What did you name Zidane?

I Called him Chris after my 1st name...mind u i name the main character in every rpg that...apart from suikoden 2 i called the hero Hamish;)
I left it Zidane, learned from my mistake when I played FF8, my first ff by the way, where i renamed them all and when my friend was telling me some hints about how to play it, I didn't know which character is which. So from then I just leave them as they are :D
I kind of have a system of naming characters.

First time through is somewhat experimental, and I name all the characters after my friends.
Second time through is my perfect-game attempt, and I keep all the default character names.
In any replays after completing the perfect file, I screw around with everyone's name and either name them all the same thing or give them ridiculous names.
Zidane, DUH!

I called him Zidane, as I always do in Final Fantasy-I use default names. Except for Garnet/Dagger/Sarah. I called her Kaimo, because I hated the name Dagger. I called her Sarah second time round.
I usually name the main characters, or the first male lead character, after myself... though I have tried renaming them casts of other games or theme names, like all characters named after Street Fighter 2 characters... or every characters name is a swear word...

Usually when Im bored...
I used to name characters after people I know IRL. But, lately I've just been leaving them with the default name.

An embarrasing story: The very first time I played through FFVII, naturally I named all the characters I could after friends of mine. After that, when I would talk to others about FFVII I wouldn't know the actual character names because I had used my friends' names for so long. :dry:
I always keep the names default, I don't know why. Most of the time it's usually because I can't be bothered thinking up witty/clever/funny/serious names, and using the defaut is easier.
If left Zidane's name as it is. I usually leave the original names alone.
I usually keep them at default in case I get stuck in the game, don't play it for months and like forget their name or something.
i kept him as Zidane i always keep the names of the characters cause that what it suppose to be so i didnt bother changing the names of the characters
i kept him as Zidane i always keep the names of the characters cause that what it suppose to be so i didnt bother changing the names of the characters

Wel if its meant to be that way, they wouldnt give you the chance to alter the names.
Years ago i used to name the main Character after myself, not anymore though. I prefer to keep them as it is. Keeps it Final Fantasy in my opinion, and does slightly ruin it if your change their names.
I usually name him Zidane.I'm not so creative with names but now I wanna name him Haseo but my sis got makeup all over disc1,2,and 3 on top of it she deleted data for disc 4...I wanted to name Haseo...oh well.
when i first played ff9 i kept their names, but next time i changed them:
zidane- milojko
garnet- aurora

i forgot
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