What impact did FF7 have on you the first time you played?

I was slightly freaked out after playing it for first time, but that was probably because I was 7 and had an impressionable mind :P
I was blown away.

It was very different from the Mario or even RPG's I had been playing.

It had a cross-dressing main-character, a dying playable character and an enormous futuristic city in the first disc. So different from what I was used to.
It wasn't that big of a deal for me really, maybe if it had been my first Final Fantasy I would have appreciated it a lot more than I do. It was a good game, it had a fairly good story with good characters and all but it didn't leave me in awe or anything.

I can understand that, for me it was not only my first Final Fantasy game, but my first game in general, so this game really just blew me away
Well it was my first Final Fantasy so since then, ive been playing and buying Final fantasys and K.H.. I really liked the game but since it was so long ago when i first played it, i really dont remember what my exact thoughts where.
simply the whole game is amazing

but the real shocking moment is a
Aerith death

and i think ffvii is away better than any Final Fantasy game even the upcoming one
Of course, I agree, no matter what they do with any other story-line for any Final Fantasy, it will never beat the story-line behind Final Fantasy vii, the game is a legend and it always will be
I borrowed FF7 from a friend in his junk pile, i thought it might be a kick ass game. when i started playing i saw it was one of those battle system games i was gonna shut it off cause i hate em but i gave it a chance. it turned out i was on it for 8 hours straight later on and iv been cosplaying and playin it even since so yea its made a pretty big impact on me :3
I wasnt majorally affected by it. Yeah it can be a coolio game, but I wasnt going crazy over it. It didnt give me the same effect as 8 did. 8 still gives me goosebumps.
None, nothing made me cry like in 6, nothing excited me like in 8, nothing felt fun like 9 and nothing made me laugh like 5

Final Fantasy 7 feels pretty hollow to me
You either played it and didnt get very far or you sucked, or some other reason cuz FF7 had fun points like cross dressing cloud and that whole honey bee thing. Barrets and Dynes past, Aeris dying, Aeris's step mom telling her past story and Red XIII's past stoy where enough to bring any emotion to anyone. If final fantasy 8 brought you excitment and final fantasy 7 didnt, then :holyshit:
You either played it and didnt get very far or you sucked, or some other reason cuz FF7 had fun points like cross dressing cloud and that whole honey bee thing. Barrets and Dynes past, Aeris dying, Aeris's step mom telling her past story and Red XIII's past stoy where enough to bring any emotion to anyone. If final fantasy 8 brought you excitment and final fantasy 7 didnt, then :holyshit:
I beat it, extremely easily, without using the broken materia like KOTR

Cross dressing does amuse me, hell, I know a drag queen

Barret was Mr T, I have a slight inability to feel empathy towards Mr T

Aeris dieing.... Alright... That did get me.... Laughing.... She was still smiling her face off AFTER being stabbed XD

Aeris' adoptive mother's confessions didn't do anything for me cause I had no interest in Aeris at all.... Or Tifa, Cloud, Barret, so on, so forth

I liked Red, but his past wasn't all that interesting anyways

And the excitment in 8 includes the attack on Dollet, the clash of the Gardens, the missiles launching etc
And the music on 8 was one of the best in the series as such really added to the tension

7 is my least favourite Final Fantasy game, it bores me silly
7 was the first FF game and first RPG i played like this. The first time I played I was like wtf no voices, then asked my friend in school the next day who told me what was up. I quit the first time through then picked it up a couple years later and played it through. It pretty much changed what type of games I like to play. I like a good story with good character development and side quests etc.

To me its like a very good book or tv series where in a way you get attached to the characters and story. (a show like sopranos for example) I was kind of sad that it was over after i finally beat it.
The game really had no impact on my life. No game ever has. No movie ever has. This is, without a doubt, my all time favorite game. But the only thing that has ever changed the way I live my life are real life events. I did get attached to the game, I got sad during times, I got excited during others, but it never changed me as a peron.
tbh i frst played it on the PC when i was about 8, my cousin had brought it and i spent ages just sittin there watching him play it
when i got it for my birthday a couple of weeks later i didnt stop playin it

i no this is a bit stupid but ive never actually completed it, i just cant bring myself to, and i dont know why lol (what a seadact)
i will complete it one day but i dont know when
I played ff8 before this and was really gobsmacked by it, then I got ffVII and thought holly crap this great and played it even fell asleep to the music in the cosmo canyon observatory, the snow boarding, the g bike, the submarine. A great game, a great story, excellent characters and good old fashioned romp!yo
Sadly, I'd already known almost everything there was to know about the game itself by the time I actually started playing, as I was young and had watched my brother play all the way through already. So really, the only effect it had when I first actually played it was frustration--damn X and O having reversed roles. :S
Final Fantasy 7 had no impact on my life because I had played Final Fantasy games ever since it was on the SNES system, that is when Final Fantasy II introduced me to the series.
in the 11 years since it's release i've developed some misgivings with the game, but I will never, ever forget leaving Midgar for the first time.

the moment when i realized that there was this entire world out there just waiting to be explored, and then being greeted by that stirring main theme ...

that will probably never leave me.