What did you rename your party?

Ive named them after dragon ball z characters, slayers characters, comic book characters... Ive named them all curse words...
When I very first played the game I did. I can't remember the names though asides from nameing Cloud after myself. It wasn't until the 2nd time that I played that I kept the names the same however, that was like a few years after the first time that I played ff7.
My friend one time changed Barret's name to God and Cloud's name to Jesus. The dialogue between the two of them at the begginging of the game was hilarious.
Especially on the first play-through, I always keep the original names of my characters. It not only makes it less confusing for me when discussing the game later on, but it just adds to the feel of the game for me.
When I first played it, I renamed them using my brother and cousin's names. ^_^ And then I was Aeris. Yeah, I was pretty bummed out when I discovered that she dies in the game. So anyway, I got stuck in the 3rd disc and restarted the whole game over...leaving the names as default. =P
call me lazy, but i can never see the point. I think it takes away from the storyline if you change the names. except maybe Red's to his real name.
I named Barret Barbie once...
Like when I was 11, and I thought that the rumors were true about Aerith's ressurection. lol.
call me lazy, but i can never see the point. I think it takes away from the storyline if you change the names. except maybe Red's to his real name.

On the first play through I never change the names. But on the third or fourth it can be fun to play around with it and give them really stupid names. It can make some of more boring parts of the game quite amusing.
Oh yeah, I also renamed Aeris Aerith the second time I played. ^_^
I have renamed Red as Nanaki. That is the only name change that I have made though.
I always change RED XIII to Nanaki, since that's his real name, and Aeris to Aerith
i liked there original names so i kept them the same until i played the last time... then i named cloud "marshy"
I did the naming after friends thing. But my friend found it offensive that I made her to be Aeris. She didn't want to die. XD

Although my other friend loved me for using his name on Barret.

Cloud - Albino (Real name is Andy, but thats his nickname for having bright blond, sun sceaming hair.)
Barret - Dempsey
Cait Sith - Anthony
Vincent - Robert
Aeris - Gwen
Yuffie - Jenny
Tifa - Rhona
Red XIII - Pat
Cid - Mat (me!)
Hahaha someone named Red XIII Justin???
Idk when I think of that name, it makes me think of Justin Timberlake. XD
I've played through the game two times and both times I renamed them. The first time was when I was really younger so most of the characters were named after stupid things. The second time most of them were named after friends at different forums.
I renamed my characters out of kingdom hearts 2 (on my second playthrough)
Lets see I changed some according to mood at the time.

Cat Sith-Worthless

Thats all i can remember after i beat it the first time second time i did'nt change anything..
I only renamed red i think. I SHOULD have named him Glue, because he was next to useless for me, and i never used him >_<. For the life of me i cannot remember the name change though.