What FF game are you currently playing

Im STILL playing FFV, but Im seriously considering smashing the disk to bits, Im towards the end of the game and I really can't be fussed completing it >_>

Evil game of doom...
FFX at the moment :_:

I WASSS playing FFXII but after being stuck on flipping Tiamat and then my FFX arrived, I'm taking a break ;S I often find I can beat bosses easier once i take a break, dunno why. xD
I am currently revisting FFVIII, its been so long that I have forgotten many of the little bits in the game.

I also have a game of FFVI Advance where I am trying to conquer the Lunar Ruins.
FFVIII - Ellone has just been taken away by the other SEEDS, it's rather fun now I know how to abuse the system xD

FFIV DS. I'm in the Tower of Zot, and it's so much fun! It's really hard though :|
I'm currently playing XII and the last things I really have to do are defeating Omega Mark XII and Zodiark, then actually beat the game, but then again I have done that too many times before =/
Currently replaying FFVII.. Toward the end, raiding Midgar to stop Hojo overpowering the cannon...

Was, and probably should be, playing FF12... But I got fed up of it.
Also should be playing Crisis Core, but also got fed up with that!
Am eager to pick up Tactics again to complete that. Loved the story and fights in that...
Next in line I guess will be a replaying of FF6, or a completing of FF2, as I got stuck on that one..

And Agent Smith, its sad you are finding FF5 so annoying. It's a realy good game if you let it be / try not to let it get too hard for you.
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FFVII: DoC, I am working on the extra missions right now but they are becoming a pain in the ass to complete.

FFIV DS, I am in the final dungeon trying to collect all the powerful weapons and armors.
I can finally say good riddance to FFV

I have now just started FFIX
FFXII and RW. I'm doing all the hunts on FFXII and I'm stuck on RW. Mydia's anima is a bastard >.<
I was playing FFXII, but I switched over to FFX.

I just made it to Mt. Gagazet and defeated Biren and Yenke. Next boss is Seymour Flux I think >_>