Dirge of Cerberus What enemy/boss ended up killing you the most?


Jun 6, 2006
The elevator part under Midgar where as you descend a bunch of mines fly around fast. I shoot one and they all blow up combing Vincent to death. Pretty much every boss killed me once. Virtually every boss was the same. They all had a speedy/teleport like move and they almost all had a homing projectile attack of some sort. Rosso gave me a lot of trouble and every time I tried to melee her she always kicked my ass.

Azul (second fight) just kept blowing me in the face with his big long cannon. I don't even think meleeing him was possible and his second monster form whooped my ass the first time 'cause I didn't realize only magic could kill him and you'd to use the mini-mako pool things.

Nero got me with those damn comets and before that battle where you're chaos and a bunch of laser shooting cannon enemies are around. I thought if I went through the level fast enough I could ignore them and with long enough distance they bug off. That didn't happen and more and more kept popping up and they all ept firing their beams at me and I couldn't dodge or move... dead chaos.
my first time through, Rosso was, to me impossible. i had to get my brother to beat her.( i was still getting used to the controls and genre). but at the moment, for me the hardest part is in Underground at reactor 0 where you go into the area where the enemies are all standing around a central pillar with the cannons guys or the shielded soliders. i just usually run as quickly as possible. another area that i find diffficult to do is just after the train yards towards Rosso, in the area kinda just after you can collect the first G file, and all the way till the last elevator before Rosso. for some reason it takes me heaps of times before i manage to survive that bit.
Hardest for me was the final Black Widow fight.
And that's only because his missles kept locking on to me and hurting me good in the process when I was avoiding the shooters while killing them, WHILE trying to ascend the stairs.
I started off the game with Hard mode, and that, was the hardest I found. XD

Rest wasn't that tough. :P
I died once with Rosso, but beat her the second time I fought after learning most of her tricks.
Rosso was the only one that killed me,then I owned her butt.How she stayed on that platform while falling was weird.
I had no trouble with any of them, but the one that did give me trouble was the last one, the first time, I think you have to lose to that though.
Azul (second fight) just kept blowing me in the face with his big long cannon. I don't even think meleeing him was possible and his second monster form whooped my ass the first time 'cause I didn't realize only magic could kill him and you'd to use the mini-mako pool things.

Limit Break works wonders in this battle you can defeat him in probably less than 30 seconds...Anyway, I never had real trouble with any boss in this game apart from Shelke but again Limit Break is the way to go in this battle.
The only boss that killed me was Arch Azul. At first I didn't know how to do any damage to him, and I didn't properly plan what I was doing. I just went all hung-ho on him and got my arse kicked :lol:
Rosso was hard for me, but Hojo in Weiss's body was also hard. They both kept killing me.
Azul on the elevator thing ywas the only one who killed me he was in his second form and i didnt know that only magic could kill him
I never thought of using magic against Arch-Azul >_< Instead, I had to time my melee attacks perfectly to beat him. Got him on the second go after about 20 minutes :)
Nero was the only one who killed me numorous times. Others once or rarely twice if at all.


Anyone think Rosso was kinda, well, rather horny. damn theres many things I'd do to that woman...if she were real....
To me, Azul was a tad difficult and took me two or three tries. Rosso was simple and easy to read, you just had to watch her or you'd get burned. Nero I was a little dissapointed in...he should have been better. Shelke frustrated me, but I beat her easily. And Weiss, well, he took me at least three or four tries. ^^
All of the bosses in this game were easy to read. I think that Azul when he turned into a behemoth was a little difficult because it was hard to evade or avoid his attacks. I almost died against him. Luckily i had a Phoenix down and a Limit Break
well,I didn't have any boss problems I got them all with no problem(I mostly died on stupid places becouse I didn't look at my damn helth bar)but I had a problem at that minigame beating a 100 solidiers
Freak'n SHelke kicked my ass like crazy. I hadn't leveled much and she was jsut way to dang quick for me to surround or beat down on enough. I'm be taking a crap load of HP off her and then she'd zoom behind me and arse-rape me like a MoFo...
yeah it was definitely crimson or scarlet whatever her name was i had soo many rude names for her after i was finished that i cant remember her name too well
You mean Rosso the Crimson right? :P alot of people had a problem with her, the best thing to do is just keep your distance and spam her a** with a Powered Cerberus