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I won't judge this game since I never beat it, but I hated it. It's battle system was cheap and outta wack. You could keep casting more protect setting in more and more layers, thus= A shitload of defense. I'm not sure if I'm right though, but I know for sure you could do it in FFI. I cheated with temper and protect all the time.^_^
I really enjoyed this game. One of my favorite FFs, and it had quite a few firsts for a FF. I think FFII was the first FF to have chocobos appear :)
I have to say its good and bad, i didn't like the way you could only level your characters.. but after i got the hang of it i blew thru the game
Same here.

Liked the story.

Got tired of the method of levelling. It just took too much time, having to spend an hour (sometimes) raising stats just so that you could move on without being slaughtered.
It's an alright game, especially for a game made years ago, at least, I think.

I do kinda get tired of leveling up (I'm tryin' to beat it now, I just got it awhile ago), but it's an alright game. I like the password/important word type function.
It was an interesting yet flawed game engine... having to nearly kill your own characters to gain HP... wtf was that all about... XD... the storyline was interesting enough to keep my attention though having to sit for hours to get HP MP and gain enough skills to inflict decent damage was a bit tedious...
I thought this game had two things wrong with it.
1} THe leveling system (As Mentioned Before)
2} THe Word Memory Suystem. If you forgot one thing you were screwed.
It wasn't as bad as what I had heard, but I still prefered Final Fantasy I over it. I didn't expect much from it anyway because I'm not a fan of Final Fantasy games for handhelds, but I did have fun playing it and thats all that really mattered. It was also a little annoying in terms of where to go, but it was fine in the end and I had no quarrel with it.

FF2 wasnt for a handheld... it was for the NES... >.>
FF2 wasnt for a handheld... it was for the NES... >.>
Whoooo picky :P

I can't stand the NES version (or the NES version of FF I for that matter), not for the graphics but the general tediousness of the gameplay. The newer version smoothed this out incredibly yet still the only version of FF II I can bare to play is the DoS version. The levlling system pisses me right off at the start but as you get into it can easily breeze through the game because unlike previous versions you don't need to spend time to go out of your way to raise stats as much.

I enjoyed the story, wasn't too bad. And some parts were highly dramatic ie the part where
Joseph sacrifices himself to help the party escape the cave.

If you read my last post in this thread you will noticed I managed to get to the Tower of Mysidia. Well I've played up to where you enter Panimonium but then for some reason my game got sent back to a previous State (Im playing DoS on a ROM, I've got Origins for PSX and didnt want to fork out) so I've had to start over. I am determined to finish it one day tho.
I liked how we could choose whatever equipment we wanted for each character. If i want a party of all mages i could get it. All sword users i could get it.
I went with good.

It surpassed Final Fantasy I in many ways, these two mainly:
Gameplay - It's.. well, different. A good kind too.
Storyline - The twists! Damn, they were really good. Even though the story was just alright, the twists made it good.
The main drawback for me is the levelling system. After hours of intense gameplay i did get the hang of it, but i still feel that the game would be much better with a regular level up system like the rest. Right now i can't think of a single thing i like about this game.
FFII Scared me... I have the 'Origins' package on PS1, while FF1 was simple and easy, FFII Was hard if you ever veered even slightly from the course the programmers wanted you to go.

Pretty much, I got out of town, went North, encountered a strong monster, got slaughtered.

And that was my first memory of FFII...