What ideas would you like to see in future FF games?

-I want Limit Breaks to get back because they don't waste MP.
-Each character has different abilities.
-Strong personalities again.
-Mini games
-More side quests.
Goddmamit. i had so much thinking about it:
1. World maps are always good for training.
2.Simple, but with attitude characters.
3.A georama system like dark cloud (gosh it would be quite a turn but it was awsome)
4.I noticed that in every ff, after somewhat 10 hours of playing, you're bored of the same battle system. Maybe afeature in the menu that could change anytime we want (maybe it too mcuh? XD)
5. How awsome would it be if you in one single game would play alternatedly with two different parties, following different stories, but in a certain part in the game, their stories would cross and they would gather forces and still have lotsa story after that?

For now its that
Basicly every thing Judge Gabranth said except Totally new Characters,Guest characters from other games,New weapon types,Create characters,choose different characters to play as. I might be asking for too much:D!
An FF game, where it turns out the 4 elemental crystals are actually the bad guys. I think it would be interesting to see what square would come up with using that idea.
Well not really because you don't start the game with a truck load of money and you can do trades aswel. If you don't have the money or the items you won't be able to get anything staright away will you?

*well you did say you want the items and weapons from old final fantasy files so when you start a new game in this new FF series youd be a king load of gears and items :)

*it wouldn't be as fun as starting from begginer class to immediately be like a mafia boss with countless arsenal of summons, materia, magic and etc of items :holyshit:
For once, I'd like to play as the bad guy or have the option of playing as the bad guy. Of course, I doubt that'll happen and I'm not sure how well it'd work out. xD It would be somewhat interesting - now - wouldn't it? Fight to save the world or fight to destroy it! But, like I said, I don't know how well that'd work out. ;)
A game where the lead villain is a moogle... A dark and sinister moogle, with a suit and cane.... Or with a cape, and fangs! Vampire moogle!

But seriously, a game where the lead villain is actually of a different species to human, and is a well known species in the franchise would be quite awesome. I beleive a twisted evil moogle will work realy well, as it is such a contrast to being realy cute and harmless (most of the race) to being an evil lord cutting a bloody path throughout the game. He could own a sort of mafia like organisation of thugs, or just be granted infinite power from some device or god, and the power twisted his mind and he decided to turn against the world.

I'm being serious by the way.... I honestly, think it will be quite awesome...
Lol. Argor251, How about an giant, evil super Chocobo that is the main villan, and it is actually posessed by the spirit of an evil Moogle. Lol.
Lol. Argor251, How about an giant, evil super Chocobo that is the main villan, and it is actually posessed by the spirit of an evil Moogle. Lol.

Hey I'm up for that! A giant chocobo roaming the streets of whatever main city they make in the game, destroying buildings, causing havoc and shooting plasma beams out of its mouth! Choczilla!

On a serious note, a giant chocobo would make a realy good boss battle if not a lead villain, in a game with an evil moogle as the lead villain.
Rofl. Yeah. xD I thought it was really funny when you suggested that it shoots plasma blasts from its mouth. Lol. I also found a pic of the "Chocobo Weapon." http://www.eternal-legend.com/img/chocoweap.jpg

That is... AWESOME! Seriously that should have been in the game as a secret sidequest!

I do think they should experiment with Chocobo's a bit, make some of them stand out above others. Same with Moogles, keep their species design, but like FF9 did, give them individual looks and personalities.. An evil moogle, and a few gigantic killer chocobo's is bound to be awesome in an FF game!
In a future FF game, I want a main character that isn't complete shit.

Yes, I'm looking at you Vaan.
I do think they should experiment with Chocobo's a bit, make some of them stand out above others.

This reminds me of an idea I had a while ago...It'd be cool if they had a Black Mage, White Mage, and/or Summoner character who rode a White Chocobo~!! Magic+Unlimited MP could add up to something pretty neat. And it's been a while since we last saw the White chocobos...it might even be a neat idea for a villain to ride...
I very much agree about Vaan. He was a total asshole. I'd also like to be able to stretch out spells to select specific targets, no AoE crap.
EX: Let's say you're in "Pithead Junction Z" in an area of the Henne mines. You press the switch and 10 Hecteyes (Ice Weak) and 10 'SuperFlans' (Ice Absorb, Lightning Weak) appear. In the new FF, it would be cool to just bring out 2 party members and have one cast Blizzarga ONLY on the Hecteyes and the other cast Thundaga ONLY on the "Super Flans" without separating them into 2 areas.
Decent spells should also come early. Pithead Junction B was hell early on because I didn't have Fira to defend myself against the 20 Jellies- just crappy Red Fangs that missed 90% of the time.
Espers should also be as powerful as they are when you're battling them- you beat, say, Ultima, with 1 person left alive, and you're thinking "wow this should be kick-ass to zodiark". Then, when you get to Zodiark, Ultima gets her ass beat in. None of that!

Mod Edit: Put more effort into your post.