter limit.