What did you name Zidane?

this is a personal thing for me cause every game i play when u get to name ur characters i name them as myself because then i feel that you are more involved within the game.
i think that there shiould be a game like ff where they call you by ur name not the players name it would be wkd
mabey if they made a game where u decided the fate of one player and the game revoled around tht
I have always kept the names. But I do remember I named Steiner "Fireblade" I don't really remember why. But when he called himself Aldebert Fireblade I ditched that name for good, that just didn't sound right.
Well I keep their names the same usually but the first time I played Final Fantasy IX I named the characters:

Zidane - Sesono
Vivi - BLK Mage
Steiner - Rusty (My friend talked about the game before I played it.)
Garnet - Sara (My friend told me her real name before I played it.)
Eiko - Gem
Quina - BLAH
Freya - Fantasia
Amarant - Ninja
I never change character names in Final fantasy.
So I kept him Zidane.
Its like when you get to name Garnet I didnt keep her as Dagger I named her Garnet again.
Same as above for me too. At first I named him "Jay" when I went by that as a nickname, but as I neared the end of the game and hardly anyone ever called me Jay anymore, haha I found the Namingway Card dude thing and renamed Zidane to his rightful calling.
I like the name change card because I've probably named Zidane every single name of my boyfriends that I can think of. Though in the beginning I've kept his original name
On my first game, I named him 'Alex', and on my current game, I named him 'Mykal'. For some reason, I like to make up names. I'm just weird like that.
I know it's a simply thread guys, but can we have reasons please? Otherwise it's just spam...

On my most recent playthrough, I kept his name as Zidane ^_^ I wanted to keep all of their default ones for a change.
I've only played the game once but I called all the charcters there actual names because I like to keep them like that the first time through to familirise with the char's. (except first time I played FFVII I call cloud a random name - don't know what)
I named him Zidane. Yes unoriginal but it bugs the hell out of me if I start changing default names, I don't know why apart from that its some crazy, mental issue I have.
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I really dislike changing FF character's names. I dunno what about it, but I like keeping them as they're intended by their creators. It kind of feels like I'm walking up to someone's child and saying, "Aw, she's cute. What's her name? Anna? CHANGE HER NAME TO SUSIE!"

I'm just psycho, I guess. That, and I wouldn't know what else to name them.
FFIX Character names? Rating?

Aloha all!
Tell everyone what you called your FFIX characters and what your rating (#/10) of the game!
Thanks! ^_^

Mine are:
Zidane - Zen
Garnet - Akira
Freya - Luna
Steiner - Hiroshi
Amarant/Salamander - Ren
Quina - DuQuan
Eiko - Yoko
Vivi - Takeshi

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