What did you name Zidane?


I'm nothing but a beast
Feb 6, 2007
What did you name Zidane? on my recent file I named him Zurh but I usually keep him as Zidane...what about you?
I normally leave him as Zidane, however I had a phase of renaming him as a villain from... well, anything really. I have a strange love for villainy...
Once I learned the English-translated Japanese equivalent to his name (Jitan), I started naming him that. Kuja's name sounds Japanese (it may be short for Kujaku, which is "peacock" if you translate the symbols a certain way), and Mikoto's is definitely a name form the land of the rising sun, so I thought it fit.

Otherwise, I usually named him Zidane.
I've played the game so many times that I don't remember what else I named, though at one time, I may have given him a pretty perverted name.
FFIX was the first FF I played so I named Zidane "Jay" after my first name. After that though I never have changed another FF characters' name at all. I always leave them as default.
I just keep it Zidane. But sometimes I replay it when I got nothing to do and name him Squall or Tidus.
I usually call him Wanker!

Once i called him Kuja...as well as all the other characters they were all called Kuja!
i have called him zidane, my name and also once i named him by my name and all the other characters after my friends! :)
I thought Zidane was one of the cooler names in the series, so my first time through I left it as is. The second time through I named him after myself, Jon.
I didn't like the name Zidane, damn football player. but I always go for the original names so I sticked to zidane.

When you say the word enough, it eventually mmakes no sense!!!:D :D
I actually really liked Zidane's name! XD
It was a nice change from the ordinary elementally based names. lol.
I always stick with Zidane or any other character. I feel that when I play the games and you are involved in a very dramatic part and they mention "XYZ" instead of "Zidane", it takes away from my playing experience.
well, I normally put the names following my friends, so it stays like this:
- Steiner -» Griever (the guy likes it very much)
- Vivi -» Laguna/Vivi (well the brother of Griever)
- Amarant -» Cloud (He played VII first,so)
- Dagger -» Liliane (not hard to guess why)
- Quina -» ???????? (what would I put here)
- Eiko -» Kanyta (the girl only has 150cm, so)
- Freya -» Juju (a friend of mine)

As for Zidane, I put or Zidane, or Death (he's the Angel of Death, and I like it) or Kuja ('cause it's me, and it's funny when Garland says something like: "Kuja, you have alimited time of life, and it will sonn, the tie was only that so a worthy genome, Kuja, would come", it's funny)
I never change Zidane's name.

One time I tried to watch IX's ending on Youtube and someone renamed him Zhako, and that was very annoying.

He already has the best name in the whole series. o.0
i named him my name one time, but i replayed it and named him zidane. ever since ive just kept all the characters including the main characters as their default name.

I never change Zidane's name.

One time I tried to watch IX's ending on Youtube and someone renamed him Zhako, and that was very annoying.

haha zhako? where do people think of that wierd stuff.
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