What ideas would you like to see in future FF games?

*interesting but then thered be the problem of hacking the item on your account :) you know there are a lot of jokers out there who are good at hacking and theyd get their hands on the account and scerw em up or use them for their benefit :)

Isn't there that danger with anything that's online? I just think it would be quite a good idea, wouldn't have to be full blown like XI, just like, certain aspects. And you wouldn't have to use the facility if you didn't want to :monster:
Isn't there that danger with anything that's online? I just think it would be quite a good idea, wouldn't have to be full blown like XI, just like, certain aspects. And you wouldn't have to use the facility if you didn't want to :monster:

*true, true indeed so youd risk it eh :) so you want to miss the grand adventure of collecting rare items and just have em right from the start? :D its a good idea but i think its not fair to the game :)
I would like very much to see more outer space ventures. :D
I want airships back!
Better looking weapons.
Changable costumes (Oh come on you're not gonna travel around the world in one set of clothes are you?
Man that'd stink!)
World Map ftw!
Rene Skylar said:
Changable costumes (Oh come on you're not gonna travel around the world in one set of clothes are you?
Nice idea!
Being able to call for Air strikes from your airship would be nice! (Taking the idea from Invincible in Final Fantasy I, where the moment you enter a battle, Invincible will fire a blast that attacks all enemies before starting battle officially)
*true, true indeed so youd risk it eh :) so you want to miss the grand adventure of collecting rare items and just have em right from the start? :D its a good idea but i think its not fair to the game :)

Well not really because you don't start the game with a truck load of money and you can do trades aswel. If you don't have the money or the items you won't be able to get anything staright away will you?
Another idea that is in my mind is the option to buy an airship and customise it as you see fit; if you want to make Gil, you can turn the airship into one designed for commercial business by adding cabins, a bar, a theatre or even a small market; if you want to use it for battles, you can add cannons and guns to your airship; or if you want to go from point A to point B ASAP, then some jets, some Glossair rings or an extra engine could do the trick. You can also change the design of the airship as well.
First world maps and airships. I like exploring areas where i'm not suppose to be in the begining of the game.

I would like to fight monsters while riding a Chocobo. Chocobos would be used for biggger type bosses on the world maps. Just slice and dice running pass them.

And I'm not kidding either ;).

I would like to see the crystal music back in the menu screen. Seriously, that music just let you know that you were playing a Final Fantasy game.

And another game that has a female main character, but not the way X2 did it. :P

All FF titles have an unconceivable lack of Chuck Norris tributes.

I for one would like to have a character in my party who could roundhouse kick huge-ass dragons to oblivion :monster:
I totally love the idea of outer space adventure, Iris.

I would also like to see:
1. Another good villain, the last FF's villains have been rather lackluster.
2. A main character with red hair. Seriously, I just want the main lead to have a natural hair color other than black, blonde, or brown.
3. I would like an FF where you play the villain. Perhaps not as the main character, but you have points in the game where you get to play through the villain's eyes. And I mean villain, not villain-in-the-making like Sephiroth in Crisis Core. [Though I did like him more then.]
4. I want a game where if I wanted to, I could hear the Japanese voices with English subtitles. Advent Children, Crisis Core, and FFX had much better voice acting in the Japanese versions, than in the English ones.
5. I want limit breaks back, in FF8 style where you can only use them when you have low HP or a certain spell.
6. I want Square USA to translate the Japanese scripts more thoroughly. If you compare the translations of the Japanese script with the US versions, I feel that a lot is lost in the dialogue.
7. Treasure chests better stay still.
8. I want summons. Not randomly summoned ones, or ones that are of absolutely no use [like Espers in FFXII], but summons like in FFs before FFX.
9. I want to see more characters that defy the typical Final Fantasy archtypes. The cheerful one, the 'funny' one, the troubled and serious one, etc.

I think that about covers it for now.
I think they need to have a co-op mode final fantasy game, and as to the first post ff10 is not timed so u can't say that there is no timed battle based ff games .......
I would particularly like to see the idea of amplifying certain status effects, such as haste, regen, poison and protect in order to strengthen such status effects.
1. I too would like too see more character archetypes in the final fantasy universe.

2. Also I would like more Final fantasy's that take place in a more modern surrounding but not futuristic.

Interactive enviroments. I would like to fully explore enviroments. Jump around, climb,etc.

Create combos with the PS3 Sixaxis. Say you use an attack, (ex. Fire) depending on the way you move the control the effect of the attack will change. Move it left: creates a fire ring around you, move it down: creates a fire wall, etc.:wacky:

Yes new costumes or at least let the armor you wear be shown. They always have cool descriptions but you can never see them. >_<

More side quests.

I know I had more but can't remember. :P
I would also like to see:
1. Another good villain, the last FF's villains have been rather lackluster.
2. A main character with red hair. Seriously, I just want the main lead to have a natural hair color other than black, blonde, or brown.
3. I would like an FF where you play the villain. Perhaps not as the main character, but you have points in the game where you get to play through the villain's eyes. And I mean villain, not villain-in-the-making like Sephiroth in Crisis Core. [Though I did like him more then.]
4. I want a game where if I wanted to, I could hear the Japanese voices with English subtitles. Advent Children, Crisis Core, and FFX had much better voice acting in the Japanese versions, than in the English ones.
5. I want limit breaks back, in FF8 style where you can only use them when you have low HP or a certain spell.
6. I want Square USA to translate the Japanese scripts more thoroughly. If you compare the translations of the Japanese script with the US versions, I feel that a lot is lost in the dialogue.
7. Treasure chests better stay still.
8. I want summons. Not randomly summoned ones, or ones that are of absolutely no use [like Espers in FFXII], but summons like in FFs before FFX.
9. I want to see more characters that defy the typical Final Fantasy archtypes. The cheerful one, the 'funny' one, the troubled and serious one, etc.
and thats not all of it god

okk i would like all that but i would also like to be able to like edit the main character make what they look like but the story lie is all set in and if you chose one option the game gets edited but still finishes the way it's ment to and there better be some one else like :vincent: but not as cool and a stoy worth playing like on number seven where the people each have there own personlity

And I'm not kidding either ;).

I doubt they would do that, but heavily implied friends that are more than friends is more likely...

And goes without saying, but I want homosexuals if they're gonna be lesbians then :gasp:

Or at least a whole lot of fanservice then; get the story writers who worked on Kingdom Hearts II to work on this game :wacky:

I was thinking if maybe they're could be perhaps different battle styles implemented in the game. I really did like the KH battle system since you only had to really work with only Sora, but maybe it could be made in such a way that you can control other party members actions as well, or set up a predetermined battle style and let the AIs deal with it I suppose...

Truthfully, I don't like overly complicated battle systems, so I would like to see the turn-based system from FFX or older FF games again. I know some people didn't like the fact that there wasn't an option that you could change the "Wait" function, but it's the one I always use anyways.

If they're were gonna be mini-games, I hope that it would be similar to the FF Tactics battle system in some way then. I also enjoyed the Chocobo Forest from FFIX, so I'd like to see that again too if possible.

Pfft, I think someone said something like this already, but if the people of Square-Enix happened to stumble upon this thread, would they actually take things people are posting into consideration?
At fusionist's last thing... Probably. If under the nigh impossible cricomstances they saw this they, like any company, would think 'BUSINESS!'. And then they'd be all over it.

Back on topic, I'd like to see more options. As to say, more diversions. Many more mini-games, more commands, more weapons and more characters.
And on that note, more magics and technics, and many more kinds of monsters as well. Also upon completion of the main story of the game, a wide range of missions and 'battle puzzles' where you control a small party of characters from various FF instalments and you basically try to work out how to defeat various monsters using only a small selection of weapons, armour, accessories, magics, technics and items.