What did you name Zidane?

I always use default names in this game, since there is nothing wrong with the names the game provides.
i just leave it as zidane coz i dont like his character, normaly i would name the main character of an FF game After myself
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I always keep the names given apart from in FFT when I changed Ramza to my own name.
Funnily enough I don't have any custom names for IX characters like I have for the cast of FFVII.^_^ I tried once, but it didn't work that well...in addition, Steiner is a family name, not a first name...I forgot about that when I first entered his name.:|
Here are the usual names I renamed my characters for FF9.

whoops got confused with posting, im a noob, anyway, i always keep the names the same, don't know why,...
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I stuck with Zidane, because I wanted to remember it. Though if I played the game ahead of time I would have named him dumbass.
I think changing the names in these games, takes away some of the magic or art in the story telling, so I am against name changing.
I left him as Zidane. The only game in which I named a main character differently was VIII. I called Squall Saphyn... Oh, and I used to think Rinoa was called Riona so when I did get to that part, I re-named her Riona. :P
i kept him as zidane, i usually keep all the chars at default unless i have the urge to suddenly change them all. The only one i ever change is Dagger. That is the stupedest name ever. I just rename her.............

i am sooooo unoriginal LOL